
BLu Z3 JHk o NEW STORE!! N ew Pur ni t ur e . MARTIN & THOMPSON, SUCOKSSOBS TO O. M. MARTIN, TTAVK JUST OI-ENED IN THEIRnoir and Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDBOF MAIN STREET, a. xx xx lz o-r, A COM PLETE STOCK OF 1Ï0SEW00D, MAHOGANY and SETS OF PARLOR ÏURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALNUT Plain and Marble Topped ROSEW00D, MAIK iGANY, BLACK VVALNUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS &c, fec, &c, &c. m_ mi 3 9 Elegant MIRRORS Bureaus, Secrctaries B e d-R oom Sets, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -of S i S ï i á S { ■ceitliOF THE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W- H- I- C- H "The Qld Polks," O- E 'YOUNG MARRIED PEOPLE " WAN-T T-0 F-C-KN I-S-H PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITTING KOOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO onger go to Detroit or elsewhere To Find ALARGE ASSOETMENT T-li-i-S PÜRNITÜRE MUST BE SOLD - A N D- And Will be Sold ; A- T V E R Y LOÏÏ PRIOESI Ixst evpry man nnd his wifp or golng to be wife, OME AND SEE. Theyalno havo a REA USE ÜARRIAGE, We aro always ready to attend lo the burial of the ead in the City and adjoining country. Ware-Koonm east de of Main Streot, between Washington and Liberty. Ann Arbor, Nov . 1859. O, il, MARTIN. O. B. THOMPSONi General Land Agency KU'-'ONS wanting farms, or ronldencretn ornea nn Arbor, can by calltngonme electfroisa list fovar 1OO Farm For Salel f varicju slzes trom 3, to 1300 acreeach ;(lome ■ goodaianylnthisConnty.) Morethan SO Dwellng Houses nthisClty,fromtwo hundred to tburthousanddo - nrsñHch:aDd ovflr 2OO I. IM1; LOTSi monffthefarma are the C.inhop rarm, l300acre, ie Potter ftirm, in Green Oak; the Place farm, a.i ) d) acres, the Blandón and Jenka fnrras, in Webtor, - Stubs, MicliBel Clancy, Newton Bfiegan, and ■'n])nli' farm. In Ann Arbor: J Kingley'4 farm, the Hatch and Kick t arm in I-odi; the atrickClayufarni in Freedom; W. S. .DavUon. B. . linker b and Ëuck's farms in Hyvan . Most "f hose Htid raany othera can ba divlied to uit urchaaert E W.M0.10A1V. AnnArboj, Jan. Ut, 1856 ff 63 RISDÜN & HENBEBSON tt3 tt - r - -wcsr _ _tL JL_h sl_p - JLa_ ■ NEW HARDWARE STORE ! ! ! o WE WOULD CALI. TUE ATTENTIOX OF TÏIE PUBLIC to our stuck of mm rmr o -w mhz sm 9 IRON, STEEL, NA1LS, TIN, CO1TER. fe SHEET IKON WARE, OIIAIN AND CISTERN rUMPS, PAIWTS, OILS, GLASS, BRITANNiA WARE, LÉC &C, &C, CÊC. And every kind of Hardware and House Furnishing All ü ork will ba sold as CHE1P in at any othor Establishment in Michigan, Wc say we hare got the Best Assortment of Cooking PAR LOR AND l'LATE I3NT TEQS STA.TE, And will sell them Cheapor than THE C I1EAP ES T, Please call and'see tis. All kinds of tin ware kept on hand. Particular attention {aid to all kinds of VVhich wül be dono wlth NE A TNESS AND D1SPA WIL t& Picase cali and sce our STOVE ROOM n 2d story 3f New Blouk. RISDOXi: HEXDEBSOX. Ann Arbor,Oct. ", 1859. Gr O O 13 - RICH GOODS! Clieap Goods! ! o BACH & PIERSON TT AVE JUST OPENED TUK CUOICEST STOCK - - OK- Spring and Summer Good :o bc fouod n tbis City, consisting of LADIES'DRESS GOODS oowcst Styles anl pattcrns, CAKEFULLY SELECTE D, urchaed cheap, and Warranted to Please. um, GENTLEMEN'S GOODS, VmestiCB, Staples, Family GToceries, &c. TodsuU your owu luUmuto cali anp carly BACH & PISRSON 1O59 185O City Cheap Lumber Sash, Doors Blinds, Plaste? Paris, Orand River Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sises, Glas, Paint and Putty, cfec, &c. , D. DeForest, HA VING increaaed his fanilities tor dolng bualneas and enlarged his Yard aud Stock, is preaied the present seaaó'b, with tr.e beaï, largest nd cheat est seaeoncd stock evcrin thi martel, to atisf'y the reaeonable exprirtationa of all. Oui motto ia not to be undersold lor caah on delivery wlll not undertuketo frighlenthe public bysaylng hat thrynrill gctshavedit they buy elaewhere, for we presume that other willsellaslow asthey can tford to. All kiuds of Timber, Joists, nd Scantliog, Plnc, Whltowood, liaaawood, Hem. ock, 'laued and Matched Plne, Whitewood sh Flooring. Planedand rou?h Pinoand Whitewood ding,Feuce Posta, Oak andCcdar Posts andPickcts all kind. 3int fatl), anït ÏUIjitfiöoo'O JC. -il Pme, Aahan'1 Whitewood Shinglei, 3arn Boaids and Barn Floor Plank, laekWs.jUt.and Cherry and thin stuft', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUEö, oxund Body Lutnbcr,Map]e Log Timbor, Hickory, Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Of allthickno3aeB,widthd andlcngths, Sec. Sc.t Piaster Paris, and Piasier f allkinds. 3STi-iXlSI "f all sizes, &c, &c. SASILDOOIiS,& BLINDS, lade by hatid to order as low hb fnctory p rices, on te hortestnotice by the beetof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. tillo ofaii descrlption in the above building line irnislifdoii tlicsliorti'fli ot" no tice, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. ful] anda perfect aasortment of the above and ;ber kinds of Building Materials onstantlyonliandaUhilowtpossibleratC8 Cali and be Convineed. .few rodt southfrom It. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOFING, N.B. - I am now operating Extenaively In the Patent Cement Roofing. City Meat Market. o TEUNDEUSIGN'ED, AT HBUttawt ncar the Post Offlc% keep constitutly on bnd ■ fulJ assortment of I'-i'-o-ii.-ia-!. Tfll-&-a.-t-iBt=-t hich the? will alwavK ho foond to raadinsnto cut upon UIT C'USl'OMKRS. No PABffl will bc sparcd to keep leir inarkit Clean, and Meats Sweet nd patrons may rtly ujion tting tho bost roasts UBI, chops, etc., lliat cuu be round in tbo fitv. CAI. NDTBY U8. s. PROÓTOR T. WALKER. Aon Ajbor,Maj 4. 1S50. Ï45m6 Mortgage Forecloeure. DEFAIXT HATING BEEN MAHK IN the nvütfea ol .1 Mortgftfp) ex6Cated by .John Wcinman to Wil ram R. Ma.vii.irci, ttie 24lh dky of July, AV. 1858, m. reto dd in' tlie Kegbter'j Office in the County of Wih tenaw in Ijber No. 24 of Mor4(age, at pge ftOl, od th Mlh day of July, A. D. 1868, at fiftocu minuten pad liveo'cluck, I'.'M., by vrhieh dcfault the power of aaLe contained in said inortgage bomnif opera tive, aod no tuit or [trocwlini; linving been intitutel at Iaw to reooTer vb" ilt-l.i si-cured by aitl mortgage, ur ny part thereof, nd the safaf of ooé hundred and aixty-aix dollars and thirtv fmir cent, brinj? now clairoed to be duo thereou. Nutice la Iherefore bOTeby pivt-n that the said mortgagn will be foredoied by a saie of the monaRed pimiM Ut wil: ■'!.'. ts niimWreïeven, twelve, tliirtet-n and iourt'-'ii, n Itlcnk hx voutli, ranye two e-st, accordins; to a Plmtol WIIKiuii s. Uaynard'a econd addition in Ann ArborJ' in uid counly,or some part tliereof, at public veml, ut FHeCourt Houne in the c :ty of Ann Art, on the fourtix uay of Autitit ut-xt. at noon. i Wil. S. MAYN.UU), M.ictsag. V.. w. Moboix, Att'r. tVte.Qla]r A. D. 1880. T4IM Mortgago Forecloauro DKV.vlMTllAVrNG BEEK MADE in eondltios of a Murtítago xecutd by lich:u-I KnriKht to Wüliam MTDard,dated the flrtecnth day of Decc-mber, A. I). 18SS '"'r' ■!''! oSuc of the íii-ijwter f IXvátíuT WathtOMwCoauty, du Hu neTcnthdayV Jtnuory, A D.ISÍ9, t four o', 1'. SI .. in l.ilwr Nó. twi'ntr-flr, of Mortgago.. at 2i4; whicli s:iid Mortgage ilulj nntiued by the said Willlam 8. Maynanl to Charles B. Thoinpsnn, .n ZUb dJ otiUrOh, A.D..18R0, in writing and the urne has been duly rccunled in the nflicef the Hester of IJeerts, n Liber 5 of Mortgapres at pago 264, for whicli di'fuiilt the power of cale containod In faid Morl. gage bccame operalire and no .tuit orproccedinga liariag leun initltutod at law to recover the debt ecurfd by mil Mortgage or any part thereof, anri on whieh ther ia now claimcd to bc dne the sum of thirtv dollar and that thef.irthcriiimofthrce huLdrud dollars wilh intrtent annuully will ht-reafter bocime díte au fol'owa, toVt: - In three eqmil anniuil pavinente from the flfflnth day "í ííeccnilier, A. D, 1S5Í. Noticc in, thers fore, hefebyglven that the said Morttfai(( will be forcloscd by a sale of the Mortgaed premise, to-wit:- It number one (1) in block five (5) Norlh, range ten (10) Eajit, i:j & Maynard's addition to the City ot Aan JXrbor, nr sunif pftft thereof, at public ven ut; at the iront door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, ou the thirtieth day of July uext, at ten o'clock, CHARLES B. TIIOMPSON, AsiSno. Dntcd, Ann Arbor, April 5, 1800. GlEAÏBARGAlIS AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson'a. WK IIAVK AGAIN RKPLENISHED OCK STORE WITH TT the most spleudid Stock of GOO JO &r that WAS erer olTered in any one tabliihmeoi ia the State, all of wbich wo offer for as low as can be fOunJ ïn thö Uuion We want Money I aud will mal; e Grcal Sacrifices on Anythiog vreliave to ublnin it, not oxcepting OLD IsOTES AKD ACCOUNTS We corcbally invite ALL CASH CUSTOMEKS to cftll and examine our Goods and Prtcos. Wo abtc ïuvitt our Prompt Paying Customers to coni and böy their supplies for the Winter. To thow llashful onea that are afraid to cali, we lay to them, UU courage SBIiL Yotir "VCHUL.1! ivithout langw fndting for higher price, come in, oM Hcores, and tlien at aoeH priees au will m ike on all losjes. It ii hardlj uecceasury lo enumérate out (joods, for We have Everythingl A Urgo asaortment of CAKPEING, CROCKEKX DEY GOODS, MEDICINES, GKOCEKIES, PAINTS, OILS, UATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIOKS. &c, &c,, &c (TlötO JIAVNARD, STF.BBIN'S & VT!I.SOi. SEWINGMACHINE. TXT E voald rcspectfully Jnform tho citiiens of AN'N' ARii HOii, and all .surrouuding country, that w har Openedrooma Fnrlhe sale of the followlug well knowo . ml inpvihir !Ñ.wing Miichiues GROVER & BAKER, WEST &WILSON, FOKEST CITY, THE PEARL, CLEVELAND SLOAT, & RAYMOND. Any persons wtflhiDg to examine our a&sortment wil] plane favor ux withacall at our rooms, direct Ij over tho Hun Shop, in Thompson i Sutberland's block, frum 8 to 12 a. in., and 1 io 6 p m. C. T. WimOT, a. J. y Tilt -:i iMi, LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Miss MARY A. HEBBERT wfll lakc cbirgt of this Department of our businesB and do all kinds of FITTING ANO SEWÍNG, And give instructions in the use of Machines to suchas witthbovo-f uiro a knowledge of Ihem. WIMIOT 4: SUTHEKUND. Ann Arbor, Vvb. 28, 1890. 737tf M. CA MP ION. rpHE SURiCRIBKR HAS JUSI RBTORN'ED from th i 1-Um ilh liis Ct O O 3O S WH1CH HE IS r e t E n ove ijsriDr TO SELL AT THE Xi o w o is t X3 IT. IOB, FOB CASH, ai wbich, Flriit Qnaltty Goods can bc afforded inthU city. My cloths are all of tho Finest QUALITY and as I mauufacture thm into clotbing mjnelf, I %xa c na bied to WARRANT EVERY GARMENT Lill,to b WELL MADE, whioh u a fitrong Inducement tociistMiuer to patrontzo my wtoreinprefercnci'to placi where large quantities of half made goods are kept fi)r sale. I have the LAJBBT fAMHON, and cao ivo you as Finr and well yininsf Óannent ai can be bovght anywher I :nu bound to stil w s J -■■- THl- S. TB? „BI L3 JB,. - AND- BETTER GOODS, han any other similar eKÍablihment in thin city. Your cufitom is most rcspectfuJly iuvitd. M. CAMPION. Ann Arbcr. SiC. 30. 18Í9. lTH
Martin & Thompson
Furniture - Retail
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Ridson & Henderson
Hardware - Retail
Bach & Pierson
City Meat Market
Mortgage Foreclosure
Maynard Stebbins & Wilson
Wilmot & Sutherland
Old News
Michigan Argus
O. M. Martin
C. B. Thompson
E. W. Morgan
D. DeForest
William S. Maynard
John Weinman
Michael Enright
M. Campion