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California Farm Products. Cost of Production: Net Profits: given by a thousand farmers. Also hundreds of questions answered about California. Sent free on application to A. Phillips & Co., 104 Clark Street, Chicago, 111,. or 296 Washington St., Boston, Mass. wantedTfor sale, etc. FOR SALE OR BXCHANGE- A new light doublé harness. Exchange for hay or wood. Cali on or address Dean's store, Ann Arbor. 63-61 T OST,- On the fair grounds last Thursday i-i after noon, a lady's wool, Jersey-jacket. The owner wlll pay reward if left at the Argus office. ' 62-64 FARM FOR SALE.- The farm known as the Jacob Sehweickert farm, beingrthe N. lA of N.E. J4 of Sect. 1, T. 31, South of R. 6 E., and the E. 30 acres of S. E. 54 of N. E. H of said section, containinsabout 110 acres in town of Northfleld, Washtenaw county. Mich., about ñve miles from Ann Arbor. Will sell for $S5 per acre for cash or part on time. Must be sold immediately. Adrtress, Abner Smith ltoom 630 Opera House Block, Chicago, 111. 56-61 LOST- A black and tan hunting dog about three miles froni the city, on Liberty st. Finder will reoeive reward by leaving dog or notif ying ot' his whereabouts at N0.6 West Liberty street. 62-64 ,i Y farm at Scio of 200 arcres for sale. I iVI have no boys that will work the ranch, andlamtoold 10 farm. If not sold bef ore the flrst of March next it is to rent. Geo. A. Peters. ■ 62tf Er "PTT Tf IV Teacher of Violin. . JS . JSlJLJlilJCj, Rooms, corner of Main and Liberty Sts. 61-63 TO RENT- House, just outside of weet city limits. Inquire at 72 S. Main street. WOOD FORS ALE.- Prices lower than any other dealer. All orders promptly delivered. F. M. Hallock. 61-63. Cor. Hill and Packard Sts. NOTICE.- Af ter the 24th inst. I shall run my Cider M1U eyeryTuesday and Friday, until apples are more pleutiful. Apples for jelly can be brought any day. Patrons will please keep sweet apples separate. Cash paid for cider apples. George Aprill. 60-62 WANTED.- A girl for general housework. Appiy at the Two Sams. S. S. Blitz. 60-62 HOUSE TO RENT- Seven rooms, at reasonable rates, 22 North Ashley street. Apply on premises. Charles Dietas. 60-62. FORSALE- FÏFeaeres on West Huronstreet. Good house, baru, orchard. Beautif ui location. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 60- 6- WANTED- A girl to do general housework. Apply at the Argus office. WANTED- A boy who desires to learn the printer's trade. Must be able to read writing and spell correctly. Apply at Argus oflïce._ HTtTVT Wanted; salary and expenses. PerItJ Ciil manent place. Apply at once. BROWNBROS. CO., Nurserymen, Chicago. 57-65 FOR SALE.- Farm of forty acres at Whitrnore Lake, Mich. , Good house. Five minutes' walk from hotels and post-offlce. Excellent soil. Apply to Walter L. Taylor, 90 ñroadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 59-tt FOR RENT- Two commodious pleasant flats, with six rooms each in New Block on State street. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. 66 - tf. ANN ARBOR NURSERY- Fruit and omamental trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Grape vines, berry plants, etc. Pnce low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. FOR SAXE.- A family horse, sound, gentle, and in every way desirable for ladies use. Inquire at Stark & Gartco's paint shop, 28 E. Washington 8t. 55tf