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Hik KI. u's Árnica Salre. The best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhcum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin cruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L. S. Lercb, Ann Arbor. 935-986 A Good Housewlfc. The good housewife, when she is giving her house its spring renovating, should bear in mind that the dcar inmates of her house are more precious than many houses, and that their systeina need cleansing by purifying the blood, regulating the stomach and bowels to prevent and cure the diseases arising from spring malaria and miasma, and she must koow that there is nothing that will do it so perfectly and surely as Hop Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. See other column. Coaline, the electric cleariBer for cleaning and washing clothes, saves soap, time, and labor. A Fragrant Brenth and l'early Teeth Are easily obtained by cleansing your teeth daily with that justly popular dentifrice, Sozodont. Composed of rare antiseptic herbs, it imparts whiteness to the teeth, a delicious aroma to the breath, and preserves intact, from youth to oíd age, the teeth. Acidity of the stomach will destroy the strongest teeth, unless its effects are counteracted with Sozodont, and this pure toothwa.sli prutectsthe dental surfaces by remöving every impurity thit adheres to them. Ask your druggist for Sozodont. 976-979 Coaline c'eans silk and satin, and is nonexplosive. Littell's LlTlug Age. The nnmbers of the Living Age for the wcks endinir Murch 6th and Kiih respectively, contain the fullowlni; artlcles : The lirand Duke oí Tuscany, WeUminslrr ; The Beginnings of Grei k Scnlpture, Forlniijhtly; The Preeent C'nndltlon of Art, Nlneteenth Ventury; The New.FIctfon, Contemporary; A White Rij:.h, lilackwood; The Kxiles of Sibi-ria, Argony; My Baby orMy Dok? Cornhill ; A Chinese Banquet, Leisure Ilour ; Ilow Far in Comraon dense Attractivc ? Sermón by Drs. Martinean and Liddon, and Learniug tu Write, Spectator ; with lnstalmants of '' Celia, an ïdyll,'1 and " Buph Life iu (ueenslanrt," and the usual amonnt bt poetry. Serial etories by Mn. Ollphant and the author of " Dorothy Fox," have been recently hegun. and the publlsherB present to new subscriben for 1880 the bIx numberpt of 1879 whichicoutaiu the opening cbapters 01 both. For flfty-two nnmbers of sixty-four large pages each (or more than .1,300 pages a year), the subncriptlon price ($8) is low ; white for tlu.50 the publishers offer to eend any onc of rhe American $4 month11 's or week II es with The Living Age tor a car, iucludlngtbe extra nnrabers of tne latter. both postP lid. Littell & Co., Boston, are the publlshers. 978-979. TO FRUIT UROWEKS and U .KDENEKS. Twenty acres for sale on reasuuable terms, by H. ROOKUS- two miles west of Ann Arbor, on the Dextei road. Good building. Fourteen acres in large and small fruits of the best vurieties. The balance is the best quality of land lor gardenlng Also huu-u and four lot in the flfth ward, Ann Arbor City, for sale cheap. Knqnirc of H. KOiJKKS, on thepiemisee, orof J. Q. A. SKSS1ONS. Or N. B. UOVBKT. Ann Arbor, Feb. 6, 1880. 97S-986 JJ0U8KS AiND LOTS FOR SALE. Several good brick dweiling houses, ana a numner of framed dwellings, deolrably sitiihted, with one or more lots for eacb, for sale, on fair term and reasonable credit. Also. flfty city lots. well located, with good title, and on long credit. Also, farms and mortgagee for sale. Mouey saiely tnvested for lenders, at ten per cent. Inqnlre of 3tf B. W. MORflAN Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Coniity of Waahtenaw,es. ONotice is hereby given.that byan order of l'robate Court for the County of Washtfnaw, mude ou Ihe twenty second day of March, A. I). 1H80, six mouths from that date were aliowed for creditors to present their claim! against the estáte of Abigail K. Latimer, late of said county, deceaied, and thnt all crediioi of said deceaced are reqnired to present their claims to sald Probate Coort, at the Probate Office ín th; City of AnD Arbor, for examinatlon and nllowance, on or before the twenty-secund day of September mxt, and thal tuch claims will be heard befure said court, on Tuesday, the twenty-second day of June, aod on Weduesday, the twenty-eccond day or September next. at ten oVlock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated Ann Arbor, Marrh 24, A. D. 1880. WILLIAM D. HAHRIMAN, 979-982 Judie of Probate. Commissioner's Notlce. STATE OF MICHIGAN- The Twenty-second Judicial Circuit - In Chancery. Suit pendiut; In the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw- In Chaucerf. Marcu W. Wallace, complainant, vs. Mary Wallace, defendant. Upon dne proof. by afli. davit, thtit Mary Wallace, the defeudant in the above cntitlcd canse, pending In this court, rusid.: out of the sald Suite of Michigan, and in State of Indiana, and, on motion of J. F. Lawrence, sollcltor for complainant, it ts oraered that the sald defendant do appear and answer thu bill of complaint, flled In the said cause, wltlilu throe inonths from tbe date of this order, elue the said hill of complatnt phall be taken as confesscd ; And further, that this order be publirhed vrilbln twenty days from this date, in The Ann Akbob Coubiib, a Hewspaper printcd in the said couuty of Washtenaw, and be published therein once in each week for six weeks in sticceslon ; cuch publicalion, however, shall not be necessary In case a copy of this order lie served on the said defendunt. personally, at leant twenty days before the time herein prescribed lor her appearance. Dated, this aixteenth day or March, A. D., 18S0. JAMKS McMAUON. A Circuit Court Commlseloner In and for Washtenaw County, Mich. J. F. Lawbkncs, Sollcltor for Complatnant. 978-984. Drain Couimissloner'g Notice. WUEKBAS, Application bas heen dnly made by petitlou In wiitins; to A. B. Bullock, Townshlp Draln Commissloner lor the Township of Snlern, County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to lócate and construct a ditch or drain in the Town, Connty and State aforenald, and to run as lollows : Commenclng on the south town line ot said townshlp at the coruer, or at Ihe bridge near the corner, of eectious tlnrty Inui and trty-five, running northerly on the line between the lauds of Watson (ïeer and Adohihus Gigler ; thence between the lauds of Wllliam Wood and Sarah Ijiraway ; thence northcaptcrly across tlie lands of Wllliam Weed and Saxon McCimiber ; tlirongh the lands of Wllliam Bussey as far as necessary, or to tbe Territorial ruad ; and Wukbear, Said Commiseioner has determined thtit thcre is ufliciont cause for making said appllcntlon, aud furtber that there are certain non-rt'Hidents. minors and incompetent panou inturetted In saia dltch: It is hereby direcied, by sald Commissioner, that the reiMttta or Wllliam Bnsney, Townshlp, ('unnty ii. d htjtte afurenaid, be mul is herchy appolnted an the place, nnd the twenty-lhird day of March, A. D. 1880. as the time, an examinatlon of baid application, at which time and place all pan lus Interested in the location of said drain are fu-reby notiñed to be present to conslder said appllCHtlon. .And il Is further ordered that this notice bepubliihed in 'Ihe Ann Arbor Courier, n papel pitnted and publlshed in the Ci'Unty und state aforeaald, for InrM successlve weeks noit beiore the said twenty-third day of March, A. D. 1840. Dated February 24lü, A. D. 1980. E. A. BULLOCK, Township Draln Commissloner. Tho time of meeting in tho aboye notice bas been mij unii.d uniil Tui'sday, the tweutleth day of April, 18Ü, at two o'clock p. m. A. E. BUM.OCK, 975-981 Township Drain CommisMoner. A LL KINDS OF BLANKS PBINTBD OH SHOBT NOTIOX AT THE COUKIEK JOB KOÜMS.