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Arrival Of The Prince Of Wales

Arrival Of The Prince Of Wales image
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Sc. Johiis, N. F., July 2. The Hero and Amdno hnöhored nt 7 o'cloek thw evening. The l'rincc land in the tnofhing. The Iloyal Ba lnt was fired frtvtn the battenes - Tlicrc v.ere gnrat cröWda on tht wharves, and the display oí bunling was vcry fine. St. Johns, N. F.. Jtily '2 t Torren ts ol ruin ful' lát nigtit íiikI this tnórnÍDg. The Trinco waa to have landed at "ten u'clopk, but tho lundmg was post oned tül noon on uecuuut oí the weatlier. At noon to day the Pinico and suit Innded from the Hero, uilder a royal fialuto frmn the citadul,the Anaduo and the Fiying Fish, the yardsoi which wero manned, is also tbose of tho Kcenoh war stcainer Josastr.a. The Governor (Jeneral, Baiinennan, met llis Koyal HigUnöSB on the Queen s wharf and conducted him to a nam age, thehcfl through triuiniihal arches to the Govennnent tlouso. The procespion ooiiited of the Mnponic body, tho Rt. Andrews', St. GeortroV, British, Mochunic's, Cóófter's, Temporáneo, Nativo and ïnsh Societios, and the PhoWlïx Voluntoer Fire Oorr.pany, and a guard of liouor of the lloyal Nenfoundlapd Corps. At 1 o'clock the Prince held a iovee t the Government House, and dined with iha Govornor. Thisevoning theio was an imniensu cencourso of Bpectft tors and great enUiu.sia?m prevailcd. Wednesday n regatta wül oom off. The Trinco drives out, recoivos addresses, &c.,and will embark Thursday evening. i To day ia a holiday in Ncwfoundland ; all shops are closod- also in St. Johns and tho surrounding villages, the inhabitantsof which are nearly all hore. Flags are flying from every point, and the abippiDg is all decorated. The Hero, coming in, passsed directly over Morün Koek, but did not touch 't, although it was low water. The rock ha been blasied by the Telograph Company five ycars ago. Tbe woather'is clondy and threafcning. The rain ceased at 11 o'clock. ''Fho Prince rode out on horsuback this afternoon in plain clotheB. L'ho squadron eails at 6 o'clock Thursday mor n ing.