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Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: compliment
Regarding: fines

Patron Comment: I love this library + love paying my fines

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: complaint
Regarding: programs & events

Patron Comment: Thinks we should have computer classes after "business hours", 5pm, particularly the "Seniors Time Online" class. Requests a class at 7pm.

AADL Reply: Thank you for taking the time to contact us with your comments about scheduling of computer classes and screen shutdowns. Your suggestion about scheduling classes after business hours has been forwarded to our trainer. We do have numerous classes in the evenings, but Senior's Time online has experienced low turnout when scheduled late, especially in the winter. However, we appreciate your comments and will take them into consideration as future schedules are made. In regards to internet stations going inactive too quickly, that is an issue we are working on. We have recently made a change that will prevent your windows from closing when a machine goes inactive, which should eliminate much of the related inconvenience. The time is so short because many patrons get up and leave the library without closing their sessions, and when users are waiting, we want that machine to be assigned to the next user as soon as possible, hence the short period of time before the machine decides it's been abandoned. Regardless, we are working on better ways to manage this issue, and find the right balance for shutdown time to provide maximum convenience to patrons who are waiting for a machine as well as patrons who are using a machine. Thank you again for your feedback, and thanks for using the Library!

Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: exhibits/displays

Patron Comment: I find it difficult to know how to find different sections of materials (e.g. adult nonfiction; adult fiction; young/early readers; childrens, etc.) - the signage could be improved. Also, a floor map at the front & other places would help.

AADL Reply: I apologize for our not getting back to you about you concern over signage at Malletts Creek Branch. We have placed signage on shelving indicating where collections begin and end and what type collections are located in specific areas. I hope that this signage has proved useful to you. We will not be printing maps of the collections for the branches because they are not large, complicated spaces and we feel we can use the funds needed for printed material more effectively elswhere. Please don't hesitate to ask the staff where things are located. We are very happy to go with you to the shelf to locate material at any time. Thank you for letting me know how we can serve you better at the Library.

Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: Reset the time on clocks so they display the same time!

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: complaint
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: 65 degrees in here, shorts weather outside. PLease open a window or turn on the heat. I am FREEZING. Winter it tends to be 75 degrees. I war winter clothes then. You have it backwards.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: While reading an important, front-page article in Consumer Reports, the date stamp was placed to obscure important info. The patron couldn't read the info!

AADL Reply: Your complaint about the placement of labels on a magazine has been referred to me. Staff members who process magazines have been instructed to take care in choosing the area of the magazine in which to place the date label. We recognize that it is annoying to have important text obscured by labels. Due to the nature of the cover designs, sometimes it is almost impossible to find a blank area. Consumer Reports is particularly problematic. However, it appears that a reminder to the staff may be in order. Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion.

Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: compliment
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: This place is absolutely divine. Its array of services never fails to amaze me.

AADL Reply: No contact info. provided

Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: Toilet seat covers in bathrooms please?

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: complaint
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: Current Issue of Utne Reader is Missing Again - THIRD TRY - PLEASE FIX!

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-09-17
Type: compliment
Regarding: compliment

Patron Comment: Middle L routine book clubs. PLEASE let Westgate people know they are great.

AADL Reply: Thank you for taking the time to fill out a customer service card at the Library. I appreciate your sentiments about the staff at Westgate and totally agree with you. I can tell you though from my years as a children's and reference librarian, that hearing directly from patrons about the job that we do is the best way to get good news. I have shared your message, but encourage you to let them know directly how you feel about the service you receive at the library. Your suggestion of adding middle elementary book clubs is one that we have struggled with for years. A well attended book club for this age group is something that every children's librarian in the system would love to see happen, but all our efforts in this area have been unsuccessful or moderately successful. Suggestions would be appreciated! Thank you again for letting us know what we are doing well and what you would like to see happen at the Library.