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JNew Firui t ew uOODS ! ! 0 D. L. WOOD, & CO. Are nuw rcceWing nnd opening A Large and Beautiful ASSORTMKiNT -OF- S-t-a-p-1-e an-d Fan c-y DRY GOODS! OZEtOGEIRIIES;, CROCKERY, LADIES' AND CHIIDREN'S SU OES, $c. fre. $e. AT THE OLD STAND OF D. L. WOOD, Thene fjoodt have leen boiiffht since the recent decline in prices in the Eastern Markets and wili bc sold corrcspondinyly CUEAP. Wc 'wouKl rcspectfully invite llie eiüzens of Au n Arbor nnd the surrouading oounty to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR QOODS! As it is no troublo to show them, and we hope BY FAIR AND HONORABLE DEALING To merit a liberal sharc of their imtronage D. L. WOOD. Wm. G. KOSTER. IV'cíí side of Public Square Ann Arbor,.April 20. 1860. 743tf G ü I TER MAN HEAD-QÜARTEKS! THE MOST COMPLETE (MUG EMPORIÜM In Michigan ! tONTAINS THE STOCK OF GAKMENTS EVER OFFERED FOK SALE IN TUIS M A R K E Tl OUR SPRIJNG & SUMMER lb lb wm mm guapes isicsiNi? apcEsiiálsr We keep ever-ytTiing which thefasldon and times deniand, and can sell them clieaper than any otJier Establishment in tlie State. WE HAVE MORE THAX 1OOO T.i-rt en Coat OK KVEBY VABIKTY OF FASIIION, Sucb a Pack!". Half Pack ml Krock Coat", fcc, manufacturfdby ouraalveS) trom the bpstcnuililiesof Linou', Casflimcrenand Marseillcs; Alflo a Large assurtuit-ut of DRESS AND FROCK COATS, Of ererj quaüty, of Brown, Uliie na Fancy Colors. We havo the LA TE S T S TYL E S -OFFrom the finest patterns, plaïn and faney, in tho vide wld world, The most fastidiotis can bo satisfled by out large and newly sclcctcd stock of H A TT O &K3 OAC3O? COLLAES AND SHIRTS, Of all kiuds. CraTatn, Shirt Bo8om,H;indkerchiefs, Susl-emlers, Umbrellas, CarpetBag, ïruuks, kc. The rich est Gloves, from tho finent (ilk to the tioftcst Mountain Kid.already to fitjthe hnnd ofevery customer. Vou enn find everything in ourestablibhuieut which the world ofto the trading community in -ANDCLOTH FOR GUSTOM WORK! VTe have also the fiaest French and Belgian Broad Cloth, Tancy CaRimeres, Fancy Silkand Marfieilles Vesting, &c $Y' Wfl ouldalso cali the attent ion of the Student, espiciallv the raduating clasa, if any of them w:mi jv 3O0DKÍTTINO SU1T, k-t them come to POMHIKIM, in order to get a good ílt. Thankful for past patronage to out old customers ( we Invite as raany new ones to come and give un a cali. D on't fail to aee Guitennan's Headquarterw, before go ng elnewbcrc. M. GUlTËilMAN & ( 0. Atm Arbor, April 11, 1860. 74atf FRESH AFRIVAL -OFIEW GOODS, -AT- STBONG'8 New Cheap Cash Store. 1REAT BARGAIXS AltE OFFERED- a la:go line of Silk Parasols from 4s to $3,00. The best of Watch Ppring Stoel Skirts, Five Cents a H- 0- O- P- . Tip Top 36 iacli Urabrellas, only 12s other fliws in proportion. Alaigestock of Prints very low LACE AND STELLA SHAWLS, LAGE AND CLOTH MANTLES. STRirED ANDPLAIN SIIEETINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, EMBROIDERIES, Hats & Caps, Groceries Crockery fee., c. Also a larg Stock of Ladies' Shoei, At Pmses 10 per cent less them usual %& No trouble to ahow Gocxïa. Cali and examine, at Strong's CHEAP CASH STORE. EXCHANGE BLOCK, ANN ARBOR, Yf W.MORQAN, Agent lor Mutual Ufo Insurance Company , New York. Accumulato.1 Asaeta, .... $6,360,000. the limni té Insuranct Company in the U. S. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company, New York, a lírst elass safe Co. - terniü reAsouable. Huiubuld} Fíre Insurance Compauy, New York. CftpiUil, with alarge surplus, - - $200,000. Feoria Uarine & Fire Imurance C. , Poori& 111. -bit % Xo. 1 Firc lasurftiM Cos. 707 tf Cöptfftl, $W,O0O; 7' W1TII THE TIMES! THE OLD AND RELIABLF Clothing Emporium! ! NO. 3 P II (EN IX BLOCK MAIN STREET. ■7VxatX. "Wi.C3-3VE3DEL han just retorced trom the Kastcm Citie, with a Ui-g and dotlxabte stock of SPE1NU AND SUWMER wliicb h is now ofTcring at uniiMially XjO-W FH.IOX3S! Amoiig bis Assnrttarnt mv bc fouud I3ROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, & YESÏINGS, of all deacriiition", Mpceíally for SummetWear which he l cnding anrl making to order, in thrlatont and bept stylcs, t)gother with a superior ansortmeat of RE AD Y MADE CLOTMNG! TniWKS CAHPCT BAGO, DMBEKLLAS, ui Gentiemen's Furnisliing Goods, ■witli uumernuB otlior artxlce usitally found iu similar cstablisbmciít. As ANEMPOKIUM OFFASHIOJV, teaubstriberflattorü himwlf, that hïa lonff exrorioncf aafl fiouoral succcrp, 'ill ouablc hiia to give tho jrt'atent snüefactfOD to all who njay tmat him In the way of mauiinfaciu -ing garincuts to oitfcr. CAL L EAELYI dni lcavijour oriicm. WM. WAOXER TO I1OUSEKEEPERS. SOJIKTHING NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S Best Medical Saleeatus. Is ro.inufaehired frora common aalt, aDdislU preparo4 onlirelj' different from other Saieratus.l Q :AH tlie deleterioufl matter extracte! iu snel a h L A jroanner S8 to prixluco Broad, Biscuit, and II ij UI kinds of Cake, without containing a ji.nrlicle of (J SaleratiiB wheu tho Bread or Cue is baked; thrr-liv (irrdücinor wholesome rfbult.". Evcrv ipartïcle of Kaleratusia turnod to gas, jind punuthrongh the Bread and Bincnit while baking, b f} f' cur.wqurntlr. uotbreg ron:nins but couimnn Salí E U J Water, and Flour. You willreadily perecive, by L the taete of this SaleratnB, that it i entircfv G dnre.nt froia other Salera tus. " n Itis packed ín one pouud papers, rach l perbrandcd, "B.T. Babbitt's Bct Medicinal k (i O dklentnt;" al, picture, tvtatcd leaf of bread, vO with a glas of elTcrvecing wator on the top - . When yon purchatte one paper you should pre S ■llrve the wrapper, and be particular to got the r tiet exactly Uke the first- brand as above. h A: Full directionfifor makiug Bread with Ibis L I J eratus and Sour Jlilk or Creara Tartar, willac oorapany each package; also, directions for j making all kinds of l'astrv; also, for makiog ?; Soda Water and Seidlitz Towders. 9 2 MAKE VOUR OWN SOAP with L B. T. BABBITT'S PL'RE CO.N'CE.VTRATEI i C I'OTASH. - Warranted doublé the strongtli of ordinaryj" Potash: put up in cans - 1 lb, 2 lbs, 3 li)R, 6 tf Ibs, and 12 lbs - with full directions fnr luaking Í AND lÏHrd and Soft Soap. Conuumers wtll flnd this h tho cheapest article in market. _ f i Manufíictuved and for salo by u B. T. BABBITT, " 104,69, eS, 70, & 74 Washington Bt.,ewYork F H A and No 38 India 5t, Boston. „ NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accurnulated Jan, 1860, $1,767,133,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President, J. C. KENDALL, Vtce President, PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED with the Comptroller of the Stato of New York. Divideada average 40 per cent, anuually. ASSETS. Cnh n Bank, $ 81,355,40 InVHstt'd iu securütPB, createl unier the lawhof thi State of New York and of the ü. S-, 258.fi7O,79 Real Estáte and Fixtures, Noa. 112 aud 114 Broadway 132,450 04 nondH and iiortgngos dmvlng 7 per et. interest 583,998 .39 N'otes roeeived for 40 per cent. of premiums on life pnlicifs, bearing ioterest, 675,315.85 Quartcrly and Serai-aanual premiums, dne subsequent to Jannary 1, 1860. 20,550.38 Interest accnied up to Jan. 1, 1860, 86,488.77 Kcnts accruedupto Jan. 1, 1860, 1,70.34 Pnadán on policios Ín hands of Agenti, g 26,445,19 $1,767,133.24 Dr. Weli and Lkwitt, Medical Kxarainers. 740tf J. GILBKltT SM1TII, Agent. HEAVY ABRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS. ÍAM XOW OPFIKO FOR THF. EARI.Y Spring Trade "an eutiro now Stock, and offer for cash at low pricos, SOO I1OOO3 English & American Prints! 500 jncces Summer Stuft, Benims, Stripes Shirtixgs and Ticlcingi. 200 picces Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinéis, Kentueky Jeans, and Tweeds. 200 pieces DRESS GOODS, (Ne-w S-t-y-l-e-t; BOO 3P- 1- &- o- O- 6 W d [L W [ TT KDiBO(S)[J!OOï 5-0-0 H-o-o-i S-k-i-r-t-s.. 200 Dozen Gloves and Hosiery. 20 Bales Sheetings. ïoo :eiOoO3 Paper and Common Cam bries. 200 Pioces Bleached Goods, Linnens, and othor White Goods. Shcllaud and Berlín Wools Dress Tnmmings, BONNRTS. FLOWERS. Kibbons. Rushes, and all ar tieles usually kejt iu JDi3T Goods. Choice Family Groceries, S II ELF HARDWARE, CROOKERY, &c, &c.} &c, H;iving closeel out all HARD GOODS thiü Stock will be fonnd parücularlir desinble. All parliea prepared to for goodfl will lo well to examine thlfl utock au I have l'OSITIVKLY uarküd tlu-in t much Uit then fotlner JOHN W. MAYNARD. Aun ArtOT, MnrcM7,18ÍO. "4