J. H. Ford is in Chicago this week.
Miss LaRuis is the new kindergarten teacher here.
The M. E. society are observing the week of prayer.
Ira Hitchcock, who has been quite ill, is improving.
Milan has 13 secret societies and is still calling for more.
Milan school opened Monday with an increased attendance.
Miss May Alderman returned to her school in Ypsilanti Friday.
J. Moffitt, of Delta, Ohio, is visiting Milan friends for a few days.
Geo. Giffard has a fine fast roadster that he purchased in Ypsilanti.
Mrs. O. A. Kelley and daughter Lelia spent Saturday in Detroit.
Geo. F. Minto is holding a refunding sale at his clothing store this week.
W. F. Seavery, of Fort Wayne, was the guest of Miss L. Kelley over Sunday.
Misses Amiba, Kelley and Gauntlett returned to their studies in Ann Arbor Tuesday.
W. C. Houseman and wife entertained guests from Maybe the last of the week.
C. H. Wilson has returned from his business trip in the northern part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Blackmer and family have returned to their home in Fowlerville.
Miss Nellie Hanson entertained guests at her home on First st. Saturday evening.
F. W. Robison has returned to the Agricultural College after a short visit with his parents.
Died, little Inez Lee, Dec. 29. The funeral was held at the house, Rev. F. O. Jones officiating.
Miss Clara MacMonagle, of Ann Arbor, was in Milan last week prospecting for a class in elocution.
The Milan Forum is in a prosperous condition. They are only about two years old and have a membership of 40.
The Baptist ladies will hold their tea social at the residence of Mrs. John Jackson on W. Main st, Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. W. A. Farmer and children have returned to their home in Toledo after a short visit with C. M. Blackmer and family.
Editor A. B. Smith and family were the recipients of a pleasant surprise. About 60 of their friends came to wish them a pleasant voyage to California.
Mr. Fraser, of Wisconsin, is the next lecturer in the M. H. S. course. He is a number one. All who fail to hear him will miss a treat. He comes Feb. 1.
M.E. Society
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat
W.F. Seaver
W.C. Houseman
W.A. Farmer
S.T. Blackmer
O.A. Kelley
Nellie Hanson
Mrs. S.T Blackmer
Mr. Fraser
Miss LaRuis
Miss Kelley
Miss Gauntlett
Miss Amiba
May Alserman
Lelia kelley
L. Kelley
John Jackson
J.H. Ford
J. Moffitt
Ira Hitchcock
Inez lee
Geo. Giffard
Geo. F. Minto
F.W. Robinson
F. O. Jones
Clara macMonagle
C.H. Wilson
C. M. Blackmer
A. B. Smith