Farm Drainage
The experienco of the past few years in Illinois, Indiana, ühio and Iowa in tiledraining has oponed the eyes of a great many farmers in these and othcr western states to its value. Tho meetings of tile manufacturera during the past two qr three moiithg in different states have discloscd facts which are not devoid of interest. Tlierc are 1,1 40 tile faetones in the six states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois.Wisconain and Iowa, where there were but 400 in 1 870. Indiana has 486, Illinois 320, and Ohio 230. During the last year the manufacturo rcached 175,000,00, valued at $2,812,500. Tho average depth of laying the tile ia thirty-three inohes, and the cott of dipging varíes from 15 to 30 cents a yard, but in the yield of crops tho ncrease is from 25 to 100 per cent. A man whose tamily was sick wilh luug diseases said.his house was full of pluralpneumonia.
Farms & Farming
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier