HALLS BALSAM Cnres Colds, Pneumonía, Bronchitis, Asthnia, Croup, Wlioopiiur ('onirli, mid all diseases of the Brwulng Organs. Itsoothes and heals the Mcmbrane of the Lroga, iuflaincd and poisoned by the disease, and prevenís the niirlitswciits and tightncss across the chest whUhaceoinpanyit. CONSUMl'TION is not an incurable malady. It is only necossary to have the right remedy, and HALLS BALSAM is that remedy. IM)NT DESPAIR OF RELIEF, for th is liciiiifii speciflc will cnre jou, eren thoutrh professional aid fails. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Powerful Ilealhtg Agent ever Dismin-mi. llenry'ê Carbolic Salve eureê the trnrat sorra, llrnru't Carbolic Salve allays the pain opburntt. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures all eruptions. 'Icnry's Carbolic Salva heals pimples and blotche. 'Iinry's Carbolic Salve tvill cure cutí and bruises. ih for Henry's, and Take No Other. '■I'WARK OF rorXTERFEITS. jgj Fl ) i: -All-: r.Y ai.i, ii:ffiis-i-s. JOHN F. HINKT. ('IKltAN CO., ■Ol ■ fROI'IUKTORS, U 1 Colicúo Place, New Vork. 961-1012 -eow FBRDON LUMBER YARD JAMES T0LBERT, Prop., Mftnufaotnrcr and Doalnr in SACINAW GMG-SAWfiD LUMBBR, LATH AND SHINGLES. W' Invit" nll tn ive 11 cal!, ml cxnmtae om stock beforo porchaslufi i ImwI rr. ALSO ACKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLLS FIRK BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH, Hopt. feb.l.'79 It irÜl be for jour Intereit 1o KnowThat CASPAR RINSEY (Late frora a Wholel Grorer'e Honse in Detroit,) bas opeued n ERUIT Al PKOII STORE At Xo. 16 Ehsi Hurón Street. He wil] ali-o keep In stoi'k FLOült, ntED, TOBACCO AM) CIGARS. All tjoodt are frech and new. mul, bdflfi i1' at the lowent (VfaoleiJi la Casta Primes, wlll h( old ai rti' eormpondlnKl} low. 'nu pnil for all kind of Country Produce. 9S4-985 CASPAR RIN8KY. WiM bt miltd ntii to uil ppl!evil. %ná to cuitomen wiihmit or,ierltt IL II conUInt few colorid platel, 600 n(rv(nn, bout S00 pkfM, ftnd ful I descrlptlont, prlc nd dlrectioni for rtnling 1600 vftrietlw of VtR?ul)!e ah.1 Flower Seedi, PUaU kuMkt. lavulunblcto all S-tuI for il. Addrett, D. M. FEKEY & CO., Detroit, Mioh. yiLLIAMW.NlCUOLS, DENTIST 1 BS Huccessorto O. W North. Orltco, 1 Soulh Matn Streel, .iposltc National liank. Beldne, 77 Lih erty Street. Nitrour oslde Kae admicistcred whoD I ruqaeated. 568U I
Hall's Balsam
Henry's Carbolic Salve
John F. Henry
Curran & Co.
Ferdon Lumber Yard
Jackson Sewer Pipe Co.
D. M. Ferry & Co.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
James Tolbert
T. J. Keech
Caspar Rinsey
William W. Nichols
G.W. North
16 E. Huron St.
19 S. Main St.
27 Liberty St.