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The Ann Arbor Courier

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FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1880. Cloaliie and Openlnsc of 'Juli. Mails leavlng Ann Arbor, Kast and West, wlll close as followB : OOINd WEST. Wav Mali 8:3 ¦ mrtirougl and Wiiy Mali 10: a. m. and 1:50 p. m. Jackson - iiE'm" Chicago and beyond ' mlli 11. NU BAST. Detroit DOUCll S:8' a' mTbrüUKli and Way Man 10:25 a. m., L-60 p. m. ïlastem Mails dlstributed at 8 and 10 a. m., 12 ni and 9:80 p. inWestern Mali dlstrlbated at 6:30 p. m. Chicago Mail diKtribniedatSa. m. jioSSn Mail and Way Mail between Jackson aud Ann Arbor dlbtributed at lla. m. Mali by Toledo Rallroad closes at 11:10 a. m. Toledo Itallroad Mail dlstrlbuted at 8:00 a. m. except Saturday svenlnt, whn it Is distribhI.m! the offlO OlOMI. Tbe mal (o Wiiitm.ire Lake, Webster and BriKbton leaves TueHdays. Tliursdays and Bkturdavs ut 9 a. ni., ftnd li r,,-,iv, ,1 gom tliesc plSS Wednesdays and Fridays at tour o'clock p. m. CHAH. G. OLARK, P. M. 'I'ravelom' Guido. Tralns arrlve and depart trom the Michigan Oentral Depot In thls olty as follow: TBAIN8 KAST. Atlantic Express ¦ - Nlïhl tíxpres S'1? Iackou Aci-omraodatiou 8-f " mGrand Rnptd.s ICxpreM ï"i?i!ï;É f;:::;;;;;;:;;;":;:::::::;fcjfj:S: TBAINS WEST. Mall 8.40a.m. DayEx'press'. ll'. (iraml llaplds Express 5.20 p. na. jackKou ifxpres ,' P. m. Eveulng Kx presa ,VÉÍTP' ' PiCitic Express., U.M p. m. All train areVun by Chicago tluie.whlch Is fitteen minute slower than Anu Arbor Unie. Friendtt of The Courier, who have buMiiH'MH at the Probate t'ourt, wlll nlraxt' ri'quONt .Imliii' II arriman to „,im1 their l'rintiuK to ollice.