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Members of Chi Omega Sorority Prepare Moby Dick Float for Michigras Parade, April 1954

Members of Chi Omega Sorority Prepare Moby Dick Float for Michigras Parade, April 1954 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 22, 1954
Prepare Michigras Parade Float: Four coeds of Chi Omega sorority put finishing touches on their float, "Moby Dick," which will be one of 33 floats in tomorrow's Michigras parade. The coeds (left to right), are Chris Reifel of Ann Arbor, Mary Towne of Waterville, Me., Yvonne Cousins of Orchard Lake and Amy Bethell of Ann Arbor. The parade theme this year is based on book titles. Chi Psi fraternity is cooperating with Chi Omega in making this float.

Charles Whitman House, 1891

Charles Whitman House, 1891 image