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G'iy Harria, of S iltne, lms clerked for J. W. Huil & Cj. 1G} years. Oh, for a base ball club cliuck full of enrid, sighs the Saline Observer. The farmers of the western part of tlie counly coinplain of tlie scareity of hay. The Hillsdale nnd Lenawee county farmer's picnic holds forth at Ievil's lakt-, A ng. 23. The Observer uysthattbe Ohiowheelraen made the largest blcycle parade last week ever seen la Michigan. The market price ior hutter and egRS has nol been ¦ high fir maiiy yens at tliis aeason. Farmers UBlle. The Silino flowerlng milis had a narrovv escape from lire rcccnlly, caiisrd hy 1 1 1 1? bnrnlng nt of the smoke-stack. Hon. E. l Harper often rldcs to town behind a carriage hor.e that s 35 years old, and still good for raany years to come, - Saline Observer. The oreainery at Mooreville made and shipped to New York City over fourtons nf butler during June. Isn't that a cue to the price of butter this season. An inventory ofthe Cordary a?sets put them at $42,302.40, and llabilities at $44,485.09, besides a chattel niortgage to Mis. Cordary for $12,000 which wlfl be contested. J. W. Huil, who has been in the hardware business at Saline for 21 years, has exehanged hls stock with G. A. Crofoot of Aun Albor, for a 360 acre farm at Buit Oak. A conventioii of Sunday schools of Saline township, was held in Union school hall, Saline villagc last Smul.iy, nnd a ])rograni conslatlng ot three sessions was gone through with. The Tliird Aumial Exhlbition of the Western Washtenaw and Easteru Jückboii Agricultural Society will be held at Chelsea, September 25tb, 2üth, 27th and 28th, 1888. The saraedays as the county fair. One good evidence that our town is on tlie boom is the fact that we see so many strange faces upon our streets every day. They generally appear to be at home, and upon imiulry we ftnd they are most of them residents of thevillage or the township.- Stoekbridjie Sun. The quiet on the streets tells plainly that the farmers are busy in their fields. Now and then one comes in for some necessary, and to oor inquines about the state of the liarvest, the general answer is "pretty good. Letter than was expected." We don't annoy them by questions about politics.- Ypsi. Seutiuel. Promisinq Colts: " S. II. Dodge," is the name ot' a four-year-old-pacer owned by Fred Johnson and II.Fairchild, yhich tliey bought of Bert Moorman last fall. After 00 days handling. he paced a niile in 2:311, going the half mile in 1:18, and the lustquarter in :34. J. J. Stelhvagen's five-year-old, -'St. Ignacc," of Wayne, aflerseven weeks handllng, trottpd a mile in 2:33}, at the fair ground,