Cazzie Russell Receives Honors From Teammates, Coaches
Cazzie Russell Receives Honors
From Teammates, Coaches
To no one's surprise, Cazzie; in today as Russell was the only.last stand for the well-balanced ka of Brigham Young, Lou Hud
Russell was selected by hisjrepeater and top vote-getter onjtype of team in the next few son of Minnesota and Bon Lew
Michigan basketball teammates | the 1965-66 National Association years. ' is of North Carolina.
as the Wolverines' Most Valua-iof Basketball Coaches All- For next year, UCLA Coach
ble Player for the past season, iAmerica team. He was joined on Johnny Wooden will finally un-
More honors continued to roll I the first team by Dave ScheU- veil the sophomore who's ex-
hase of Purdue, Clyde Lee ofjpected to dominate college bas-^
Vanderbilt, Jim Walker of Prov-jketbaU the next three years—
idence and Dave Bing of Syra-jLewAlcindor.
cuse. j Most college basketball follow-
Once gain the Player-of-the- ers seemed convinced he'll lead
Year will not be on the NCAA the Brums t0 at least one
championship team. This fact is crown the next three ^'^ -lf
becoming a thread of a familiar!1101 t"• , „ . ,
.pattern ruwn? though t h e ,. Butthen wh0 would have be-
lhampionsi -nt. lleved that P13^1'8 llke w 1 H
•• Chamberlain, Oscar Robertson
The best coneoe uasketball ^d pazzie Russell would never
player of 1966 is Michigan s ^ ^ ^ ^AA title team.
Cazzie Russell - and his mag_ Alcindor will be bucking a loS
mficent three-year, starstudded ^ tradition '
career reached a bitter-sweet The second unit of the coaches
finale when he and his Wolver-j^^ ^earn consisted of Lou
me teammates lost to Kentucky r>ampier of Kentucky, W a H
84-77, m the Mideast regionals ^^y ^ Kansas, Bob Vergil
of Iowa City Saturday night. |^ p^e ^^ ^^s of St. Jo-
The defeat crushed Russell's seph's and John Austin of Bos-
fond dream of some day play-1 ton College.
ing on an NCAA title team. But| The third team was made up
Russell has one consolation injof Jack Marin of Duke.Henry
his hour of defeat. He's joined i Finkel of Dayton, Dick Nemel-
I, a rather exclusive club — one
E already including such illustri-
ous names as Bill Bradley, Jer-
1 ry West, Oscar Robertson and
i Wilt -'vlain. They never
playi, .: NCAA title team,
either, although both West and
| Chamberlain came within one
'. point of turning the trick.
In fact, the pattern of the
. NCAA tourney in recent years
i seems to favor the teams with
g a balanced, well-rounded attack
- instead of the clubs boasting
the one "superstar." ,
t The last team led by a Play-?
. er-of-the Year selection to go all
i the way was the 1956 San Fran-
g cisco team lcd by Bill Russell,
:, who seems to be an exception i
c to all the patterns.
n! Tb— weekend in the NCAA
he top-ranked Kentucky
y ivai. - ^e definition best of
(• the dnced unit in the
^ t'-i'filK,,! vi the Cincinnati and
;A champions of recent
I Although lacking a first-team
^ All-America selection Coach
e Adolph Rupp's team plays as a
e cohesive unit with a well-disci-
d plined" attack.
is Kentucky could well be
Vanderbilt Commodores
University of San Francisco Dons
University of Michigan – Students
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
University of Michigan - Athletics
UCLA Bruins
Syracuse Orange
Purdue Boilermakers
Providence Friars
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Tournament
National Association of Basketball Coaches All-America Team
Most Valuable Player
Michigan Wolverines
Kentucky Wildcats
Kansas Jayhawks
Cincinnati Bearcats
Awards Honors Prizes
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Wilt Chamberlain
Walt Wesley
Oscar Robertson
Matt Goukas
Lou Hudson
Lou Dampier
Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar)
John Wooden
John Marin
John Austin
Jim Walker
Jerry West
Henry Finkel
Dick Nemelka
Dave Schellhase
Dave Bing
Clyde Lee
Cazzie Russell
Bon Lewis
Bob Verga
Bill Russell
Bill Bradley
Adolph Rupp