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tSillett'5 Y i f fQuicKest fTbe ONLY YEAST Bread M Preveots iAi 1 and Cures Pi3yspepsia MRS. C. H. JONES, FASHIABIE MESS-MAKER ! FourtliSt. Opposlte Co.irt House 3raping nd Cattiag i Bpa&ialtyl Mme. Kelloiig's French Tailor System usei. Perfeot work guaranteed. Instructions in cnttinirby tüe Kelio.' Preaoh Taylor System griTen. EBERBACH & S0tf, DBÜGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALERS IN Drugrs, 1 eclicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuñs, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. RIREWINilIJliUllRS Special atttmtion paid to tne of Phvsiciíins, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophicaJ aid Cheinicnl Aparatas, Bohemian Chemical Giassw.ire, Forcelain Ware, Puje Reaents, etc. Physicians' Preseriptions Careí'ully Preparad fct All houis. nnLLB%fc. PDCCliEi.01'" s K w ■ Ci af6 B1" nK2tfVVDd lineofüouseiiold 1'irFuMTfnl"i&ainPle! Thesc "nples, s wel] w the wfttch, are free. AU the work you oL,l do ia to show what we und you to Ihote who ciJl- j-our in.nds and ceifrhbors and those about you- that alwaya multa in raluable trade for us, which holdi for ycan when once atarted, and thus we are repaid. We p&y all expres, freight, etc. Afttr you knovv al), if you would like to po to work for uí. you can tam from SaO to SOO per week and upwardi.Addrei, BtlUBOB Si Co.. Box 012. Portland, Mmm-. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Agent lor the followiiiK t'irat ClaeB C om pan i ea, representing over twenty-eijht Milliou Dolía Asser, ist-nei? polici1" at the ïowï(?t ratet Etna of Hartford $9.192,fi4-l.0 P'ranklinof J'Wla 3,118,7]3,un üermania of N. Y 2.70n.72ft.fKi American of N.Y. 4,0t5,968.(X London Assurance. liOiifl'n 1.418,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit üS7.tí()8.0() X. Y. Underwriters,isf. Y. 2,596.679.00 N'ational, ilartford I ,774,öO"i.imi Pheuix.N.Y 3,759,086.00 Speoi;i! iitLeiuion g'vn 'o 'u iaüurauc ui iweilmys, schoolH. t'hurcüea an'i put!ic buildirnri oï t.hreö ftli-l dv1 vtsrH "IAAAA v '' ' u'! ' unrt'rtakf to brlefijr SI" III 11 lteuchii'iyfuirl.viiilellitpntpiTOiloreilhiT B I x, who in i.-.i.l nii.l mi ii.. n,i,i who, Krill c IQ B BfliHT inbiiiHtiun, wil) work induBiriously, V"' V Wliu' to earn Tlirpo Thousand Uollan a ïeariu theirown local ilies.wh. re ver thfy live.I ivillnlaofumieh :he situationorcni}kloympnt,Ht wliich youcftn enm thatamounl. No money for me unless siicct'Ssful hh above. Easily anti quickly learned. I desire but one workcr lroni each diatrict or county. I have already tiuipht and provided with niployment a lurt-e lumber, who nre makiii over ÏSÜOO a jpareach. ltsXK'W' ml 8ULIU. FullporticularsPKEE. Addres at onc, E. C, ALLEN, Box 42t, AiiSiin:., M :!■■. ï" 'èaif"- -.,..■'..■ r-, ,.'., : .-.t.n.i'ii :, % ■ . ::t I . ■ i'i : ' .,■,..-■■■. :,F ihm. 3 irX ,vl . . .r,.,.. t.i". i . ■■ ,:..;,..-:.:ina IV G.BUTTS, JUSTICEOF THE PEACE. Keal Estáte aud Collection Agent. Office : In Masonic Biock. M. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN Fresh, SaLt and Smoked Meats And game in seaeon. 22 E. "ÏTJïaOlsr STREET BBB Patfnts ortained tn TT. S. PWÍ''TÍt#W ílnl' n f.reign countrles JföÊ&iHjLL I tíWQinfttions made. Lii8hrMLStLtC3?k censes aud assigiimfiits M t#nffljl Irawn. Infringementa Smiï I i u5l prosecuted in idl Fe(le?ai tïj U I I T L3cour!:i. Advice And pamKA ijl lal Scieulilic HkHl' Blll'Bi rt Tftlidity opinión ■f! liU0n ijiven. Nomüiielsrequired. 29E9Q9tV%ar Eslablished A. IX 1866. C#Jvr Tiios. 8. Spkague & Son, 37 tlllllftií Ci'ngress Street 'Weet, WB0 Detruit. Mlcb. Great Closing Out Sale. Ilats trimmed according to Paris, New York and Cleveland styles. Hats in all simpes and sizes both large and small. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Veiling, (filt and 8ilver Lace. Everything in th.e line oi' Millinery will be sold at the very lowest prices from now on. Please cali and examine our line of goods before purchasingeleewiere Keepectfully, MRS. A. OTTO, 19 Fourth Ave