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The D6W turn-tablcon the Toledo track n this city is completed. O. E. L. Crozier ia to ipeak ;tt the tcinperance meeting, Sunday. C. C. Warner broke ground tliis morning for his new house oa Ann st. Gilbert Bliss is the agent in this city for tlie Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation Co. 's line. Albrecht Gwinner and Louia Fritz, leave for Sugar lake for a week or two, camping, to-day. Mr. Royer haa benn making some good Improvementa to bis resklence on Uiviaion corner of Ann st. The beautiful BalHmore oiïole is jnst now making Ann Arborites happy with n uect warblings. The streeta of the city never looked bettor than at present wbere the " road bullder" h:is been around. The Ooal of gravel on Main s-treet will bi a jr.Kul thinsr is soou as the packing proces h ill have done its work. Lucy II. Clark has removed f rom her furnior ptiice over Stinisou's store to rooms yt tlie poatoffice on wcood floor. Meeting l'riilav evening at theG. A. K. hall to complete tbe oeoesMry arranmmenta for tlie obmrvance of Oecoration Day. Jee T. J;ic!i la fretting to ba considerably Interested in ugriciiltural pursuits, and is (lomp; sonie good work on bis new farm. llcv. Dr. Herrick Johnson will continue the Synodic&l sy-tcin of leetures, at the Presbyferian chnrch next Suuday mornIng and evi-ning. Rev. Fr. Wm. 3, Fierle Iea7es for Pittsburgh, Pa, tomorrow. to be absent one week. flis pulpit will be occ pied by one of tbe Capuchin Fathers during bis sojmrn. Martin Haller, of tbe firm of Koch & Saller, was married last night to Miss Panlian Binder, at the residence of tbe bride1! pnrent. Mr. and Mrs. Henry BinUer, ly Kei'. F. lielser. If you wouid furnish your boy witb a good qtialit)1 air-gun, and give hini permissiou to we tlie sparrows for a target, wonldnt these impiuient little chatterers be tliinned out soon ? It was a woi tby eompllment toa worthy gentlem in, the electlon of W. G. Doty as grand stand ud bearer, at tbe recent annnal conclave of the grand commandery of Mn-bigin at Detroit A bami of wandciMiij; gipsies passed throagh the city last week - wagons rig geó np a Ij Forepaugh style- covered with cnnva&a - Bleeplnjt apurtoieuta with wiudows nicely curtained, etc. Satunlay Thos. F. Leonard auctioneered nlF a niiniber of tirst-class carriüges which were taken under a cbattel mortgage from Mr. Fergueon, of Dexter. Some good bargning were said to have been made. Potatoes are extremely poor this spring, especially those that were kept by burying. Wtaen ent open they are black and soggy, and keep onlva few days in the open air. It is simply throwing tnoney away to bny ttiem. A coiupnny of this city is putting lu gas works at Owosso, with O. F. Webster as manager. They propose to charge only $2 00 per tbousand with 20 candle power burners lladn"t we betterall move up to Ouosso and seek our light? Now the tadpole and toadlet will be singing round your door, and the June bug and tbeskeeter will be growing rnore and more, and tlie whipporwill on circus posters will get fat as he can bo.and tlie W'iUiam goat be warblingin the branches of a tree. It won't do any harm to try it: Oil of wintergreen, mixed with an equal quantity of olive oil, applied externally to inflamed joints affected by acute rheumatism, it is said affordl instant relief, and, having a pleasant odor its use Is very agreeable. An exchtinge gays: There is nothing that so takes the starth out of a young man who bus been wedded abont a year as to have to go to a store where there ia a girl clerk witb whom be used to keep companyand Inqulre for a packet of those large sufety pins. The council held a meeting Saturdny evening, but did little or no business of iniiortance. The saloon bond of Adolph Hnfttetter, was appruTed, and a resolution passed requeitlng the county treasurer to use all ililligenca in enforeme the law reopectiilft the payment of the liquor tax by saloon-keepers. Our people niay have some idea of the Immenie amonnt of business done by the American Express Co , on the railroads Of the country, from the fact that every ¦veiling the New York fast express traína gnlng west on the Central contains eight cara and opward, full of expresa matter. This train carries no passengere. The young ladies of the Catholic society of this city, held a very successful festival in Sheehan's hal] last Friday eveni";r, al which a beautiful crazy quilt was aold by chances, and ilrawn by Jas. Fog'ty, A handsome book, the gift of Pather Fierle, was also solj by chances nd drawu by Mr. Róben Rayer. The occasion irafl pleasant one, and greatly enjoyed by those present. The proceeds will bo given to the school building fund, We are told. In obedience to orders from National Headqoarten, yelch Post No. 187 (i. A. H . invite all tbe clergy of this city and their congregations to join in holding a Memorial service on the Öabbath precedIng Decoratlon Day, asa tribute to the memory of tiiose who laid down tbeir lives tlmt our country migbt live. 8uch a servtee will be held at University Hall at 3 O'clock p. in. on Sunday, May 24th, which lerylce will be attended by Welch Post, No. 157, (i. A. I!., and Company A, M. s 'I'., n a body. All veterans of the late war are Inrlted to maren to University Hall with the Port. The public generully ure invited to join in these services. It is expectcd that work will be commenced on the water works June lst. Express Agent Ames is hnppy over the fact that the express business is booming once more. The Baptist society made the haiulsomo sum of f115 ott their fiowcr festival last Frlday evening. The Japaneso waddlag at the Congregational church, last Thursday evenintr netted about 50. Wm. Hutchins, aged 75, an old nnd highly repentcd resident of Dundee was buried last Saturday. A telephone has been put in by Ilarvey Cornwell, which will be a convenienco for himself and bis f rienda. G. P. Godfrey has put in a telephone, and yon can now order your dray a niile or more away, if you want to. There was a wedding of deaf-mutes at the Catholic church last Monday rnorninff. The biitle being Miss Mary Schaible of this city. And now t seems that all the clrcuses have shunned Ann Arbor again this season. Well, Ann Arbor can stand it if the circuses can. Rev. Samuel Earp, Pli. D., of Washington, Pa., formerly of Grand Rapids, is to occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's church next Sunday. Mrs. Anna Kayser, of No. 13 State street, died very suddenly Friday last of heart disease, aged 58 years. Funeral services were held Monday, from the house. John ;. Davis, of York, a son of Randolph Davis, of Lodi, died on Monday, and funeral was held yesterday. Many of the I. O. O. F., fraternity of this city attended. Mary Chancellor Porter, formerly of this city, died at Detroit Miiy 13th, and funeral services rere held from the residence of her sister on Washington street. last Friilay. Tlie Peninsular Saengerfest, if held here next year. will be somethingentirely new Ibr our people, wil] bring hundreds of strangers to our cilv, and be a bis; "ad" every way. Coniplaint has been entered against Chas, Komig, of Bridgewater, for carrylnit on saloon business without giving bonda or paylng tax. This talng is Hable to be contagious when once starled. The Germán order of A. O. U., W. of this city, has bad ts hall renovated, re-papered, re-palnted and handtomely Bxed up, and propones to glve i dan. ing party therein ucxl Monday eveillng. The dranken and maadlln condltlon of two young men of this city- of cfean, respectabk' families - and who are bright, active, ca pable gentlemen when not ander llquor's luflnencp, was a pitable sffrlit on our streets Monday morning Bltber the city authorities or the county authorities, or soiue authoiities ought to enfoice the law to "keep otl' the grasa" on the court house lawn. It is -i shnme Mie way yoinifi boys and old boys tramp duwn Uie grass, and it should bc Itoppi il. Wlien the new datn is put in above the first railroad bridge, it will malte a mil]pond whlch will extend about half a mile in wtdtti, by one mile in Untli, una makc an elegant boüting place. VVork coinincnced on Ifonday on the dam proper. Joe T. Jacobs, chairman on the committee on flowen for Decoration Day. requests all those who eau to bring or send all the Oowen they can spare to the rooms of the aprlcultural society, in the .011 rt house, before 8 o'clock," on the 30lh- Decoration Day. There are some young lads who make a practice of stealing flowera from yards, thus robbing people of pleasures thej' have often worked hard to obtain. It is a mean thing to do, boys, and an example or two may be made Boon if one or two Ira te e ple wliotn we know of do not change their minds. This evening, at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. A. W. Stalker will lead to the altar Miss Mary Hendrickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hendrickson. The bride and groom are both well known and well-liked by our young people, and will have many good wishes follow them in their new life. This is the Milan Leader's latest ent story: " Hattie Calüa owns what might be termed a purely vegetable cat; it will eat with reiiah raw potato, cabbage, string beans, peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, apples, and nearly all kinds of fruit; will also eat carpet rags. The tact ot its beiugdeaf perhaps accounts for its peculiarities in taste." The postoffloe is getting ready to issue a new postage stamp. It is to be used by newspapers, postage on which bas been reduced from 2 cents to 1 cent per pound. The stamp will be of the same general character as the series now in existence, which range from 1 to 10 cents in denomination. The reduction of newspaper postage goes into effect the first of next July. Mrs. Mariah Vande Venter, mother of Miss Jennie Vande Venter, of this city died at her home in Dundee, April 27th, 1885, aged 65 years. She was formerly from Ontario Co., N". Y., coming to Michigan iu 1844. Deceased had bee-i a consistent member of the M. E. church from her earliest girlhood. She leaves three daughters and four son?, who mourn the loss of a faithful and devoted mother. Mrs. Buell's rendering of her selections, especially Poe's "Raven" and the "Letter Scène" from Macbeth, at Fireman's Hall, recently, was a treat to all literary people present. She is both easy and irraceful in her gestures, and we feel sure she will meet with a full house if she appears here in public again. The B. E. Quartet sang in their usual excellent style, and can be safely classed as oue of the best in the state. The Board of Review for the city of Anti Arbor, consisting of the various supervisors and Messrs. Fred. Schmid, D. E. Hiscock at.d E. P. Mason, met in reglar sessinn Tuesday morning, and will continue through until Tliursday evening, for the puipose of reviewing the rolls of the different district. Xtxt Monday the board will meet to hear any grievance tbnt the people may choose to make in reference to tlieir assessed valuation. If they have "salled" yon too mucli, (or failed to " salt " you euough), stop in an have the error reetitied. Up to tbc present timo there are 12 saloon keepers in this city, and fonr In the county who have not paid thoir liquor tax for this year, and several of them who have not even liled their bonds. The non-payment of this tax by these men is an injustice to those who have payed. If it is right for one to pny this tax, it is right for all. If the balance are not to pay it inight be well to instruct tlie proper nuthoritles to pay back the tax already paid in by those who have thown their willingness to obey the law. it is reported tliat 17,000 varieties of potatoes were on oxhibition at New Orleans. Most of the potatoes now cultivated in Michigan are becoiningdcstroyed and it becomes our farmers to secure and plant from some new seedlings whicb are beginning to come into the market, and are far superior lu every respect to the old kind. There are ome very fine varieties now in our niaiket for sale, such as the " Pride of America," a capital potato, a great yielder, sraooth, white, and very desirable in shape. Thcn there are the'" White Stur," the " Early Ohio," the " Early Vennont,'' the "Beauty of Hobron " the "Snowflake," etc. Our dealers are anxlous for the farmers to plant these new kinds, so that our city win be iupplied with good eating potaoes. '