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Tlic followiug are interosting State news clippings : Clare county expects to gct out 350,000, - 000 feet of pine loga ibis winter. The out of lumber at Ludingtnn the past season was 120,000,000 reet, with 8,000,000 lef't un hand. At Lansing, rerently, a colorcd woman died, who fanciid she was 117 years, 11 IBDOtha and 27 days old. Dr. Asalnl Beaoh, who for nearly half a century has held a prominent positioD ia Butilo Creek, died of paralysis, December 1".), aged 80. Airs. Davenport, of Macon, Lenawee oounty, was ki.led, Deccnber 27, by falliug on the porcb of her retidenoe, erusbing ii lier skull, and causing almost iimtant death. Jolio Alford, a man of half' negro descent, was married OU Deo. 24th, at Iihica, Gratiot cuuuty, to Mn, Mar; 0. Aleott, a white woman with respectable connections. At the annual meeting of the State pioneer society in Lansiog, Kebruary 4 and 5, Col. M. Shoeinakcr, of Jackson, its pie-i dent, will present a paper on his experience in Libby prison. On Dec. 31 the mail crossed the slraits at Maokicao on the ice. Meroury stond at 13 bolow zero. The schooner D. A. Welll is in the ice forty miles trom there. The crew an all safe. The recent fire at the Quinoy copper mine reek house inflicted only $20,000 or $30,000 damage. Ttie house, principal engine and boiler were saved, and are whully uniujured. Slippery Saio Tilden is made the defenilanl n ten mimi io the ciicuit court this term - six of whieh are brought againal him personally and f'our against the New York mine. - [Negaunee Herald. An intelligent and educated deaf and dumb girl, daughter of John Pfcifer, ol Lyons, Ionia county, eloped with a young man nnmed Hathaway, a bartendcr, in spite of the utmost efforts of her parentp. Charles M. Howard, of Port Huren, who wa-i sliot a few days since, had a $10,000 policy in the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company, which lapsed Ociober 8, he having neglected to pay the premium. Jacob Lehman, who descrted his wife at JaoltsOD a year or so ago, was drowned at San Pranoisco recently. He was a membei of ihe mutual aid order of Foresters, and his wife kcpt up his dues and now receive $1.000 froiii the beneficiary fund. John Sheffle, a hard working man oi Livingston, wbila driving a load of baj under a tramway, was caught hetween tin two and douhlud up so tliat (he ligamenti if his back were ruptured. If lie does n il díe, it il feared he will be a cripple for lif'e Mr. E. Goble, of Arcadia, Gratiot county, has toen blind for two weeks. II is wife assista hiui io the wood-pile, where they cut wi od with a croBs-out saw. Wben enougli has been cut to last through ihe ilav, his wife splits and earrics it into the house. Thos. Sweating, who atlempted to cut his thruat at a hotel in Alma, üratiot county, two weeks tinee, is said to have tried lili1 sanie thing once before, merely because a woman nhon he marricil at Ilolly seven vean ag" bent hhn nut ef $800, and then deserted him. More binlseye maple logs are being shipped ibis winter hom Petoskey tban durmg n ny pieyious sui-on. The loga an ■liliir'U iluig ide ihe railioad truuk, where hc büi k is aken i t). aml ilhy are iben shippt'd I'hhI e3 ilie ai'fiiiiiulate .'urnoieot y an i eur cu Ie mcured. HuwkiiiB McKcnï'.e of Morenei, formerl; i)f Adrián, teil down siairs in the night reoenty, was fbuod insensible, has remainfd in a si-mi MiKinn-oious conditioe Nuce, anl liis reoovery is donbtful. Hia son bal recenlly tu' i is font badly, and the witc bas li' en tnr a n u time a rheamtitio invalid. Tbc Bn en Fiarbor Palladium says ihat the i ohlio sol ools in tlint villace ar irniin lame i! i Hn (Xiienfe nf npwards of $4,000 :i yer, i-r, perhaps, $10 a year ior eaoh pupil. üihI rui Olie rciTcts the nnilay. They are can l'ully graded, o ihat the pupila may 1 r u i ■ --■ lii-t as their abiliiy and energy will liikc 'Im in. Suimiol A. Hawes, a wciltliy citizen of Batt'e ('reí k, was fnund daad in hi.s !ed on tne lütli, v. iih ;i pistul :n hi.s hand and two bule h in his irii). Fíe was 83 yeais of a#e. A olear case of suicide. The probable cause w:i ol I ;:e, despondency, and (he fiwl thnl I c ras t.ied of life. His ienia;ns will he taken lo Albion, N. Y. A young umuurried uiau of 28 years. named A -a Fneman, cot his leg Ladly j amined in a Midland Jumbcr camp, two weeks ajf. Nu bonea ere braken, but il.euiiiaii.-in lias followed, and he eannot eveo feed hiniself, and has to be moved in bed hke ii ehid. He I, been taken to his hume in ibe vieiuity of Cüo, Genesee eountv. Co-education of ihe sexos has its di.advantages even at Anti Arbor. Lately a yoilQg lady there married a boy student 96vi ral years younger tlian herselí and wlm I ad been placed in her care to biing up in l he way he hould go What adds to the íntwrpst a !i iiArn tiiiri'iit. who. it U under stood, has lately made a new will shuttmg out the boy hu.sband. A severe accident occurred at the brown stone fjuairy, near Marquette, on the 8d, by the premature explosión of a Mi-t. Mr. 11. J. Jaootñ, superintondent of the mine, Wat liumed in a rrightfu] ínanncr, snd his faoe aiid arni fillcd with powder and gravel. Bnih eyes were cloaed, and Cor a time it was tbouglit the íight was degtroyed, but it is pow tboasht one of'the eyea at leas) i nninjured, wbile hopes are eniermined ihat the other may be restored. Kric ErioS n, the second victiin, had his tare and one anu badly lacerated and burned. Jane W'ilber, of Battle Creek, states that on ilic 9th of August lasi ghe applied at the drug íture oí Grandine 4 Binman lor a (pianiity ut pnlvi'iiz d rhubarb, hut in-tcad thereof reoeived powdcrcd opium. öna'ware of this fací ut the time, she took a quaotity ui the drug, and iuiuiediately beoaine Blek, ;md lias ticen ill ever BÏooe from its efiaots. Sbe affirma thal ahe haa expended considerable muiis of mouey lor nurses and medical gerrioeB, aml that lier health is permanently i aja red. Wherefore gha has sued the firm for $10,000 datnages. Ex-Judge Win. T. .Uitchell, city attur ney of I'ort Huron, in a oommuoioatioD to ihi commnn oouocil uf that city upon the subject of as-e-.-ini; Stocks, nimtgages, tBOOey, itc, Miys Ihai it is the duty of lUperviflOn to examine the books in the register uf deeda office, to inquire of easliiers of baoks, aod il be deema it neceshary, to put said öasbier under oath, to aseertain who owns mortgages, stocks, moneys and deposita. He also defines the terru oasb value when relating to assessments, to tnean the actual or usual selling price at the time of the asse.-sincnt at privaie sale. He also iofers ihal it is plainly the duty of uDder tlie law to cali upon evi ry tax -payer in hú ward or towtiship and require from f-uch tax-payer a statement of the taxable property upon which he is liable to pay a tax. The folly of amending Itwi frpquently, and of giving them immediate effuct without the paopie, and especiaily the offioera, liaving a fair opportunity to know of the changes, was well il'usirated in ourcircuit court on Tuesday. Heretofore it bas been the duty of the mayot and recorder of the city to send in a of names from which vbioh juryinen are to be drawn. The Iegislature so changed ihis law as to make it the duty of the tldermen and upi rvisors to pend in the lis'. Not one knowing of cli,m:e in the law, the recorder of this ■iiy sent in a lít dl' Iwrnty lour iiiiines in April last, IVniii whiob jiiiynirn slnmld be diawn for the tertns of tlie circuit court 01 the then onminir yeai'. Noilinu was thougbt "r beard ui' he matter anti) the lecond day nfthe term, on Tue-day, hen Mr. T. l. Iienvi r of this ciiy, i n ■ uf the attorteys m thfl Cratb niurder cae, chai eliiieil the an;iy "f jlll'ors, tlthough iheie raa none from thiH oity on the jury, u Hetrtlly drawo. The point ia in disi'Ute, ind the jiiike, aithoiiKh at fir-t inclined to iverrule the point, idjoornsd oourl Ier two nul woiild tutee the (]uetion into lonsideratii n. II' the point is luttaioed Lhere can be no jury trial in county mtil ibe Jnne term ; if it is nol Buotainod he appeals to the Supremo Court will irobabjy eual the nunilier of ca-'s resultnK in the conviction of' defendants. -