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IMPORTANT LETTER F rom a Distínguished Physician. NO Mnple dlscao hns cntnlit'd moro mi flor I ne or hfttem l hruakiiiK p of th ooattttttUon tlian Üatnrrh. The KnH f niiu-ll, of tuste. o( silit, of hoarDf.the human volco, the mimi, one ir more mimI sonicImcs uil yieldto ít a destructiva Influouce. The nolaon lt distribuís tbroughont tha system iitacks every vital broa, and braakt upthe niost rohust of constitutlons. Ínored bectase but iitiic pndentood by most phyílans, lmpotr ntiv asaullrd hv quarks and charlatana, tltosuRulIcrhiK fromlthave llttle hope to bo reí lo ved of lt tlile iMa or tli íinive. lt lt (Une, ttin, thnt th popular trciitmcnt of tula terrlMe disetuu by remedies witiini tlio roach of all patwcd lito hunds at once competent nndtrustworthy. The n w and httherto untrlcd nethod adopted by Vr. Banford in tho prrptirnUon oí ils Radical Ct'Rinm won iny hearty appruvul. I heleve lt llkcly to succeert when nll tho usual remedioi fntl, becauH lt strikes at the root of the dtoeue, rl., D nn.iifled blnott, whllo It heals tho ulceratcd roemirnno by direct appticatlon to the nasal passajreï. lts actlon irt based on ccrtuln flxed rutes, and unies tho vital forres are. too fr cxhnusted, tnust, Ín thc tfrcat majorlty of cases, effect a cure. GEO. BEAUD. M. D. Nobscott Block, So. Framinouah, Oct. 1, 1874. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE MAT safely clalm to be one ofthe few popular romitüi'8 recelTtngthe upproTnl ofmedlcal gentlemen, irho, In private, not only iniy n conmieiid it but use t ín thclr fumlllcs Ín prt; fe renco to atiy of the preparatlons usually prescribed phyBlclanB. " You are aware'said arilütiiiKiilih d city physlclan, 'thut my obligationsto the Mms. Medical Society aro tuchthiit I cuunotpuhllcly rscommondor prescribe tho üadlcal Curo ; but p luce I rere 1 ved so niurii relief from :hc ute. of ft ni y se H', alter a fhorouch trlul oftho usual 'empdies, I hitve prlvately advirtod lts ose, and pre un in e I have Bent to your atoro nolesituan one hundred of my pat leutd for it." UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. fi ENTLEMENJ- Wc hovn Bold Sanford's lUnirAL JT Cubr for nearly one yí-ur, and cao say cundidly that we never nold aBluillur preparntlon that pave Buen universal Btiilfactlou. We nave to learu the first complalnt j-t. We are not In the hablt of recommendlnif patent medicine!, but your prcparatlon nieetrt tho winti of thouffsiuls, and we think those nllllctcd should be convioccd of lts rent inerít yo t bc ir raffel Ing wlll be rclloved. Wc hav been In the. drujj ualness for the past twelvtí ye ars conntantly, and Bold everyUihijf for Catarfh, but toot leads all the rest. If yon sec proper yon can upo this letter or any nnrt of lt that you wísh. Vcry truly yours, S. 1. BALDWDJ & CO. Wholesale ani Rfltall Dealers In Dnnr, Books and Statlonery. Washington, Ind., Fcb. 23, 1876. Esch packape roitalnn Ir. Panford'B Improved InhalinK Tube, and fu 11 dlnctions for use In all cases. Prlce, $1.00. Yct sale by alt wholenale and retali druKKHta and dt aler tliroiii'hout th l'nlted States and Canudas. WEEKS & POTTER, (ienural Agenta and Wholesale Drugglsts, Boston, Mass. VOLTAIG PLASTER An Flcrtro-ftWnn1c Hntrrry comblnrd wlth a hiiihly iïrdïcaifd MiTiiuilteinnu' l'instir, forminu i bcNi tor pulua und uches lu Iho Vorld ot Medicine. ELECTRICITY As a prnnd ruratlve and rcstoratlvo agent Is not cqualkd by any clement or medicine In the niBtory ol tbe hcaliliK art. UnlcBStuo vital opurk haslled the body, restoratíon by means ofelectriclty 1 posslblc. Itiatho last resort of all physfcians and surgeons, and lias rescue.dthousands, appnrently doad, from an untlmely grave, wlien no other human aKency could hava suc li-il. This Ís thc leading curativo clement Id tMs Piaster. BALSAM and PINE. The hcaling proporties of our own fraprant balsam and pine and the kiiiiis ofthe East are too wellknown to require duscripUon. Thclr grutful. henlinjí, soothIng, and BtrenfftheftlBg propertles are known to thouands. Whcn comblned Ín accordance with late and Important discoverles Ín pharmacy, thclr healíng mid ptrengthening pronertles ure increased tnfold. In thls respect our Piaster Is the best ín use without the ai'l of elcctricity. TWO IN ONE. Thns comblncd we bare two grand medical agenta Id onc, e ach of whlch pcrlorma lts function nnd unltedly produces more cures than any liniiuent, lotion, wash, or piaster ever beforo componnded in thu liistory ol medicine. Try one. I'kice, 25 Cintb. Sold bv all Wliolesale and lïetall Drugglsrs throaghout the ünltud Ktati-s and Cañadas, and by WEEKS 4 POTTEIE, Proprieton, Iïoston, Mass. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. (Formerly Ir. Prctip's Kidney (trr.) Ji. vegetable preparatton and Lhe only turr rrmedy in tne world for Hrifflil li'af, liabtv. nnd ALL KlUnej-, Lun , aud 041 ti moni al of the blghest order In proof of the?e statements. ö-For thf cure of ïïlhr(o, cali for Unrner'iKafe Dinhcir 'uit. iMTFor the oura or itrlKhi's and tho nther dispares, cali for Muruci'i &tlc Kiüuey and Li ver Cure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. ItisthPbestBlooriPurinrr. and stiumlatos every function to more healthful uution, uud ts tlms a benefit in all diseases. It curi s St'rofiilius ai ui otliorSkln F.rntlona and DlteAsea, tucluding t'uucers, LIcrri, and otlu'r Sr'. Ipepi. lV'itliiML of th Sloinnf li, ('iiiiolipalioii, llizun-.. .i n.i:il IH'ImIit.r, etc., are cured by the SV Hiltoi-a. It is unequaled as au appetizerand n-yular tonlc. UotLles of two siües ; [irices, 50c. and 81.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly cives Hv%t and Slcp to the suffer ing, cures Il-&Eltwhe nnd Ncui nllu, prevenís i:piieptic i it, and Kllei et Nt-nuui ii-sIrutlon brought on by excessive drink, overwork, mental shocks, and other causes. Powerful as it is to stop pain and sootho n!sturiMíd líerves, it inver injures tbe systtin, whriher taken ín sniall or large doses. lioitles of two sizes ; prlfm. 50c and 91-00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Ar? an immediate and active stfmulns for a Torpid LiTer, and cure Coitiveneii, Dyipcpna, BllI MfMJMMI ft ioutntn. Billous DirI ftjfAUW l rhua, MkLa.rU, Fever I PfffTTACJjlffyj IHÉA n ïliCp Hl"' s'IuU''' I kiiMK I '"' ust'd w lieni'Ver the ■ W5Btf?n HEB Ixiwt is dn not opcrato MMtir.VllJ HWñH freely and regularly. PP"MJtPWF3 M BlllH !'■ ror tK.,rnnKh ■ r-J.iaiillHit-1 Kd wnrk. IVi X. ctM. a box. ■ MVWIrnTrrTra 11 w mrr'i Sn Hrmnlir ar B 'J ' iaMR9 H.H, Warner &, Co., BPfcJyB l'roprict oro, ■ f-fJffWMW ROCHESTER, N. Y. ■JuÉEJV C 'Srnt Tor Puiphlf-t The Only Remedy Btuat acts at the sauk time Nn JTHE LIVER, THE BOWELS, ■ B andtheKlDNEYS. I i Tds comèined actioi givc ü P U dcrful nnrer to care all di&Mset. Why re_WgLick? BetaUM we allow the.te grait orgaim L Jto become cbgged or torpid, rfH fmpoiaonous hum&rs are thcrefore orrejC Tiinto the blood tluit ulwuld be expeliedP ■ BIMOVSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPA (ION, L 73 KIUNKY COMI'I.UMS, lltlNAUÏ ■ tl 1IISKASKS, KKJIAI K KAKLí, AND BKBTOÜS by cauniiirj f e aetion of tlifse ornansK J and rtuturiutj tmir power io throw otf'1} tÁ li y StifTir BHIous pslnn iind nrfi"i t ■ Vfhj 1 )r ment. 1 withPÜPH, Constipntionf H i Why fiielitenulorcrdlilonlcreil Kidnrvs t p I WJij' iii-turc niTvous or slrk h'julm lus' ftj Vihy have ■ittlMi iiiIits f ÜM KIDNliY WOUT and rsjoicë in B J hiaUh. It is a dry, rnjdai.1', compeunj and ï j Oit it af your 1) ■ l ordtr it9 T WELLO, t'.Z-ZZZC'J i CO., rrrfstor ■ Jrt (WUi Knd pM pild.) nurllncton, Vt fj 964-1005- li e w ï INSEY & SEABOITS BAKERY,GIU)CEHY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep cortntly on hand, BREAD, CRACK KRS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL TRADB. We hall sl.o liucp a npply of 8WIFT & DKI'BF.I.'S REST WHITE WHKA1 KLOÜR. DELHI KLOUR, KYE FI.OIIÍ, BVCKWHEAT FLOUR, COKN ME AL, FEED, bc, c. At wholeB&le and reUII. a general stock ol GBOCERIBtAlVD ritoviMis coDetADtly on band, whlch will be uold on as rcason ablcterme u At any other house in the city. Caen uairt for Butler, Kgx', nd Country Prodncc enerally. lafiioods dclivered to any part of the city witb out extra charge. yr KINHTtY SKABOLT. TTOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. Siviral Rood lirick dwelline honocn, rd nnmber f fnimcd rtwellingu, diïlrably ituatid, wltb onc or more Uiti for each, for pale. on fair ttirm and rMtoo aWe credit. Also. flfty city lot, wi-ll locatcd, wilh gOOd tiil', '"1 "" "ijl' errdit. AIku, fnrniH ant DDOTt Hief for ale. Money safely inveeted for lenden, a ten per cent. Inqulre oí 8tf K. W. MORGAN.