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The power of arregting diseases dlsplayed by thie preparation ie honorably acfcnowlodsid by the medical faculty ín every gection where It hns been introdnced ; nd tho large sale is the best gnarantee uf Ihe i-Ktiinaiiun in which it Is beid by pabllc. The Syrup will cure Pclmonary Consümption In the flrst and second etages, will give great relief Hnd prolong Hfe in the tbird. It wtll core Asthha, Bronchitis, Larynqitis and Corona. It will cure all dteeases originalini; friim want of Action and Neuvoue Forck. FOB THE EFFECT PRODUCED BY Ftllon' Compound Sjrup of Hyjophosphites In Dlscasca of the Langs, the Inventor Í8 permltteil to refer to the Medical Gentlemen of St. John, N. B , whose climaturas are attached bereto. WILLIAM BAYARD. M. D. KD IN BAYAKD. M. D. THOMAS WALKER, M. I). JOUN BARRYMAN, M.D..Ed. DR. JOHNSTON'E. L.R.C.8., Eu. GEOKOE KKAYOR, M. U. W. II. HARDING, M.R.C.S. j.d. wmi'K, M. n T, W.UARKIT, M. 1). I, Aaiion' Alward, Mayor of the City of St. John, In the Provinceof New Brunswick, having i-xamliied the ¦licnatun-s ttaihed to the foreLruiii jiermit of reference, hereby certify that I helieve tbem ali genulne. I can aUo testify to tho hih UMrapeutlc of FflUowa1 Coippoond Syrop ! Bypophovphitêe, - consider it deeerving of attention by the profeeaiou generally. , , 3 'n teetlmony whereof I have hareanto HfcjHwaaa aet ray hand, and atllxd ny seal of -A Maynralty, at the city St. Joba, tcils (Ui # .-.h!. lay of February, in ihe year of ( nr I.'.r'l flLrjra ,t 0 e thouuand eieht Imndred and nixtyiw-V% ,.jght AAKUN ALWAR1), M. 1). I.i-iiit iiniii Krv. J. Halmon. U. l. C'lilI'MAN, (UEEN's Col'NTY, N. B. I can safely and conistently reconimeml your invalmiblc prepsratlon in a variety of caftM, Mpectalty for Cbeet Dfneases, having mccettfiilly proxStbod it iu Bronchitis, Antbma, Debility from Uvar Con plalnt. Uebllity frorn Kevem. and üebility fiom Iinpuveri-hecl lllood. I am, iir, TOnn truly, JA MBS SAI.MON, Practicing Phyyicitin and Surgeon. SOLD BY ALL URUGGISTS. 906 ! 1,. S. L,ir h. Agent, Ann Arbor. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MáRBLs ï mm iwm The public U iuvlted to cali and examine iptalaMM of the celebrated KNOXVILLE, TENN,, MARBLE Of wliich we have a snpply of in-w deaittna. Il II superior to any in befiuty tod dnruni ity. and i the place of Sc ten Uranite. PUICES bOWEBTHAU BVÉB. WDHK ALX WAHHANTKD. Shop- Cor. of Detroit and Cathcrhic Sis. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. 915IÍ Alíaouflpii Y AQ s e n d r. "" 1 Ij A il 0 of the CAZETTEER A CUIDE, wtueli oontalns full iuformtion on all matter of interest rItina to th " Lone Btr State," and a now oorrect couuty map of Texas 25 z 26 inches. I JOHN ROSS CO., GEN'L AGENTS, ST. LOUIS.MO.