
STUDENTS' LECTURE ASS0C1ATI0N. TUK FAMOTJS YOUNG APOLLO CLUB OF NEW YORK, CÜN.S1STINQ OF ELEVEN EXTRAORDINARY SOLOISTS And aeelsted by the TaleDtcd Soprano, Mías BESSIE LOUISE KING W1LL QIV A URiND VOCAL CONCBHT Mum .hij Evenlng, Feb. ai, 1SNO, UNIYER8ITY HALL. TICKETS FIDTY CENTS. For ealc at Audrewa' Bookstore. TTOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. Sevoral Rood brlck dweiling honsee, ana a numher of framed dwellins, dcglrably altaated, wlth one or more lote for eacta, for ale, on fair terme and reaeonablo credit. Also, flfty city Iota, well located, wltta good tltle, and on long credit. Also, farras and mortgagee for sale. Honey safely Inveatcd for lenden, at ten per cent. Inqolre of BÏIHf KW. MORGAN. "POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-one acres, with a good dwelllog taouac on lt, one mile from city city limita. Enqulrc 95tf At THE COÜRIER OFFICE.