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Date Received: 2003-11-01
Type: complaint
Regarding: TV

Patron Comment: I was unhappy to see the Michigan-Michigan State football game being shown on a very large-screen television in the youth department at Main on Saturday Nov. 1. A television of any sort is completely unnecessary in the youth department; one of that size is inforgivable. We won't turn the football games on at home because we don't want out young children (ages 3 and 6) to see the commercials, which often contain suggestive or violent imagery. To come to the library with my children and have things I don't want them to see on glaring display right in the yourth department is disappointing and upsetting. I did tell the youth librarians that I thought the television was inappropriate, and they turned it off immediately, but I don't understand why it was on in the first place. Please use better discretion in the future regarding that television in the youth room. Better yet, remove it altogether.

AADL Reply: I am sorry that the television in the Youth Dept was on a network station when your family visited on Saturday. The television in Youth is supposed to only be on public television when children's programming is airing and then only when there are no programs for children in the Library. I realize that it is a large screen and could be a distraction, but when it is on the volume is kept quite low. Occasionally, during school breaks for weather and such, the staff in the Youth Department select a film to show, but again it is selected with young viewers in mind. All parents who visit the Library do not consider the presence of the television to be a negative and we work hard to strike a balance in our use of media. I am following up with staff about how this happened. I do assure you that it is contrary to practice and should not happen again. If you would like to discuss the matter further, please do not hesitate to call me at...

Date Received: 2003-10-31
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: TV

Patron Comment: While I appreciate the information capacity of television, I firmly believe that it should be placed out of sight of children at the check-out desk. A youth dept. check-out desk would be extremely well appreciated.

AADL Reply: Thank you for taking the time to write to voice your concern about the presence of the television at Circulation at the Downtown Library. The library works hard to strike a balance of service for all our patrons and the television has been well received by many. The placement of the screen was a deliberate attempt to have it be visible for those standing in line, but not obtrusive. The volume is kept at a very low level or off altogether when programming includes closed captioning. There is a television in the Youth Department, as well, and it is often tuned to children

Date Received: 2003-10-29
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: Please, more copies of the classics, especially Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of N.I.M.H., Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Madeline L'Engle, Newberry...

AADL Reply: Thank you for the card suggesting we provide more copies of classic children's titles. I have forwarded your suggestion to our children's material selector. All of the titles you listed are in the system in multiple titles, but it is a real help to us to know that the demand for specific titles may be greater than we judged. Again thank you for letting us know how we can serve you better.

Date Received: 2003-10-29
Type: complaint
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: The internet station reminders at the end of the night are very annoying! Maybe if you want people to be reminded make a pop-up on the side of the screen to remind people. They way you have it now, it rudely interrupts what one is working on.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2003-10-29
Type: complaint
Regarding: Technical Enhancement

Patron Comment: The internet station reminders at the end of the night are very annoying! Maybe if you want people to be reminded make a pop-up on the side of the screen to remind people. They way you have it now, it rudely interrupts what one is working on.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2003-10-28
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: Great place - friendly/helpful staff! (Maybe more computers?)

AADL Reply: Thank you for taking the time to write to compliment the staff at the Loving Branch. It is always great to hear from patrons that we are doing a good job. You also mentioned a need for more computers. You will be pleased to know that the Malletts Creek Branch opening on January 10 will replace the Loving Branch, which is now closed. Many more computers will be available in the new branch and I hope that we see you soon in the Library.

Date Received: 2003-10-28
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: 1. Please make all books under consideration for Ann Arbor Reads, even after selection is made, available for reference, instead of yanking them after a week or two. 2. Please make entire selection of books about the 1960's in the 60's exhibit available as reference until the end of the exhibitand provide a bibliography. You have selectively put them out, yanked particular ones after only a day or two, and yanked all the books before the end of the exhibit. The information in them is not classified, and there is a law against censorship. After all the function of the library is to provide published materials, not censor them. 3. Please provide Comment Cards of better quality writing paper. The paper in these Comment Cards is of low quality: too slippery to write well, making the writing difficult, and this discouraging Free Speech. The means to Free Speech is also the Function of the library.

AADL Reply: I have received your comment cards concerning our periodicals and display collections. I am sorry that you feel our standards of service as they relate to accessibility are lacking. The Ann Arbor District Library is committed to intellectual freedom and does understand its role in upholding free speech in the community. While we may not always meet the expectations of individual users, please be assured that our collection decisions are made with access and availability as priorities. Thank you for letting me know your concerns and I hope that you continue to use the Library.

Date Received: 2003-10-26
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: exhibits/displays

Patron Comment: Put a sea urchin in your fish tank. Put guppies and goldfish in your tank.

AADL Reply: No contact information provided.

Date Received: 2003-10-20
Type: complaint
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: Get your stupid machines working better

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2003-10-20
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: To: Library Office Employees you may like to know that not-hurried semi-retired patrons are supposed-ly starting THEIR own FILES on Linger-ing: messes and such they observe, here. As the HALF-CRUMBLED round CRACKER yet laying near 8 partioned seats on 2nd floor and close to phone books. A Friend.

AADL Reply: Anonymous