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Their Mouths Are Closed

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-The Itepublicaus are in a dilemma. They nominated Joux O'.vex for 'freasurcr undur the impression thát he was the only honest inan in the State, and tliat the Demucrats must take an inferior man. But, wlien Elon Farnswortii was nominated their game of brag was up ; Joun Owen was matehed in every particular, and by a candidato of prefcrable politics. The Advorther says of our candidato : Ilon. E. Far.vsworth, the eandidatc for State Treasurer, is by far the bost man on tho ticket. He is a very estimabls citizon, and universally respooted. ïhough it has been niany ycars since he played any part upon the political stage, and gave way to other and laster Dumocrats, and may bo classed amongst the past generation of politici:m, ho is nevertheless a live mao, and still takes an active interest in passing events. He is now, and has for -'ine years, been President of the Detroit Savings Instituto, in whieh capacitj' he has inspired the confidenee of the public. So we have no fear tliat, as State 'Jrcasurer, (an office to which he wjll ncver be elected Iiowever,) lio will attempt to convert tliat bank into a political machine with wliich to buy up the peoplo. jL"5C A few weeks ago the Republicana searched the dictiobary in vain to iud terms of villiñeation or delraction sufficiently strong fo express tlieir estirnalion of Gen. Cafs. No epitheta were vilo cüough to show thcirhttred) no term raoan enongh to embody their lisgust of his whole politicnl aatom. Now, these sanie republicana are makng long faces and bowling dolofnlly over an alleged insult offerod by the late Democratie State Convention to the General. Mighty proper deienders, verily. It is strange howsuddeniy and thoroughly política] euemies are converted iuto admirers. VW At the rer.ent State Convention, Hon. W. A. RtcnMoxDoSered a resolu tion endorsing the foreign and domesiic polioyof jAMEsBrcruxAN, in defeneo of which he said that four years ago be lielped to norninaíe and elect him, and he proposed to stand by him, and thought the party was bound to sustuin bis administration. We believe no sneb doctrine. Tho President ia not the purty.and is not authorizcd to mark out a politica! poliey for the party. On the contrary, be is elected by a party, on a platform oí deolared principies, and when he lorsakes a singlo principie the party nro not bound to iollow his lead. No man has a right to cali upon the democratie party to endorso a single political act ot James Bochanan's adinitiistratiou tbat does not square witb the GinoinnaM platform. Instead of tho party owing ailogiance to the President in mattere involviog political opinions, it is the President owes allegionce to tho party. That is tho truc doctrine. fT l'ne republioan County Committee has cali a nominating Conventioo to be held at the Court House, in thia City, on the lOth of August, and from this time forvvard to that dato a livoly lime may be expected arnongthe faithtul. Candidates for the varioua places are numerous, their friends de terrnined, and evcry inch of ground will behotly contostod. Anothor treek, al'ter canvassing lbo field somewhat, we may present a list of those willing to servo thoir country as county ofiïeers, legislators, etc., and to aid us in so doing invito tho coufidenco of such candidates as aro not auxjous for a concoulmenaof their ñames or morití. ËyZSf The Detroi t Tribuno cali upon the Republicana to nomínate their "best and most experieneed men" for the Lcgislature. Tho Tribune evideiitly fears tluit the party is doomed, and tiiat nothing but hard scratching will save tlve pieces. Sliouldu't wonder if tlic Tribune is right.