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ItAMi IVOTK, I..VNU WAllllAXT. SPECIE AND EXCHANGK QUOTATIONS. Ciuefullv ReviBtd :u!cl ( 'orrcclrd cvt-i v eek. fiurfis. cuíkent at hit Banking House of I). Preston & l. o , W Womtwaf' Aw., Detroit July 9, 1800. BANK XOOjB. Detroit CMy Bankt, Par. ('anilla, (all Solvent linliku) " N. Enfria ml and . York, (Sulvcnt Ilanka) - - " ev Jrrm'V and Pelavrare, .-..-" Ohio, KoriUickv anil Virginia, .---' Pa ,aü notes par at rttttibtirgh orl'kRadolpkia, - " BaokaftlwStataotlnilaiM, ■ UNTTKRK.NT FCXEfl. Illinoi.-;, Wi.ncoiT-i;, tflwoari anti Itiwa Datflng 1 % Dis " " " :' MlMnjl to ÍJÍ ' K. Carolina, S. Caroliaa aad Loiiisinuii , - 2 " [ndiana 3tok NotM, l.1,' lL Tl'IlllOri.-it1!, ------ ü M GeoTgfa, ----.. ? aul 6 '' United States Post Offlee Scrip, ... - " Bank of KiiRlün.l Noten, L, - - - - $4 82 Hjiuk nf Tctiimsoli. Hichüpul, - - - 7j diElchüng BanWof H: Balíírt'o.. - - - 6 " OD1 BATGS HIK BILLS Of EXCH VXi.'K. IiuviDj;. títílling. o-i Vin!, sim] Botton, % On Wasliington, ' % On Buflalo yt On Cleveland, )4 (ín ('iin'innati v4 On Chicago, ü 'Pc dis. for }100or npwanla. GOLD AXI) SII.Vi:i!. Am. Gold. loto of tlOO or opwarO, X 1 American Stlrar, 1 LAND WAüHANTS. IluvlMg. Bdlllnf. 4.0 ACRK W.IRRA.VTS ï 41 4C SI) " 70 80 120 " 9,1 106 100 " n 140 RcvuvulutiotKirv Scrip, {per ficrr.) f0 ctü. 90 ets. PREUIUX CUIXS. S1I.VKR ('OINS. GOÍ.D COIN'S. Span Pillar Dollars, 1 05 PoTereifrns, 4 81 and 4 84 Mexioan Dolían 1 04 M Krfincs 3 H.i Five Franc Pieota M 25 Francs 4 'i.r Prenota Crowoa 1 0(i 1! Francs 1 96 GerDum '' 105 5 Francs 95 Prusiiitin Thftbra 69 Ten Thaler Piecps TM Guil.lers 38 X ïha!er Piecc 7 R5 English Silver, (shjlltnjc l'en l'uilder Pieces 4 0 23c.; X4 60 Bpsalafa Doubloous 16 00 Olil Am. Half Pulla. 1 0:1 Patriot 15 50 Kf On IntKof SlOOnrup I California (Jold $10 Sd nrda. 1 ftc. oddltional ' S50s and $20 la. Gold Doat, $1( to $16 W per m. gr Egpaniah change 1 15 por oz. or !2conlsror luarterp, for shilling, 5for aizpenoefl On lotö of 0 oz, and apwardfl, Í1 18 per oz. DAVID PRESTON A GO., Bankers. 72 Woodward Ave., Detroit. #3" Office houra. from 8, A, M., to 5, P. M. SE CIALlSrOTICES . 3VC O. Tl. n Paisonger trains now k-ave the bevei-al (aiions in ttdu Countyja3 followg. G O I X G WEST. Mail Ex, Marshal Ac. Night Ex Ypsilanti, 8.50 a. m. .35 p. m. 9.10 p. v. Ann Arbar, 9.10 " " 7.00 " " 9 30 ll ' [)pxter, i.36 " " 7.30 " 0 65 Chclse.i, Ü.50" " 7.55 " L 10.10 i. M' G O I X G E A S T . EVentBg Ex, Marshall Ac. M.iil Ex. Cholea, 5.15 a. jí. 8 15 a. m. 4.:i5 f m.. toKtor, 5,30 " 8.40 " " 4 50 " Ann Arbor, 6.55 " " 9.10 " " 5.15 '■ ' YpsUinti, G.15 " " 9.40 ■ m 5.35 ' ' SAVE YOUR HORSES. "Wc lako great pleasuro ín recommcndihg the Moxican Mustang Liniment as a valuable aad iudispenslble article for irprains, Sores, Scratches or (ialds on HorsM. Our mon have used it for severo ïiurns, Bruisen, Sores' Stiff Joints tul Itheumntic Paini, and all s.iy it acts like raagic. We use no otlier Liniraeut. J. W. IIEWITT, Forpman for American, Harnden's and Wolls, Fargo & t'o.'n Express." I had a negro worth $1,260 who took cold from a bad liurt, and was useless for over om year. had tried everything I could hear of without benefit, until I ued the Mustang Liirmcnt, It has perfect ly cured hiiD, and I can now take tho above price for him. Iiespcctfully yours, JAMES rORliANTi:. Every PlanterjTeamstcr, and Family hould have tilia nvaluablu ariiclt. Sold by rU respectable dealers evorywhcrc. BARXS &TARK, Proprictors, New York 4w7.r)5 MRS. WINSLOW. An exprlencüd nursear.d female physicinn, bas a Sootidn? Syrup fw childron, tcethlng, which greatly fa cilitatos the proci'ss of leething by softcning the gums, redneing nll in flaramation - will allay all pain, and i Mire to regúlate tl ; bowcls. Dopend upoo it, muthers, t will give rest to yourselves, anl rolief and healtlt to vuur Enfants. I'erfectly ssfein nll cases. Seeadverti.seuieiit in auothcr column. it5gThc Grcat Benefactor of hu Rncc -y The Great Healer of Mankind! Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis Th" whole World United! Sick People think! Aftcr whick act, Yon'd scaree expect,at Ibis late dar, Witli star I ngcurcB book to ulij Th is il the rase, t lie mi Ilion sa v, With thecurw of lleirick's 'l'ill. Tliey enme frrm rsf . and N'orth, nnd Wwt, And with glad ttdingstlM papers fill, Boeaiue tliey are t he cheapet, aafest, mnt, And superior to othfrs is llerrick'g Pili From Roots, and Plants, and Flowers they're; They always cure- they never kill Thoueauds now n their gravfs were taid, Wereitnot forHerrick's Pilis. Eacli I'ill with sngar is coa tod o'er - A rare discovery of matcbless skill, Theïr likt? was never secnbofore, Until itappearcd in Herrick's Pili. For yearii he's worksd to heal the skk( With joy elate his boaom fllls: For tensof thousands now rejoice At the magie Powers of Hornck's I'ills. q HERRICK'S MATCHLESS VEGETABLE FAMILY ''ILLá have inundaied the world with their popularity. Over five million of boxes aro used annualy, giving niiployment to eighty-five men and women to putthem up. Their tmreaare numbered bjr thousandn - their praises on the tong-nes of all, Citizens of Wnslitcnaw ('o-, and Isewher. have vou ever used them?Put upinEngllsh, spanish, Germán, and Fren ch direetions. Large familv boxM, 76 cents! Five boxi8 for $1. Sold everywherê. Sei advertisement on íM page TiieLo.tdon Stkrkoscopjc CiJifAiv'3 business hanincreased to such au extent that they bftva deemcd it neceeeary to establish a depot in Xew York for the supply of stercoscopic goodsto the trade generally. Thy bM arrangedtoforward to their Managers evory week a cafe of goods that shall contain all new snbjects as well as firrit-clasa standard pictvires and they will then be enabled to oiTora complote assortmentoratockof unequaled character, at prices conpi.lerably lower than those of any other house. It raust be evident to dealers in stereo scopio gootU that they will be consultiag thoir own intereste by doing business at the New York Cranch of the LoNDONStkREOScOPIC COMPANV,asat HEAIMjrARTEItS. Orders can be sent to Thk. Lbssev, manager, 534 Broad way,Ncw York. Stereoscopeg of all kinds and pricos from fifty cents upwardd. Viewn and groups from $1 ,00 per dozen upwards Iy71ö Important to Femalaa. Dr. C H E E S eTÍTa Sí " riLI.S. TaerABED bt Coh-teuüs L. Cheesemax, m. n. New York Ci1y. The combioation of ingredients in these Pilis aro lh# rewult of a lougand extensive practice. They are mild in Llu'ir operation,and certaln in correcting all irregularities, Painfut Mtannttoni, removing all obwtructlona whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the itáe, palpatation of theheart, hiles, allnervouB afTectiuns, hyslerics, fatigue, pain iu (he back and Hmbi, kc. diuturbed sleep, which ariees from interruption of nature.' TO MAIUilED LADIES, Dr. Cheeseman's Pilis are inrahtable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Jodies who liave byen dieappointed iu the usc of othea Pilis can placo the utmost couñdence in Dr. Cheeseman'H PUIg doing all they reprosent to do. 2f O T I C K . Thcrt iê nnc conditwn of the female sysUm in which the. Pil cannot be taken without producing a PECULIAR RESULT. The condición rttferred to is PREGNANCY- the resull, MISCARRIAGB. Surh rs the irresistible ten dency of the medicine to rettore the sexual funetions to a normal condition, that evtn the reproductive power of nature cannot resist it. V:irrantcl purely vegetable, and free from anything ïnjurious, Eiph'citdiroctions, which should be red,ac BOoipaÁf each I, Sent by mail on rnclosing $1 to IR CunXEUUti h. Ciikesemax, Box 4 ,531, Post Office N'ew York City, ftoia by one. Pruggint in every town iu the United States. -L Iï. B. HÜTCHÏNé, Gkneral Agrnt for tuf Tlxnrn Stater No, 14, Broadicay, New York, pp To whom all Wholesale orders sbould be addrttaa rold in Ann Arbor, by May.akd, .V WiiAos. and G, Ghknviiie, 736yl THE TEORÍA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE OOMPASY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capita], - - - $500,000. one of Uw HEAYIfST, SAIKST nd BEFT Insurance Co. in the Tr. S. InsurR on rPHwHaMe Wm, and alwüys ny [tromytij Theie te no bttfr Kire Inpurnnce