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Memorial Day

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Memorial Jay bas once again been observed in Ann Arbor, and notwtthstanding he inclcmency of tho weather, a large orowd of people followed Co. A, and the and to the Fifth ward, where the ladies of the dccoration society aod cbildren with lags and flowers mct and accompanied them 0 the cemetery where a soldier's monuinant is erected to the memory of the 1 Martyrs to Freedom," from that ward. An impresMog sight t seeined to see the ompany so ueatly arrayed in their new uniform, completely surrounding the tnound while the children planted the flags and scattered (he flowers upon it, meanwhile singing " cover them over with beauiful flowers," closing with a dirge from lie band. On adjourning to the stand for peaking it was thought impracticable to carry out the programme further, as the wind was blowing a gale, making it imposible to be hcard, and the clouds threatenng a deluge aoy moment So we reluctantly turned away, hoping it was all for the lest, aud that a brighter day awaited us nother year. To Co. A for honoring us with their presenee in their new uniforms in uch weather, we tender our warmest hanks. And all who so kindly assisted in rying to make the day a success, will be emembered with heartfeltgratitudeby the