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Estáte oí Ozlas A. Suiith. QTA.TK OF MICQUiAN.C'oiinly uf Wulitcnav.aa. At a íenelon of tho l'rotmtc Oonrt fr (he (íonnty ol Wubtmaw, holden at tho I'robatu Office, In thc Clty of Ann Arbor, on Thurwtay, thc eii'h'h úay ol July, In the year one thouciuut alghl bumlred aud aifjntj. Ptetent, William D. Uarriman, Judiie ol Probate, In (he matter of tho eatate of Ozlas A. Smlüi, lUrOMOli líri L. llruiuard, admui.atmtnr d HOM, 'lth the wül aniu'ïfd oï iíhIU Miato, comes imo court and rciruei'nt that he ll m iin-pared to reiider bis flual accuuut h buoU adminitrntnr. Thereapon it Ís ordt-rud, that Tuenlny, t) day ol Auk'oet noxt, at leu o'clock lu th no. il., bfl dHÍtMied for esaminiüif ftml al!twin mich acoouut, and that thu devisoen, lefataw and luiré at law of Hald doccaaed and all other piTnoni1 tnti In sald catato, .te raqmred lo appiar at a svantou of naid court, thi-n to tie holden at tlie Probate "luce, Ín thc clty oí Adii Arbor, in eaid county.anil show cause, II imy there be, why tho naid account thould not lc alluwed. Aud it ts further ordi-rcd, tbat pnld ailmlulutraor 1,'iw uotice to the pcraoua iiiteruwted in aaUl of the pendeney 01 ai account, and tlie hearlni; 'luTi'of, liy caiifinu' acopy of tillo orilur to pan llehed m tho Aun Arlor tV(Urír,auewBpaiur printuil and clrciiladni; in ald connty.thrw ineotaalve wo-ke prcvlouí 10 íaid day of henriuj;. (A true coiiy). WILLIAM D. IIAHHIMAN, Judge ol Probat.WM. 8. DOTY. Trobato Hclíter. (C.M IW7 THE CITY TEA STORE In the place ti buy your TEAS, COFFEES, Spleen, l'annod FtultB and Itaknif Powder, CIGARS and TOBACCOS. A L't'iiiTü] varicty of FAMILY GROCERIES, BMM where yon ttie ti'akcttlo HgÊ, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. M. 1. L. ItRANCII, l'rop.