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TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Stea.mers. Low Rates. Four Trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND PotOBkey, Sault Ste. Marie, and Lake Huron Way Ports, ÜTry Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday TrfpB durinif June, July, August and Scpt. Doublé Daily Line Between CHICAGO ANO ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUH ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Rate and Eroursion'TIckera will be furnished by your TiokeJ Aerenr, or aridress E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich. , Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Cof ARMQ IN CENTRAL rAnlYlO MICHIGAN are positlvely flrst rate n proven by both S'ate and United States agricul umi p report?. In yield and value of crops per acre, th-y eicell Southern Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. We offer for sale at nw pricea and on eaey terms 20,000 acres of good unimprovedfarming landt in Isabella County, the center county of the lower peninsular of Michigan. Write for descriptive pamphlt-t and sample price Hst. Wells, StoneA Co. t Saginaw.Michi 1 Having bought the wood yard and feed bus■ iness of George H Hazelwood, we 1 propose to keep WOOD OF ALL KINDS ) Kindling Wood. Balea Hay and Straw, Flour and Feed of the. best quality, Charcoal, etc. Goods delivered to any part of the city. CASH PAID FOR CORN and OATS The flrm wiil continue the truck business of C.H. Jones as bef ore. Urder6 by telephone ' promptly attended to. 1 Clark & Jones, 33 East Huron St. Telephone 14. One door west of Firemen's Hall. H. C. Clark. C H. Jones. MRS. C. H. JONES, , FASHIOMH 1B-MAK1! Fourth St. Opposite Court House . kaping and Cutting a Specialtj! : ' Mme. Kellogg's French Tailor System used. Perfect work guaranteed. Instructions in " cxittingby the Keilog French Taylor System given. i f C W, VOGEL, Ann Street. CHOICEST CUTS OF 8TEAK3. Aiypnd8 of MEATS AfíD SAUSAGES. ■ Fresh lard always in stock. Poultry in season. Ask my asenta lor W. L. Dónelas Shoc. f not lor sale in your place ask your ii-alcr to senil for catalogue, secure the agency, ana set tliem for you. "TAKE NO SUBSTITfTE. -ga WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE. CENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEYÍ It Is a seamless shoe, with uo tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, and bccause tce make more shoes of this grade than any other man-ufacturer, it equals handsewed shoes costipg from 84.00 to 5.00. KR 00 Gvuuine Hand-scneil, theflnestcalC tJ. shoe ever offered ior 85.00; equals French import ed shoes which cost from SS.lKI to S12.00. CiA 00 Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe, flne calf, !■ styHsh, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at thls price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costlug from $6.00 to 89.00. CO 50 Pólice Slioe Farmers, Railroad Men ■ and Letter Carriers all wearthem; flnecalf, seamless, smooth inskle, heavy three soles, extensión edge. One pair wlll wear ayear. CO 50 flne calfi no better shoe ever offered at ""■ thls price; ono trial vvill convlnce those who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO '5 and 82.00 Workinsinaii's shoes ■ are very strong and durable. Those who have glven them a trial will wear no other make. Dnuel '.00 and 81.75 school shoes are J worn by the boys every where; they sell on their merits, as the iuoreasiug sales show. I Hioc 83.00 Hand-Kewed shoe, best " '9 Dongola, vcrystyllsh; equals French Imported shoes costlng from Sl.OO to 8ü.'X). tadies' Ü.5O, S2.00 aml 1.75 shoe for MIsscs are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution. - See that W. L. Douglas' name and prlcO are atamped on thebottom of each shoe W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. WM. REINHARDT SclCO -A-GrZEDSTT. 0 DEALEK8 IN Jams and ügmggj Hair Clippers, Brown & Sharp . , r0 Horse " " " . Cream Shaving Soap - . 10 Horse Tails Stvops, genuine - 35 and8c Turkish Cosmetic - . A Water Hones - - . - 50 to lioo (jerman Vellow Hones - - 50 to 2.C0 Razors (Hammer Brand) - 1,25 and 1.50 Mug with Cream Soap - 2c MANN BROS., 39 S. Main Street, - Arm Arbor, Mich. rHeÍNgolp BOCK BEI AT iBsiim 5 W. HURÓN ST. öïëiSilStaS, (Suceessors to Mayer & Co..) GROCBB1BS CROOKERY and GLASSWARE, OIGARS and TOBACCO. Cheapest Place in Towa ! Goods delivered free to any part of the City. FRESH BUTTER AND EGGS A SPECIALTY. OVerWck & Sfcaebler. M November 30, 1890. ; Lwsine and Northern RailroadA.M. P.M. P.M, r.M. Leave HowelFJunc... 10:25 4:41 8:20 Arr. South Ly on.... 10:5ü 5:1" 8:51 Plymouth 11:10 5:42 9; 14 "' Detroit-.-. ... 11:56 6:80 10:05-- Leave Howell June..8:50 12:57 6:33 8:04 Arr. Lansing-. . 10:00 2:28 7:40 9:30 Grand Ledge .. 10:30 2:55 8:12 9:w Lake Odessa ... 11:10 8:50 Grand Kapids.. 12:10 9:50--.Ionia 11:25 3:50 9:15 P.M Greenville 12 22 4:57 10:12 " Howard City... 1:00 5:35 10:55 - Fast train lea ves Detroit l:ló p m, Howell 2 :3T p m, arrive at Lansing 3:24 p m. Grana Rapias 5:05 p m. Leave Grand Rapids 6:Z5 P m, arrive at Lansing 8:18 p m, Howell 9:08 p m, Detroit 10:35 p m. . Parlor Cars on all trains between Detroit and Grand Eapids. Seats, 25c tor any distance, III January 4, 1891. liUCSigO and WestJfchiJailffaj. A.M. P.M. P.M, P. M. Leave Grand Rapids. - 9:00 1;00 5:06 8:4U Arr. Holland 9:55 1:40 6:00 " Grand Haven.. 10:37 3:44 6:40 10 Jï " Muakegon 11:05 4 : gOJjjlOJgA" A.M. P.M. Leave Grand Rapids 7:25 5:05 Arr. Newaygo 8:52 b: White Cloud 9:lü 6:65 " Big Rapids 10:1 8:0 Baldwin '0:20 8.15 " LUFdTniVÍ!l .... S& 10:20 " ... J3:2O 10:00 Traverse City 12:a5JJ0j: 'Daily . Other trains week days only. Free Chair cars hetween Grand Kapirtsauu Manistee . Leave Grand Rapids 0.O0 ?■ , The "Favorites" between Detroit, G iann Rapids and all points in Western and Nortneru Michigan. geo.DeHAVEN, General Passenger Agent. TONY SCHIAPPACASSt, NO. 5. N. MAIN STEET. TKUITS, NUTS and OONPEOTIONER? TOBACCOSAND CIGARS, Oysters and all kind9 of fruit