State News

The luniber output of the j wassee boom company for this seasonwill reach 275,000,000 feet. The fiftieth annual conference of the Methodist Protestant Church convened at Saginaw on Tuesday, there being about two hundred delegates and pastors in attendance. The Detroit Exposition opened Tuesday. It was Children's Day, and was an auspicious opening. The fair will continue, until September 3. There will be balloon 1 sions every day by Prof. Bartholomew. The dead body of a negro was found beside the railroad track near Monroe, on Monday morning. He was very emaciated, and evidently a victim of consumption. There was nothing on his person by which he could be identified. The Morton & Backus lumber company, of Detroit, are reported t0 be financially embarrassed, aud have filed chattel mortgages to the amount of #81,040.17. The embarrassment of the company, it is believed, will be only temporary. Hon. I. M. Weston, president of the commission to manage the Michigan exhibit at the Columbian Exposition, is enthusiastic over the prospects of the great fair, and thinks Michigan will astonish the assembled world on that occasion. The steady rain that has fallen â– throughout Central Michigan the past few days has been of great benefit to the growing crops, which bid fair to recover from a long-continued drought. The rain seems to have been general throughout the state. Twenty-eight of Eaton Rapids' young ladies and gentlemen have certificates to teach school in this county, besides several who are qualified to teach in other counties. In proportion to size, we think our city can claim the championship0 in this respect, of the state.- Eaton Rapids Herald. The decorations and arches used in the streets of Detroit during the G. A. R. encampment are to be allowed to remain in place until the close of the International Fair and Exposition, August 27 to September 3. Many will thus have an opportunity to see them who did not attend the encampment. There are two collections of relies made by the late lamented Sitting Buil. One is at the Smithsonian Institution, and the other has been secured by the Cyclorama, of Detroit, to which it was loaned by Mrs. Capt. Quinby, of Niles, who was personally acquainted with the ponderous chief, who was very fond of her. The pyrotechnic display at Detroit during the recent national G. A. R. encampment seems to have been far from satisfying the expectation of the public who witnessed it, or the committee of arrangements; and now the latter are endeavoring to get out of paying a part of the whole contract price ($6,000) on account of the conspicuous failure of the display, and a suit at law is likely to result. The Gladstone Delta says there is a woman in the Manistique jail who has two sons in jail with her, three daughters in disreputable houses and a daughter-in-law in prison, and expresses sympathy for the husband, whose name is Sprague. To this the Cheboygan News responds that the Delta need not shed tears, as the old man is as tough as the rest, and the onlv wonder is that he is not in jail also. Caroline Krapps, the wife of a one-eyed peddler living in Bridgeport township, near Saginaw, cut her throat with a clasp-knife, Tuesday, the result of a quarrel with her husband. She may recover. While she was doing this her husband went off expressing his intention of procuring poison and thus taking his own life; but the' denouement of this part of the tragedy is not given in the dispatch. Charles Day, of Grand Rapids, insists that he is under the influence of the will of some unknown man, and at times he is completely lost to himself, becoming flighty and acting under an uncontrolable impulse. He says that at times he is unable to move hand or foot, and has often remained in bed all day because the strange person wouldn't let him get up. Physicians believe him crazy, and he may be sent to an asylum. Charles J. Bishop, of Muskegon, took out a license to marry Lydia J. Howard. It will be noticed they are both jays, and it caused a commotion right away. Lydia said she never promised to marry Bishop and intimated, very strongly, that Bishop was drunk when he took out the license. Bishop countered by saying that he would never have thought of marrying her if she had not asked him. There is some hitch somewhere and the town is agog over it. When the Japanese hitch a horse in the street they accomplish it by tying his forelegs together.