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ítJlMTKR]CD IK D. . fS' T 4HP CASADA. j FAMILY MEDICINES. The orlglDator oí Dr. Chaae's Kanilly Medicinen Is 1 author of Dr. Chaae'ti RerlpeH : or, Information for E vry body, and other Recipe líooks bearlng hlH name, and were brougbt aboat t hnnigti the Inqulrlen of many of the purebaserg of bis Books for Homethlng to meet tbelr llngerlng and compllcuted tiseafied condltions, whlch tliey dld not flnd destTibciI in liiK BookM. The proprletorahlp of the Medlcineii. and the business management of the gaine, baving puHstsl lnto the hand of the OR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE C0MPANY WITIf HEADQUARTERS AT :d:r,. ohase'S STEAM 11 HOUSE iiuioit. tl nu.. We would say to the public, tnat they can reat asBured tiiat Ir. Chut'a Family Medicines wlll give them a greater satlsfactlon than utiy others, for the Dlseaseii for wbich their ñames ludiente tbem to have been prepared- equal tothatof hls Book orer Ml other books of a similar character, as shown by thelr Kalen, whlch have exceeded the sales of any other, reachlng over mie millloii ropiea. Glve thera a trial, Iherefore, and kuow for yourselves, 18 all we ask. DR. CHASE'8 öoughandWoundBalsam Has been found the qulckest and iuohI certain cure of Coughs of any preparution in use; also qiiiikly relieving Hoarseneas, Soreness of the Tliroator LungH, Pain orTightness aeross the Cliest, Bronchitis, Clergyman's Sore Tbroat, and ('uisuniitiiiti In all lts earlier stage, Whoopiug Cough, Croup, etc. Price 1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottle fur #5. DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevent and cures the Pain and Distress of the Dyspeptlc after meals, and for Purifylng and Renewlng the Blood, quickly toning up the Stomach, and invigoratlag the whole System. Price f 1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottleg for $5. DR. CHASE'S LiveriAnti-Bilious Pilis Kor curlng the Dlseases of the Llver, and oorrectlng Bilioug conditions of the System, as well as for all Cathartic purposes. Sugarcoated ; selllng for KS centa prr Box, or S Boxph. poHt iiaid, for Wl. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT - - AND PAIN ERADICATOR Is a double-strength Liniraent, eradicatlng lntrnal or i'xti'Miiil l'ain qulcker and more permanently llian auy other In use. Two sle,- 5O cciils and Hl,- or largr DoMles lm 5. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLUST ER Is put up in Roll or Stick Korm, wblch wlll spread a dozen Piasters, giviug a strengthening aud heallng Piaster for two oents not equaled by those for which you pay two shillings ; selllng for 25 cents per roll ; flve rolls, pottpaid, SI. Dr. CHASE'S CÁÍARRH SNÜFF Is for the qulck cure of " Colds in tbe Head," and dolng all for old Chronlc Catarrh that medicine can do. Selling for SO o.t. per bottle. IN OKII ICIN4. Any oí mese Medicines, (if your Druitglst has not got them,) or for any further lnformatiou in relatlon to them, addres the Dr. A. TV. CHASE MEDICISE COMPAN'Y, A ii 11 Arbor. 966t( FERDON LÜMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., M&nüfactnrer aud Dealer In 8ACINAW GAMWID LÜMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We Invite all to pive at a cali, and examine om etock beforc purchaflng eleewhere. AL30 AGBNT POK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8BLL8 FIBB BR1CK.. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. H Kt. II. Hapt. feb.U.'79 JD INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY,GROCEKY AM FLOUR AND FEED STORE. Wo keep conatamly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKKS, ETC, FOR WHOLB8ALB AND RKTAIL TKADK. We nhall alao keep a npply ol 8WIPT A DBÜBEL'8 BBST WHITE WHKAÏ FLOÜK, DKLHI FLOUR, RTB FLOT1R, BUCKWHBAT FLOUK, COUN MBAL, FEKÜ, tc.,c. At wholesule and retal). general tock 01 GROEERIE % M PKOUSKs conetantlj on hand, which will bo aold on as reatos able terms as at any other honoc In the city. Caen pald for Bntter, Egga, and Country Prodnc. Renorftlly. &rtíooúf delivored to any part of tha city wltl oat extra charge. yr KlrlRKT SKABOLT. QOAL! GOAL! O. W. SHIPMAN, Mlner and Wholesale dealer of tbe celubrated BRIAR RIDGE COAL. AlO- Dealer in Hard Coal and Pip lron. Urden promptl; fllled. Office, 90 Qrlüwold Ktrcot, Detroit room 8 HM4M To Inventors and Mechanics. Patenta and How to Obtaln Ihrra. Pampblota of 60 puteis fre, opon recelpt of atara p for postale. Addrunê O1LMORK, 8M1TH ft CO., 8ollcltore of Patenta, Box SI ati Waahinston, D. C. WILLIAM W. NICUOLS, DENTIST1 SSSP 8ucceaorto O. W North. Office, 1U Sonth Main Btreet,apponituNatloualBaak. Keuldonce, -Jn I.lh. erty tttreet. Nltrons oxide iraa admlnlatered when reqneated. Mgtl