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Henry Kirchofer of Manchester J has been granted a pension. 1 O. A. Wait, of Manchester, broke ' a wrist while training a colt a few days ago. The marshal of Grass Lake ' lects village taxes and gets three per , cent. for doingit. '( Sheep belonging to Watson Barr ] and M. Breining of Augusta have been killed by dogs. The Manchester Enterprise is preparing for its quarter centennial i number in September. Miss Grace M. Smith, of Saline, ' has been appointed preceptress of the Manchester school. Apple blossoms have appeared on Wyllis Mohr's tree in Grass Lake, on which is full grown fruit. Dr. Smith, of Whitmore Lake, is still hunting for his two horses which strayed away a month ago. The Germán Lutheran Sunday schools of Chelsea and Francisco held a picnic at Cavanaugh Lake, Wednesday. A class of twenty-six girls and boys have just received their first communion at St. Mary's church in Manchester. Henry Frey, of Chelsea, wasfined S20 and costs, last week, by Justice Schnaitman, for keeping his saloon open on Sunday. The barn of Meivin Raymond, in Jackson county, nearSharon, biirned last Thursday evening, together with 1,000 bushels of wheat and 50 tons of hay. The Manchester marshal has just collected $756. 96 village taxes. Every cent of the tax on property was collected and all but $9 of the poll tax. Brighton is to have a new $130 fire bell. It is the home of more handsome belles than any other town of like sizein the state. - Howell Herald. Guess the Herald man never visited Plymouth. - Plymouth Mail. He certainly never visited Saline or Dexter. We have heard teil about the cattle in hilly countries having long legs 011 one side and short ones on the other, to allow them to graze on the hill-sides, but we never saw a wagon with the big wheels on one side and the small ones on the other until last week. And the queer part of it is that the owner did not know about the peculiarity until told about it, though he had been teaming about town for several days. - Manchester Enterprise. Last Saturday a boy, whose name we will print if he continúes his depravity, wantonly shot Thomas Rogers three times with an air gun. One shot struck him about an inch from the right eye and tore off the skin, the others hit him on the leg creating severe but not dangerous wounds. The shot in the face had it struck the eye would have destroyed it forever. A boy capable of such atrocity should be sent to the reform school till he reaches his majority or for a longer term. - Chelsea Standard. A gray mare was taken from the stable of J. R. Holmes, of Ypsilanti town, Tuesday night, and a buggy and harness from Wm. H. Lowden, in Augusta. The animal had a star in the forehead, a small gall sore on right shoulder, and a small bunch on left gambrel joint, is six years old and weighs about 1,400 pounds;'and the buggy was a square box top buggy lined with blue cloth, green cushion, and a black patch on curtain below the seat. The Farmers' Vigilance Association offer $100 for the recovery of the property and $100 for the thief. - Ypsilantian. A farmer residing near Manchester, with whom our people are well acquainted, drove his binder into the wheat field but it refused to perform duty. Twist it, run it, handle it as he would, the machine wouldn't bind the grain, and that was all there was of it. He soon hitched up, sought the agent from whom he bought the thing, and told him he . would have to put it in proper trim or a coolness betweeh them would be unavoidable. The agent quickly repairedito the spot, saw what was the matter, placed a ball of twine in the box and told the astonished farmer to go ahead with his harvesting. He did so and had no further trouble. - Grass Lake News. The Grass Lake boys who were encamping at Wolf lake lost their tent by fire last Wednesday morning just before sunrise. The devouring element raided the canvass in vicious shape and as it leaped from thread to thread, hope, which, the poet says, springs eternal in the human breast, lay down in this case and blubbered right out. As luck would have it, the inmates were all on the flrst floor or an appalling loss of life would be recordhd just about here. One of the boys saved his necktie which he accidentally forgot to take off tne night before, and some othei things were got out in a damagec condition. The conflagation createc quite a commotion amongthe camp ers. - Grass Lake News. Station Agent Palmer, of Brooklyn, a son of D. W. Palmer, of Brooklyn, was robbed of #25 by a burglar who entered his residence one night recently. A unión Sunday school picnic was held at Cavanaugh Lake, July 30, under the auspices of the German M. E. Sunday school of Sylvan, at which over 600 peopie were present, together with the Francisco band. They are having a regular "picnic" with rattlesnakes out about Brighton now-a-days. It is a poor day when they don't kill eight or ten. A party while haying killed eight one day and fifteen the next. The Misses Grandy killed five one day. Henry Whipple and Jack Holloway while near there along the Huron last week killed one. - Plymouth Mail. Clinton has had its little sewerage trouble, as witnessthe following from the Tecumseh News: "Heretofore the refuse matter at the woolen mili has been disposed of by a sewer which discharged its contents into the mili race, just west of the mili. AVhen the flour mili was not running, this sewefage would collect in the race and has ahvays been the source of a considerable trouble and annoyance. It has been decided to do away with the nuisance by running the sewer across the race onto the river bottom, where E. R. Smith agrees to take care of the refuse. In order to put in this sewer the factory shut down Tuesday, the water was drawn out and the sewer laid across the sottom of the race. Another gasoline stove has got in ts perfect work. At about 5:30 Thursday afternoon the home of VIrArthur Lamb at the corner of Ann and St. John streets, near the Lake Shore round house, was jurned to the ground. Mrs. Lamb ïad lighted the stove to get supper with, and when it was burning all right as she supposed, she stepped out to get a pail of water, and on returning found the whole kitchen n flames. Whether the stove had exploded, or too much gasoline had jeen turned on or just what, will never be known, but certain it is that the little house with every particle of its contents was burned. Sïot one thing was saved. Insured :or $300, which was less than the valuè of the house. Mr. Lamb is a aboring man with a large family of young children, and the loss falls very heavily upon him. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Shortly after dinner, Wednesday, August 5, fire broke forth from J.B. VanAtta's barn, three miles south of this place, in Salem, and with its contents burned to the ground. Philip Digby occupied the barn with hay and nearly all his farming utinsils, besides two horses in the stable, several hens and a pen of seven hogs close to the building, burned to death. The halter straps were burned in two and the horses got out after their manes and tails were burned off and the flesh badly scorched about the bodies. After getting safely away from the flames one of the horses returned to enter the stable and as it reached the door feil dead amid the heat and ruins. Mr. VanAtta had his barn insured, but Mr. Digby had no insurance on his property, the loss of which ders him destitute of all necessities for farm work. Mr. Digby's losswill be nearly$5oo. It is quite probable his well-to-do neighbors will help bear a portion of his loss by the aid of subscriptions, as the bereft was a good citizen and a hard worker. The origin of the fire has not been accounted for. Mrs. Digby was away at the time and in consequencesaved a horse and buggy from the flames. - South Lyon Excelsior. Young Tom Royal and a Hall 3Oy came very close to being little angels, indeed, the other day. They, with Tom's brother, Bob, were having heaps of fun playing in one of the mammoth wheat bins In D. W. Hitchcock & Sons' elevator. It's a splendid place to play in - sometimes. But it happened on that day that the firm took a notion to fill a car out of that particular bin, not knowing that the youngsters were a part of the contents; in fact youngsters of all kinds are prohibited from ascending to the bins at this elevator, but on this memorable occasion they slipped up on the sly. During the process oJ rilling the car there was a rush ol feet down the elevator stairs anc Bob rushed into view, hat off and hair on end, shouting that a boy was fast in the wheat! Joe Gump, taking in the situation at once, hastily closed the spout and flew to the rescue. On arriving at the bin he discovered a head sticking out o the wheat and he jumped in and with difficulty got the lad out; as he climbed out of the bin he caught sight of a hank sticking up out of the wheat; in he went again but the harder he pulled the deeper he sunk himself without helping the boy. He then called Milton anc their united efforts soon succeedec in extricating the nearly smothered lad. The boys don't play there any more. - Milan Leader.