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TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates Fout Trips por Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoslcey . Sault Sta. Marie, and Lake Huron Way Ports. ÏTtry Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Soodfty Trips during June, July, Aupit and Sept, Doublé Daily Line Between CHICAGO AND ST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUB ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS BatM and Excursión Tickets wiU be f urnwhod by your Ticket Aeent, or addretB E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich., Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co L ARMQ IN CENTRAL are positively first rate as proven by l-nth Stata and United States agricul ural preports. In yleld anti value of crops per acre, they exccll St utliern AHcbigRD, IiuMana and Illinois We oflr for nale at low prices and on easy terms 20000 acres of jood unimprovd farmhig lands in IsaheilaCounty. tb'í center county of the lower peninsular of Michigan. Write for descriptive pampiilt't and sample prïoe Hst. Wells, StoneA, Co.. Snprinaw, WichHaring bought the wood yard and feed business of GeorgeH. Hnzeiwood, i propose to keep WOOD OF ALL KINDS Kindling Wood. Balea Hay and Straw, Flour and Feed of the best quallty, Charcoal, etc. Goods delirered to any part of the eity. ' CASH PAID FOR CORN and OATS The flrm wlll continue the truck business of O. H. Jones as beíore. urdtrs by telephone piomptly attended to. lA. C. Ciark, 33 East Huron St. Telephone 14. One door west of Firemen's Hall. MRS. C. H. JONES, FASHIOHBIE 1ESHIMER! Fourth St. Opposite Court House iraping and Cutting a Spscialty! { Mme. Keilog-g's French Tailor System used Perfect work guarsnteed. Instructions in cutting-by the French Taylor System given. I Am Street. I CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. : All kinds of ME.VTS AND SAUSAGES. Fresh lard always in stook. Poultry in season. j Í-TAKE NOSUBSTITIJTE. t ... WHY ls THE W L.R DOUCLAS THE BEST jSHOE IN THE wSTrhKy' to í.!?r? ?SaI?less sh0J. "Il no taefes or wax thrcad Síür sus %5.E S S2 3". flno calf; no better shoe ever offeretl nt W. L. DOUGLAS? Brockton, iloss. WM. REINHARDT & CO AGE1STT.