Some Good Bargains. Tlie following articles, which are al] n good condition, will be sold at less han half their original cost - viz.: One top buggy, one cutter, one feed cutter, twosets single harness, and one Garland coal stove as good as new. Inquire at the Argus office, or cali at No. 50 South State street. FOR SALE- One three year old iloodcd colt, four yearlings and suck)'■■; colt, iifteen breeding ewes, one Poland Cliina brood soiv, one top mggy, on esingle liai-ness. Apply to W. J. Straitli, on the Faityiew farm, third liouse east of the county house. All to be sold quickly. GRAND OPERA HOUSE AT LAST I Thursday, Nov. 12 _. . JOLLY That ■ Hdlie HcHenry AND HEK Tide FUNNY COMPANY i r in H. Grattan DonneU's MasterOT piece, success ANight at is the Circus Still i Carrying I right n the lead. Prices, $1, 75, and 50 Cts. Sealed Proposals. Sealed bids will be received at my office, ntil the 18tn day of November, 1891, ajt 7 elock p. in., for tbc construetion ofastoae ulvert over the rnill race on Felch street, örd ward, aocording: to plans on file. The riprht to eject any or all bide is reserved. By order oí he Board of Public Works. W. J. M1LLEK, City CÍIerEr. ss Aebob, Nov. Bth, 1891. Sealed Bícis. Sealed bids will be reeeived at the City Serk's office, of the City of Ann Arbor, up to ec. lst, 1891, at i o'clock p, m„ for lichtingie city with 80 aro ügbts of 2,000 oandle power, o run f rom sun down to 12:30 a. m., on Philaelphia eehedule of moonlight lijrbting-, eonract to run for one year. The right to reject ny and all bids is reserved. By order of the ommon Council. W. J. MILLER, City Clerk. Ann Arbor, Nov. 5th, 1891. t Is NEW and GREAT. Blaine or Cleveland P beautiful and very artlstle statuette (full lonirth) f Blaine,C!eveland,Harrison,MeKinley,Whitney, lower, Tlusk, Jerry Simpson, Senator Peffer, Oen's. rant, Sherldanor8hennan, Abraham Lincoln or ïcorge Washington. Any one of the above devered to yon f dr one dollar. The fleure and base makes a plece ten inohes In helght. Send money or 'ostalNote. The best thlne for agents. Thousands ding Bold datly. Canvassing outfit free. Addrusa T-ITnO. STATÜETTÏÏ OFF1CK, Boom No. 10, 80 Dearborn 8t., Chicago, 111. (bOnn S-XjVKX and Commisf IJII, sion to Atfents, Men and omen. pwwwi Teachers and Clergrymen to innduce a new and popular staaard book, MARVELS OF THE NEW WEST new Afrent sold 70 in one week. Agent'e rofits L136.50. Over 350 org-inal engravings. 0,400 copies sold in one week. Exclusive tertory. [Endorsed by the greatest men of our ountry. Agentg thoroughly instructed. Apply he Henry Bill Publishing Co., Norwich, Conn,