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Street sprinklers are doing good duty on the dusty thoroughfares. W. W. Wines, of the fina of Wines & Worden, has gone to New York City. Rev. Mr. Harrington, of 111., is in the ¦ity vibiting his brother, Prof. Harrington. The M. C. R. B. mines most of the coal ased by its loconiotives itself, at tbe Jackson mines. _ Last Sabbath the Unitarian society of this city was iuoreased by the addition of 13 new members. Jeremiah Kennedy, for 4L years a resident of Northfield, died on the 12th of April, aged 81 years. - - ¦ - - Wm. Deubel, of this city, is said to have purchased an elegant residence of Mr. Jas. Wilkinson, of Ypsilanti. John F. Lawrence, Chas. Manly and four others, are to shoot wiiha team of six students ot the uuiversity. CoDfirmation will be administered at 8t Thomas' Catholic church, Monday next, Bishop Borgess officiating. The annual address at the coming commencement in June, will be delivered by Bishop Harris, of Detroit. A few of the members of Co. A, have decided not to re-enlist when their term expires which will be very soon. The Barrett Dramatic Club are to repeat the play " Dollars and Cents," at the opera house, Friday evenin, April 23d. A Detroit bicyclitt has been in the city endeavorÏDg to start a coQtagious bicycle fever, with a good show of success. A new house is about to be erected upon the lot sold by Mr. Hulburt, just north of his residence, on State street. Gen. Cary addressed a fine audience at Whitmore Lake last evening. Several gentlemen froralhis city accompanied him. We are indebled to Senator II. P. Baldwin," for valuable public documents, for which hc will please accept our thanks. The fifth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wm. Hangsterfer will be celebrated by them next Tuesday evening. The Hillsdale Business says : "Rev. Mr. Lockwood and family left on Friday for Ann Arbor, where they will hereafter re.-ide. ' ' The new manager of theT., & A. A. R. R. has raised freight charges aloDg the line of the road, much to the displeasure ol ¦hippers. Rev. F. T. Brown of this city was invited to the reception given President McCoah, oí ¦Princeton College, last Sabbath evening in Detroit. _ The walls of the new building of Ludwig Walz, on Liberty, just south of Main street, are up and the structure will soon -be eMoseti. _ The term of E. Duffy, as superintendent of the poor, expires with the incoming oí the new board of supervisors, who will elect a successor. R. E. Frazer, of this city, and Dan R. Shier, of Saline, have been in attendance upon the meeting of the W. C. T. ü., at Monroe, this week. Mayor Smith and Recorder Clark have I üeen made recipients of a vote of thanks ¦by. the common council for their attention ¦ to business the past year. Joe. T. Jacobs, thinking Constable Boylan needed a cañe as bad as Alderman ïlwaing (he only having one majority also) presented him with the same. Aid. Handy reporta the Wall street bridge over the Huron river as being in a dangerous condición, and the Pontiac street bridge not much better. A new sidewalk in front of the opera house, is pleasing to pedestrians. It could be continued further south without causing ny serious displeasure to the public. Don't forget Gen. Cary's lecture at the opera house to-night, upon the "Mistakes of Mosesor Ingersoll, Which?" for the benefit of the reform club and city band. A. B. Pryer, of Indepeudence, Kansas, writes Wlosing subscription, "that the prospecta here for fruit are good, fall wheat looks well, and farmers are planting corn." Jauies W. Hulburt, of wlioso larceny of papers from his father an account was given some time since, was sentenced by Judge Morris to two years in Jackson states' prison. The wife of Ezra Whitmore, formerly a resident of this city, but for many years residing at Mallett's Creek, in Pittsöeld, died on the Met of March in Quindaro, Kansas. If' hanging a horse-shoe over the door of a house is sure to bring good fortune to the dwellers therein, why wouldn't hanging one over your pocket keep the coin from being dissipated. Mrs. Kittie If. üudson, nee Mitchell, mk of R. F. Hudson, died at Atcbison, Kansas, April 9th, aged 34 years. Mrs. liudson was well known in this oity previous to her marriage, and leaves many friends here to mourn her loss. Mr. Mallory has removed with bis family to Ypsilanti and intends to spend a few weeks prospecting in northern Michigan with a view to permanent aettlement. On decoration day, May 3Oth, Co. A, will appear for the first time in their new uniforma, when they will also attend religious services at the Episcopal Churoh, at 10 o'clock a. m. Last Taesday evening Wm. G. Doty, the present efficiënt and gentlemanly probate register, and Jas. S. Negley, of Pittaburg, Pa., were admitod to praotice at the bar of tliía oounty. Prof. W. H. Payne, of the Uoiversity, was the leading spirit in the teacher' s instituto held, at Big Rajidsrecently,hanl ling the subject of " the teacher's calling," in an admirable manner. The poor fund distributed in the different wards last month was $126.90, as follows : First ward, (23.87 ; Seoond ward, $19.97; Third, $21.46; Fourth, 19.45; Fifth, $31.65; Sixth, $6; City, $4.50. A large sheet of tin from the roof of the Chandler House carne carne tumbling over on the sidewalk last Tuesday afternoon, striking but a few feet from a group of people who were standing in front of the hotel______ Under the amended law dealers in apirituous liquors must pay a license of $200 ; in fermented liquors only $60. The license year begins on the first Monday in May, and the tax must be paid in advance. Last Tuesday K. L. Boyden, who has been at death's door several times during the past few months, drove into the city for the first time in over a year. His friends were pleased to see him thus far mproved. „____ Geo. Max Ten Brook, a bod of Prof. Ten Brook, died on the llth inst., aged 21 years and 9 mos. He was bom in Munich, Bavaria, July 8, 1858. Funeral took place from the family residence in this city, yesterday. An attempt was made to fire an out building in the rear of the wagon shop of Michael Brown, on Liberty street, at about 7 i o'clock Wedne.-day evening, but the fire was discovcred and extinguished before any damage was done. It is a positivo fact that Michigan can produce more varíeties of weather in the shortest period of time, about this season of the year, than any other country on which the sun shines. Witness the past week for instance. The man who ís bringing up a family on an income of six dollars a week will be happy to learn from the fashion predictions " that the spring and summer fashions, in elegance and style, will gurpaes atiything ever seen in America. The Michigan Central K. R. Co. have just completed a new and coinplicated derriek whereby two men can lift a great weight from the cars and land it either side of the track with but little trouble. It is a great improvement on the old one. The council meeting last Monday evening was postponed until next Monday evening, because of the absence of the retiring mayor, Dr. W. B. Smith. At that time the old council will close up its affairs and the new members be sworn into office. Messrs. A. L. Noble, J. J. Kllis and C. D. Herrick started west last Monday, and upon their return the two former gentlemen brought with them each a fine horse. Mr. N. thinks that he has one of the finest family horses in the city, now. The new Unitarian church in Mooreville will be dedicated next week with religions services on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The dedication sermón proper will be preached on Wednesday evening, April 21, by Rev. George B. Stockiu?, of Lansing. ?- Last Saturday night, about 8 o'clock, a bright light was seen in the aouth, which later inquiry proved to be cauBed by the buring of asmall house occupied by Myron Mills, of Pittsfield, about two and one half miles out on the gravel road. It was insured for $100 in the Washtenaw Mutual. ' On Wednesday, of last week, Wm. Howlett, a man 60 years old, was run over and killed near the residence of Mr. O. Clark. He was riding upon a load of lumber, and in some unaccountable manner feil off, and the whcels of the wagon passed over his head, causing instant death. Two pieces of music published by Alvin Wilsey, Ann Arbor, Mich, are upon our table. The title of one is "The Turkish Patrol," by Th. Michaelis, an instrumental piece, the other a song and chorus, "Why did they dig ma's grave so deep?" written and composed by J. P. Skelly. We take it for granted both are good. Workmen have made a splendid oommencement upon the new machine shop and foundry of R. K. Ailes, on west Huron street, having the foundations all completed and the frame well under way. Property holders on that otherwise handsome street have, (we are told) advanced their property 100 per cent. because of this iinpro vemen t. A petition to the school board was presented by Mrs. Schuyler and Mra. Thomas in behalfof the W.C.T.U. last Tuesday erening, asking ithat the sale of intoxicating liquors on the lot owned by them opposite the fair grounds be prohibited, and the board passed a resolution putting the lot under the charge of the county agricultural society. ____-_____ A rich musical entertainment will be offered to our musical loving oitizens on Tuesday evening next, at the house of Mr. 11. W. Rogers. Mr. William N. Sherwood, of Boston, the eminent pianist, has consented to give a recital from the works of the great masters. To meet his traveling expenses those who desire to attend the recital will be asked to pay an admisaion fee. Drs. Kapp, Breakey and George, conatituting the city board of health, report the sanitary condition of the city aa good. There were 78 deaths during the year 1879, two of which were suicides. The scarlet fever epidemie continued during th fore part of the year, and a few isolated oases were reported during the last four months of the year. The measles raged somewhat during the spring and summer, but no deaths were reported. The board were allowed $25 each by the council for their year's services. The Postoffice department haa recently ruled that a rubber stamp nïay be used to print the words ' Please remit," " This account is over-due," "We are in need of money," etc, upon statements and other commercial papera without ehanging their character as third-class matter. This ruling does not, however, apply to reoeipts or other partly printed papers having " the expression of a monetary value. " The use of a printed tignature to such paper does not alter their cbaracter as class matter. The AlbioD Republican, in speaking of the reform club of thia city says : "The red ribboD club of Ann Arbor also celebrated its third anniversary last week. A free dinner was given, the opera house was handnomely decorated, andseveral ableand popular temporalice speakers from other places addressed the club, ainong the number Gen. Samuel Cary. Mumío was furniahed by a chorus of forty voioes. Thia club numbers 400 members, is in a very flourishing condition, and is about to build an opera house, paying between $2.000 and $3,000 for the land on which it is to be erected." ___ The sooner the youth of this country are compelled by the scope and tendency of our public school system to recogniie that only one boy in a hundred can be a lawyer, doctor or clergyman, the better it will be for the American people. To that it is ossential that our methods of training shall cease to foster the silly and abortivo preferenoe for so-called gentlemanly pursuits - shall equarely face the fact that manual labor is the sphere in which the great majority of the human race are destined to move, and that it is a meehanical skill and genius which has transfurmed the world, and which should command the highest prices in the race of life. ___ A year or so ago the readers uf this paper will remember quite an extended account given of the dealings of John Sears charged with forging the name of John Sperry upon a note given Dr. HerJman of this city, and his subsequent flight. Two or three weeks ago Sears was arrested in Chicago, and brought back to answer the charges. Since which time he has remained in the county jail, having a partial hearing last week before Justice Granger. It will be remembered that Sears was accused of forging the name of Sperry to two notes given to Dr. Herdman, the first of which he had paid up, the second lacking about $30 of being paid, which amount we understand Sperry made good. Another note, given Comstock F. Hill for $60, we understand, also had Sperry's name upon it. The case was called before Justice Granger Wednesday but ad.iourned until next week FriJay. Mayor W. B. Smith and Chief Engineer C. B. Davison, left for Waterford, N. Y., last Saturday night, and upon arriviog at Niágara Falls the next morning found the snow three inches deep- how's that for weather ? They arrived at Waterford, some thirteen miles above Albany, on the Hudson, on Monday morning, and immediately proceeded to the factory of L. Button & Son. They were shown the workings of the steamers made by thisfirm, and upon a test of a 2d class engine made for their benefit, water was sent through the pipes within seven minutes, the engine and water in the same being cold at the commencement. They contracted for a 3d class engine, and the same is now under procesa of construotion, but owing to the large demand for this class, it will be somo thirty days or more before it will be completed. The heater and other necessary appliances are included in the contract, the committee doing away with superfluous silver plating and gingerbread work, and taking these necessaries in their stead, which would otherwise have cost extra. The contract price is $2,200. Tuesday Chief Engineer Davison spent an hour or so very pleasantly looking over the fire department of Albany, and is indebted to Chief McQuade - who has held his position uninterruptedly since 1849, the oldest officer of the kind in the United States - for many courtesies extended. Mr. Davison arrived home Tuesday night, and Mayor Smith the following morning. The 14th annual meeting of the Ladies' Library Association was held in the library room on Monday afternoon. The treasurer's report for the year was as follows : KSCXIPTS. Cash on hand April 15, 1879 $49 52 Interest on bonu„__ 5 33 Interest on note „ _ „ 32 00 Membershlps „ _ 50 00 Annual tax las (X) Klnes _ 36 45 Hale of catalogues and supplement!) 5 20 Sale of book _ 3 45 Entertainment „ 75 89 Total _ 384 84 DISBC&SEMKNT3. Forbooksand magazines $196 SO Kepalrlng books „ 54 13 Librarían' salary from Oct. 13, 1878 to Bept.90,lS7 _ 44 50 Insurance _ 8 00 Repalrlng book cases and now shelves.. 9 50 Book supporters 3 00 Librarían, for care of room 4 60 Sundrles 3 53 Total $323 96 Cash on hand April 12, 1880 $60 38 The librarian's report stated that 126 volumes have been added to the library during the year, of which number 114 were purohased and 12 presented. Eighteen volumes of magazines have also been bound and 11 volumes of bound magazines presented. Whole number of books in library, 2,355. The average circulation of books per week bas been 97, and of magazines 27. There have been 50 new members during the year. Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Cooley, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Jaycox, and Mrs. D'Ooge were re-elected members of the board, their term of office having expired. Mrs. Adams was elected president, Mrs. Ten Brook, vice-president; Mrs. D'Ooge, secretary; and Mrs. Jayoox, treasurer. After the election of officers the association adjourned.