Regents' Meeting
The regents, Wednesday, elected D. J. N. Martin a full professor in the medical department and appointed Justice Brown, of the U. S. Supreme Court, lecturer on admiralty law and George B. Lothrop, of Detroit, lecturer on patent law. Dr. Abel was givcn $600 to fit up his laboratory in materia medica and therapeutics. No vacancies in the law department were filled. Dr. Carrow was granted $50 for the purchase of electrodes for use in the hospital. The petition of the city of Ann Arbor for two beds in the hospital was deferred until the next meeting. The following degrees were conferred: Miss Marietta Kies, Master of Philosophy; Joseph Michael Gries, Pharmaceutical Chemist. Dr. Breakey was continued as lecturer on Dermatology for the second semester. Prof. Dennison was granted $300 for the purchase of models and illustrations for use in his classes in drawing. A guarantee fund of $500 for the Commencement concert was granted. The Regents authorized the purchase of the geological maps, which belonged to the late Dr. Winchell, for the University. Dr. Nancrede was granted $82 for the purchase of instruments. Prof. Hinsdale was granted leave of abscence in order to go to Europe next year for study. The question of foreign fees was brought before the board by a motion to increase the tuition of "foreign" students by $10. The matter was deferred until the next meeting. Prof. Reighard, at the last meeting of the Regents before their memorial was sent to the legislature, sked them to incorpórate in their memorial a request for $2,000 to be xpended in the work of the state "ish Commission,underthe direction f some one of scientific training. 'heFish Commission suggested that part of the expense be borne by ie University and that the Univerïty receive the collections made, for ie museum. This request was not cted upon at the last meeting, but esterday an appropriation of $500 was made, $200 of which is for the hire of a student assistant to go into the field during the summer and to work at the collections during the following academie year. Prof. Reighard will undertake the direction of this work without compensation. The petition of the Athletic Association, made through the Advisory Board, of which Prof. de Pont is chairman, for an appropriation o: $5,500 to fit up the new'grounds, was deferred until next meeting, when more accurate plans and estimates can be obtained. The Regents are in favor of making an appropriation.