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Robert A. Mummery

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Services for Robert A. Mummery, 29, of 1304 Wells St., who died Saturday night, will be held at the Dolph Funeral Home at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Burial, with military ceremonies by members of the American Legion, will be in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Mr. Mummery was born Aug. 31, 1918, in Toledo, O., and came to Ann Arbor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis Mummery, about a year later. His mother, Mrs. Mildred Mummery, died in 1922.
Graduated from Ann Arbor High School 10 years ago, Mr. Mummery worked for the Ford Motor Co. until 1942, when he was released for Army service. He was in the Army 40 months - 15 of these being spent in combat areas of the European theater of operations. After his discharge he returned to the Ford Company.
Survivors, besides the young man's father, are a twin sister, Mrs. Rex Kimberly, of Mt. Clemens; another sister, Mrs. Gordon Warren of Roscommon; and his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Mummery, of Ann Arbor.