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Th University tower cloek lias varied less thau seven seconds in two raonths. The freshman-sophomore "rush" íoot-ball has, luckily, become a thiiig of the past. The sophomores will challenge the freshmen to a tug-of-war contest, to take; place Noy. 14. Ralph Stone, inanaging editor oí the U. of M. Daily, has been chosen for base-ball manager. The üniversfty team will play with the Washington University team on Thanksgiving duy. J. W. Browning, of the senior l;iw class, has been elected president of the Pennsylvania club. The '93 rugby eleven defeated the Normal eleven a,t Ypsilanti, hy a score of 44 to 0, last Saturday. "W. J. Ilinkson, a gradúate of the Üterary class of '91, died at Detroit, kis! weck, of typhoid fever. P. E. AVhitman reads a paper on "Mining in Sonora," before the Engineering Society, this evening. The inter-elass field day oí thc medies ol '94 and '95 wlll be held on the campus, to-morrow afternoon . Proí. M. U. D'Ooge will deliver an address on "University Extensión,'' beforo the Adelphi society, this evening. The Chronicle-Argonaut has been, suspended and the Yellow and Blue, a' fraternity organ, is its successor. The sophomores have been taxed 25 jcents eaoh, on account of the expenses incurred by their ioot-ball team last year. W. Malley, "vho ilayed on thp Uniyersity rugby team lor several' years, is now playing with the Chicago eleven . Wright, wlio has attained quite a repuïation as a sprinter, is around on crutches, the result of a badly sprained ankle. The Thanksgiving day rugby game ■withi.'CornelI at Chicago has been cancelled. The Chicago team offered Cornell a larger guarantee and it was accepted. The work of finishing the grading of the il hlei le grounds has béen placed under the supervisión of Streel Commlssioner Sutherland, and k is to be pushed right along. Iii the spring the plumbing will be done iind th finishing touches put in. A Uve Democratie club was oigan ized among the students of the Uni versity, last Fi-iday evening. A num ber of stirriug speeches were made anc the following officers ■vvere olected J. E. Duffy, president: S. W. Curtis lst vice-president; Mr. Barnhardt, 2 vicr-jn-esLde'nt; Mr. Morrisey, treas uut; Mr. liarvey, recording seeretary J. G. Kral, corresponding seeretary Mi-. Turnipseed, sergeant-a t-arms. TIip U. of M. Uleo Club has organ laad for the season as follcews: Fire tenors- E. C. Peter.-;, '92 lit; W. W Webster, '92 dent; E. H. Cheney, '92 Ht, and Harrlman, '92 lit: Second tenors- H. V. Richardson, '03 lit Pratt, '94 medie;' Flintermau, . '95 lit, and Stevens: First basscs- Wal tx;rs, '92 lit; R. George, '95 lit; Reese '93 law; and Bullock, '94 lit. Second basses- H. 41. Joy, '92 medie; McCpl lom, '95 lit, and Thompson, 'J2 law CLASS ELECTIONS. The folïowing classses have cUosen oificers: SeJiior dents: C. L'. Blunt, president; Miss Searls, vice-president; Mr. Howsen, secretary; Mr. Tribbey, treasurer. Sophomore medies: Mr. Budgott, president; Miss Whecler, vice-president; Miss Bishop, secretary; Mr. Walton, treasurer. Sophomore Hts: Eev. Buttrick Itrimblecomb, elected both president öji. c$-president; H. G. Krogman, seeretary and treasurer. Senior pharniics: Xi. Fischor, president; Miss Heard, vice-presideut; J. Warner, seeretary; üeorge Jackson, treasurer; ï. H. Kobinson, base-ball captain; E. Parsons, historian; Wm Scheedy, poet; Miss Heard, Prophetess. Senior lawe: A. C. MaeKenzie, president;, J. A. Bolard, lst vice-president; H. A. Smith, 2d vice-president; W. J. Manny, secretary; P. Sharpe, treasurer; J. G. Erdlitz, propnet; J. W. Dawson, historian. A. H. Seymour, manager of field sports; J. E. Roberts, valedictorian.