Planners OK Gelman's Addition

Scio Township
Planners OK Gelman’s addition
The Scio Township Commission Tuesday night approved the final site plan for a 20,000-square-foot addition to the Gelman Instrument Co. on S. Wagner Road.
The building is to be constructed on a 29-acre site at 600 S. Wagner Rd.
The Commission also approved the preliminary site plan for a 3,000-square-foot building for the Washtenaw Engineering Co. on Liberty Road near Saginaw Forest. Action on the final site plan was tabled.
Preliminary site plans were also approved while the final site plans were tabled for John Towsley who wants to build a 6,000-square-foot building on Jackson Road, south and west of Jackson Road and for Leonard Lillard who wants to build a 5,000-square-foot warehouse at 7215 Jackson Rd.