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Honor peom Europe. It is conceded on all sides that Dr. Ayer's Pilis are above comparison with other medicines. Unitiog the best elementa known to the chemist, they are particularly effective againat the numerous stomachio disorders for wbjch they are reccommended as a cure. Theee pilla are so mild, yet searching, that they are often prescribed by doctore who otherwise do not favor patent medicines. Indeed, with the fruits of Dr. Ayer's genius in the shape of Pilis, Sarsaparilla, Agüe Cure, and Cherry Pectoral, one might with impunity travel through tropical America, or follow Stanley on his travels through the interior of África. - Amsterdam Nieuws van den Dag. Chancery Jiotice. _____ STATE OP MICHIGAN- Th Circuit Conrt for ttie County oí Washtenaw, in chancery. breder - lek D. Jenkins, complainant, vs. Kllza A. McDonald, Atnaae8slon of said court, holden et the Coiirt nome, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedntsáay, the twenty-first day of April, A. D. 1880Present, the Ilon. Gouverneur Morris, Circuit J"añot Complalnt in this cause having been rlled on the ninth day of April, A. D. 1880 ; and it now satisfactoria appearinfj to this court, apon due uroof by aflidavit, that the defendant in thia cause, hlua A. McDonald, resides out of this State, and is a rident ot the State of Texas ; oo moüon or Uradley F. Oranger, solicltor and of counsel for the complainant, it ík ordered that the said defendant, Kliza A. Mc LKinald. ap,ear and answer the bill of coniplainl In thla cause, withui three months from the date oi this order. ÜOUVKRNBÜR MORRIS, Circuit Judge. B. F. Granubh, Solicitor, and ol Counsel for the Complainant. WS5-991. "POR SALE OR RENT. A HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, In tlie second ward, one block from Main strect, Enquire of 983-994 C. KITaON. "POR SALE. I have a good FLOURING M1LL of foor run of êtonc, that I wlll sell or eicnane tor property in Waahtcnaw County. 9,illf RICE A. BEAU ÜOR SALE. A Farm of twenty-one acres, with a good dwelllng houec on it, one mlle from city city HmiU. Knqulre 965tf At THE COÜRIER OFFICE. TMTONEY TÓ LOAN. At seven por cent. 8ecurtty mnst be on flrstclass farms in this county, or city propertj In Ann Arbor in central and desirable localltie. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Altorney. 959tf Office cor. Main and Hurón t., up-stalrs. T F. BOYLAN, Keal Km t at e Apnrj. Farms and Honses bought, old, rented, repalred and insured. Office at WOLVEHINE STORE, SSOtf Corner of Huron and Flfth Street. pOR SALE. I have a good, inui i, and lot, Bltaated on Ellzabeth street, No. 15. There is a good barn and wood-stied on the place. The property Is new and in good repair. Terras very liberal. Apply to 977-989 MRS. E. E. WINSLOW. pROF. REUBEN KBMPP, Having just ciwduated from the Conservatory of Mnslc at Stuttgart, Germany, wliere he rocetved a thoroaL'h educatlnn, and lnatractiuna in the latcet raethods of teaching mtmlc, i now prepnred to give EjenaoiiH 1 11 llttrmon , and on tbc Piano and Organ. Piano tnnrrt on rea-oimble termg. Rooms, nOrtheftBt corner of Main and Liberty stroetg, np-xlaim, Ano Arftor, Micli. lir.i HMK) W ILLIAM W. NICHOLS, IDEISTTISTI aecoseorto O. W North. O01ce, IS 8oath Hals Street, oppoeite National Bank. Keeldence, 77 Lib rty Street. Nitrosa oxide cas admiuitercd wben roQnentd. RAJttf FLOWERS! FLOWEES! Wo have now ready and for aale a largc and flrstciaa stook of HOUSE andJEDDlIG PUNÍS Thoas wiahlng to procure thu beat aelectlon ahould come early. ORDERS PKOMPTLY ATTENDKD TO. COUSINS & HALL., COE. 3. UNIVE2SIT7 A7Z. AK2 12th 3T. W.W. BLISS&CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO l M Ml All GooocLs Soli at Detroit Prices. Areut8 for GLOBE and 8EAI, OF DETROIT tobáceo. NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREST. Úyr pO AL! CO AL! O. yf. ÖIPMAN, lllncr and whojceale deJer oí .1 cleLrLted BEIAE BÏ5GS GOAL. ltoalcr in Ilrd t'oal and Plf boa. Ordor proni]itly iIIIimI Ulllto. '.I (irlrtwold Ktri-.'t, Detroit, rooiu 3.