Local Brevities
Fred Nellis is the newest clerk at Mack & Schmid's. Robert Martin, of Superior, has two fine milch cows for sale. _ Drunks have been numerous on the streets during the past week. The October term of the Circuit Court commences next Monday. A young child of Julius Minz, of W. Seventh street, was buried Saturday. The board of supervisors will commence their annual session Oct. 12th. The University grounds are being connected with the city water works. W. F. Bird, of Ann Arbor, exhibited grapes and pears at the Lenawee county fair last week. Rev. Martin L. D'Ooge filled the pulpit of the Jackson Congregational church, Sunday. M. C. Peterson is laying a fine, composition walk in front of his two houses on S. Fourth ave. The trustees of Zion church will be elected at the annual church meeting, next Monday evening. There are thirteen prisoners in the county jail, bound aver to the circuit court and awaiting trial. During the week ending Sept, 26th County Treasurer Brehm paid out 142.84 on sparrow orders. The Catholic ladies are arranginb' for a fair to be held in the rink during the latter part of this month. The Cornwell-Swift mill dam case is twelfth on the docket for the October term of the Supreme Court. The examination of Wm. J. Clark before Justice Pond was adjoarned from Tuesday until to-morrow. Mr. Turnipseed, a law student from Adams county, Ohio, has moved into the Meuth house on Detroit street. Mrs. A. Otto will open her new stock of fall styles in millinery October 14th, cornea of 4th ave. and Washington st. A reception to the new pastor of the M. E. church, Rev. C. M. Cobern, was held in the church parlors, Thursday evening. The U. of M. Daily made its first appearance for the year yesterday,well filled with advertisements and plenty of news. .__ K. B. Guiñón, a farn. laborer, spent Monday night in jail for being drunk. Tuesday morning he paid Justice Butts $7.15 for his fun. A pleasant surprise party helped Miss Anna Miles, of 18 Summit street, celebrate her eighteenth birthday, last Tuesday evening. Rev. J. y. McGregor, for the past four years pastor of the Milan Presbyterian church, will remove with his family to this city. Julius V. Seyler, formerly of this city, now of Detroit, gave a piano recital at the Ypsilanti Conservatory of Music, Wednesday. The manager of the U. of M. Rugby team has already arranged a game with the Cornell eleven, to be played at Detroit, Nov. 21st. The street cars, hacks and baggage wagons have been doing a rushing business this week. The return of the students was the cause. There are sixty inmates in the county house, the smallest number in a long time at the end of the superintendent of the poor's year. There is not an inmate of the county house in the county hospital, and none needing the doctor's care except one or two confinned opium eaters. The Adrián Press speaking of President Braun of the fair association breaking his arm remarks: "It is a pity to see so much brawn going to waste. Such is fame. The Ann Arbor Register last week got out a mammoth edition and the Detroit Journal says: "Editor Morgan deserves much credit for it." P. L. Bodmer, of Three Rivers, has purchased the lumber yard of W. J. Just, in this city. Mr. Bodmer creates a favorable impression and is welcomed to the city. The very intelligent dog belonging to editor E. K. Frueauff, of the Times, gave up the ghost Saturday, from heart disease. If any dog ever deserved an obituary Fido did. The teachers and officers of the M.E. Sunday school held a social meeting at the residence of Mrs. Prof. Carhart, Monday evening. Papers were read by Prof. Hicks and others. Rev. Edward Ryan, the new presiding eider of the M. E. church of this district, will make his home in this .city. He has just finished a üve years pastorate of the Bay City church. Manager Sawyer has secured Mdme. M.otíjeska for the opera house February lst. She is supported this year by the strongest combination she ever traveled with. Mr. Sawyer says he had great difficulty in securing her and ünaily had to give her all the money there was in the house except so much as would pay expenses. Lyman E. Cooley, the sanitary engineer of Chicago and a brother of Prof. M. E. Cooley, of this city, has been nominated by the democrats of Chicago as a trustee of the sanitary district. John Webber has resigned his position as fireman and will work at his trade. He says he would as soon be in prison as to be compelled to stay about the engine house as the firemen have to. ; The officers made a descent on a gang of drunken tramps Tuesday night. They captured six of them, - Justice Butts sentencing them to jail for terms ranging from one to thirty , days. i Leo Kopf. who was assaulted by Jack Butler on the 20th uit., grew , much worse on Friday and Saturday, . having a high fever and several bad , bleeding spells, Since Saturday he . has been improving and his physicians ( now anticípate his speedy recovery. ( John O'Donnell, of Ypsilanti, was ] found drunk on the street, Sunday af] ternoon, and Marshal Murray put him in jail for safe keeping. He was let out Monday morning on payment of ' the jail f ees. ( The fire alarm, Tuesday evening, was caused by a gasoline stove overflowing and catching fire in Brown's . saloon. lío damage, the fire being extinguished before the arrival of the ' fire department. 1 The Detroit Tribune made a peculiar blunder Friday in announcing that Prof. C. K. McGee had died at one of j the hotels in that city. The item ] should have said that he dined at one j of the hotels there. Supt. Fall, of the electric road, wrenched his back severely while try] ing to stop a car, Thursday evening, i and was confined to his bed for a j couple of days as the result. He is now able to be around again. Something appears to be materially ' wrong with the telephone system j a-days. If you "ring up" you are ] almost sure to find a wire crossed or ' some other trouble. Much complaint ' is heard among the subscribers. The Ann Arbor Brick and Tile Co. is ' burning several kilns of brick this week, made from clay brought from Leiand. They have little doubt of i cuccess this time and soon we may expect to see the plant in successful operation. William Ball, of Hamburg, and W. E. Boyden, of Webster, hold a joint sale of merino sheep at the residence of Mr. Ball on October 15, at which 106 ewes and 30 rams will be sold. The Ann Arbor road will stop near Mr. Bali's farm to let off passengers who desire to attend the sale. Ed Barnett was drunk Saturday night and was put in jail. Monday morning he was fined $10.15 by Justice Butts, the fine being paid by the saloon keeper of whom he got the liquor- Barnett's wife threatening prosecution for selling him liquor unless the saloon keeper would pay his fine. The Ann Arbor Art Club will meet in the Tappan School Building on Saturday, Obt. 3d, at 3 p. m. for reorganization and the election of officers. Old members who wish to continue their connection with the club must report at that time or expect to find their places filled by new applicants. In JuBtice Pond's court last Thursday, a jury decided that Mrs. Mary Archer was guilty of the charge of assault and battery upon Mrs. Elizabeth Hempel, the result of a neighborhood quarrel. The jury recommended her to the mercy of the justice, who imposed simply the costs, amounting to $12.13. The case of David Henning vs. the M. C. E. R. was finished in the U. S. District Court at Detroit, Friday, the jury awarding Mr. Henning $1,000 damages. This is nearly a victory for the railroad as it is understood that the company offered Mr. Henning $3,000 in settlement during the progress of the snit. Deputy sheriff Peterson took Robert L. Popkins to the insane asylum at Pontiac again Friday. Popkins was placed there once before and grew much better, and was sent home, but recently he has been growing bad again, and considering him dangerous it was necessary to again place him under restraint. John Dawson, formerly a resident of Webster township, died at Owosso, Sept. 27th, of heart disease. He was about 75 years of age. His remains were brought to this city Tuesday, and then taken to Hudson cemetery for interment. Deceased was a member of Corunna Comrnandery, K. T., and his remains were accompanied by a detail of his fraters. The Aim Arbor Register got out a mammoth issue last week. It contained forty pages, finely illustrated with Ann Arbor buildings and prominent citizens, and well filled with the advertisements of our best business men. The issue was a highly creditable one to both the Register and the city and a great deal of work was involved in its preparation. The Sewing Circle of the Congregational church will meet in connection with the monthly social on Thursday, Oct. 8th, at 3 p. m. Orders for work ean be left, as last year. either with Mrs. Dean on E. Liberty street, or with Mrs. Spence, on Jefferson street. A. cordiaj invitation is extended to all. Supper will be served at 6:30. George Wahr has had excellent luck recently in smashing delivery wagons. The fore part of last week a runaway team broke one for him, and Saturday ifternoon his horse got loose, ran through Main street and smashed his wagon into kindling wood at the corner 3f Williams street. Two smashups in sne week make i: a little expensive. One of the worst nuisances on the streets of Ann Arbor is tke sprinkling iVKgon and the carelessness with which it is handled. Every day pedestrians ire wet while crossing the streets, and the driver pays óo more attention to jarriages than to stones. The Argus las heard more than a dozen comcilaints during the past week. Robert Tidsdell was to have had a ;rial, Monday, before Justice Butts, )n a second charge of drunkenness, Dut his case was adjourned for two weeks at his request. He feels sure of xmviction and stated that since paying lis fine last week, business had been o dull that he hadn't been able to aise enough money to pay a fine if it vas imposed. Three boys of from nine to eleven rears oíd took a buggy belonging to a lady from Northfield, from the barn on Sforth street, where she had put up ïer horse. The lady being unable to ind the buggy notified the marshal, 'ho af ter an hours search found it on 3eakes street near Ferguson's cart iactory, where the boys had been ridng down hill with it. The peach crop in this vicinity bas aeen nearly all gathered. The growers aave had a good season and prices have :anged well. The erops of the three argest orchards were as follows: Chas. Slark, 2,600 bushels; Dr. W. W. Mich}ls, 2,000 bushels; Wm.McCreery, 1,800 bushels. Besides these, Dr. Nichols had a large crop of pears and an averige erop of apples. The University opened Tlmrsday morning, again crowded to its limits, the registration exceeding in every iepartment that of last year, except ín the medical department, and that is nearly the same. The authorities have made arrangements to care for patients and open up the clinics as usual r.ext Monday, although the new hospital wil 1 no t be ready to occupy for a month . The warm weather of the past few weeks has proven disastrous to the price of fruit. One fruit grower who shipped ten barrels of choice pears to Detroit last week, received but $18 for the entire lot, the market being flooded. With cool weather, so that it would not have been necessary to piek the pears to keep them from rotting, they would have brought from $3 to $4.50 per barrel. The last excursión of the season on the Michigan Central will be a special train to Detroit on Monday, Oct. óth, on account of the Germán Day celebration. The train will leave Ann Arbor at 8:10 a. m. and leave Detroit to return at 7 p. m. The fare for the round trip will be 90 cents from Ann Arbor. From Chelsea the fare will be $1.25 and the train will leave at 7:40 a. m. t ií W. Stillman, the member of the company which played at the opera house last week, whose wife had him in the toils for non-support, was taken into Prosecuting Attorney Lehman's office, Saturday, he having neglected to do as he agreed. His wife was afraid that he was going to skip out and leave her again and asked for another warrant for his arrest. Stillman flnally paid her $10 and another truce was proclaimed.
Mack & Schmid
First Methodist Episcopal Church
Ann Arbor Brick and Tile Company
Ann Arbor Art Club
Michigan Central Railroad
United States Circuit Court
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Leo Kopf
John Dawson
Frederick Nellis
Robert Martin
Julius Minz
W. F. Bird
Martin L. D'Ooge
M. C. Peterson
William J. Clark
Mrs. Anton Otto
C. M. Cobern
K. N. Guinon
Anna Miles
J. W. McGregor
Julius V. Seyler
P. L. Bodmer
W. J. Just
E. K. Frueauff
Edward Ryan
Lyman E. Cooley
M. E. Cooley
John Webber
John O' Donnell
C. K. McGee
William Ball
W. E. Boyden
Ed Barnett
Mary Archer
Eliza Hempel
David Henning
Robert L. Popkins
George Wahr
Robert Tidsdell
Charles Clark
W. W. Nichols
William McCreery
F. W. Stillman