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The Republican Convention

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The Reptibücan Ooanty nominating Convention took placo in this City on Thursday of last wenk. The témpora 'T wgaoization we gave in onr last issue, and nmv havo onlv tn eketoh th. proceedings. On convening in the aiternoon, t.lie COhventioB effjotj 1 n psrimnent orcrani. ition by elooling the folio wiag ofllcers : Prsident - D. 13. Guk.ex, of Ypsïlanti. Vtêe Pcsirlrnfs - U. I). Sloan, o( Dextor; S. D. Noble, of Ann Arbor. Secretarias - E. M. .Mason, of Webpter; J, L. Wallaeo, of PittsfioldT Mr. GitEKN', in assuming tlu Chair, tendered Ilin thanks for tho honor dono him, ntíd in view of the clondod horizon, ulvised concession, harïnony, and a fronerous glving up of personal preforenees and claims to t he public good. ile thoutr'it mittifa of the after sikiojss of the party depended on the labora of tho next three houra. Having adopted an order of businoss; tiio onvontion prooeedtrd immedintely to nn informal ballot fr Judge of Probate, with the followincf result : Wbole number of votes 123 For Tliov Hinde, of Yjisilanti, 91 " Jamos B. Oott, of Ann Arbor, 29 " E. C. Seamnn, ". " " 4 And, SIr. Nindj, having disianced both co npetitorá, was dcclarud ''unan irnou.sly recomraended" as the candi dato for Jiulgo of Probate. Next carne a ballot for Sheriff, and without any open nominations bjing made Ihe dulegates voted promiscuons' ly, as foilows : Whcle nun;br cf votfK, 12 For C. H Wallnoo, of Saline, 7 " O M. Martin o! Ann Arbor, 31 " . II IV.tison, of Saline, 41 " X). D Fitzgcrnld,of Mnnehpstcr, 9 " 3. C. Mead, of Ann Arbor Town, 4 " W. A. Hatcli, of " " 4 " J. R. McLonn, of Frcedom, 23 " Messrs Sonltering, 8 Pen ling a motion to proceud to a second ballot, Mr. Haight, of Saline, 8id ho had loarned that :i report had been circulated that Mr. Wallace had withdrawn. Such was not the truth, ho was beloro tho convention, and his nomination unanimously asked by the Saline deleg.Uion. The ñames oí J. C. Moad was withdrawn ; and after an inoffaatual nttempt by the President and "Uncle Andrew" to bring a little order out of great confusión, a second ballot was had, ns follows : Wholc numbsr of votos, 129 For C. H. Wallace, . 12 " O. M. Martin, 31 " W H Pattison, 65 " D. D. FiUgarald, 6 " J. R. MoLean, 15 The ballot giving Mr. Pattison a majority of one, tha claims of Saline wero rocognixud by tho non.ination of a candidato opposed by the Saline dvloga tion. Such a recognition. Third on the programma camo tho flitst heat betwecn tha l:ins" ;nd" out. ," tho conlestants having boon in vigorous training for some weeks. On tliis ballot for County Clerk, tho Wholc niimbcr of votes Iras lí For R. J. Barry, of Anr. Arbor "ín"' 76 ' ■ Isrcal Mowry, of Ann Arbor Town, waitingto go.t in, 2f " C. M. SiarkR, of WebËter, anxiout to gvt in, at " S. H. Pekins, of HancbCBttr, 1 So f ar as the convention was concerned th vote uhowed that the "ini? had the inner track, and Barry was doclared nominnted for the fourth term. Some evil disposed person has reportod that a motion was made to declare him a e candidato, ' as a trulliful reporter we must to having haard Op sucli motion. The nomination tor Register came next, and "all hands" joined n a sort of scrub raco for the prizo. Entriea wuro nu,norous and the fi'-st trial of bottom was made as follows : Wliole number of volos 129 For Thoa. M. Ladd, of Ann Arbor, 18 " Win. F. Biitcb, of Sylvan, 1 1 " J K. Yocuiu, of Lymlon, 2b' " J R. MoLmn.of I'ivalom, ; Ú ■' A M. Doty, of Ann Arbor Town, 6 " Peter Cuok, of Tork, 10 ■ S. H. Pcrkins.of MmoJiester, 10 " H. J. HUW, of Saline, 3 " H. T. Scofield, of Bi-idgewttter, 7 " F. Ciuiüsle, of Dexter, 3 " W. R. Martini oi' Aiin Arbor, 2 " A. Hooi, of Lodi, 6 " Mr. Scattfring, 7 Pending a raoti n to pro'9e. to eecond baltot-, Mr. Nordmun óf Lima, urged tliu Dommation f .1. IJ. McLean, nnd proinised wonderful tliings in his name il ho was put on tlio örturso. A Bridgewntei' delögate expressed great anexity th:it Bometliiug be dono for bis incorrigibly "looóftwo" town, and made known liis cönviutlbns that Mr. Scofield, who not lived in theto-vn long onough to bï gunerally knowu, ist the mi) to set thingi "bfliu"" Mr. fi;;(.ch ;in 1 Hood withdrew, after whicli thf contestante were brotigJit to the starting poiiH, and thu hoit resulted : ForLidl. 16 " Yotfom, 41 " MoLenn, ?' Duty, 2 " Maititt, 1 " Cook, 12 " Perkins. Several more names were wi hdrawn, and a tl iii-d balkt gave Udd l Yocumi, McLinn, &7 Seofield, 19 Pending tha fourth heat Seofield vrithdrsw, benigbted Bridgowater was left to take eire of be.rself, and the raco was na ruwed down to tho fuvorite-? of the " lovjofoco" totvns oí Lyodon and Freodom The result was: Tor.!. R. McLean, 73 J.k'.Yocum, 49 And as BVéedöm givos the largédt Democratie mnjority of any town in tha Quuniy, her claims word oonsidered .strongest, ml McLean waa düdared unanimoualy norhinatèd. Tho noinination of Treasurer was nest in order, tho "in" was pitted against a half dozen "outs," the word go given, and heró i tha scoru : Wholo numbei of voti'8. 123 S. Grisi.n, of Ana Arbor, ' in," 74 J. Pocbles.of Salom, 12 J. G Leiand , of Northfiold . 8 .1. SpragUO, Of Ann Arbor Town, 13 H. J. Brinkerhoof, of Yrk, 12 E. Mnnn.of Aun Arbor, 3 C M. Stnrksof Webster, 1 The "nus" all being distanuod, tho Dr. was deulared the norninoe for u fourth torin, and wo the winner oftliat 'three penny nail." But, JHoathan h:is agroüd to pay up and we wontsay anything about it. Tho b lilot for Pl'osoouting Attorncy was next entered upon, and just thon the "ins' ''smelt a rat" but too late to catch it. The vote was : Wholenumbcr, 121 Sylvcstir Abel, of Ann Arbor, 'lfi A. D. Gcane, oE Qester, 70 D. S Twitclieft, of Aun bor. '! D. B. Gicen, ist Ypfilíinii, I Blank, 1 And so Abul, not having been in offiee long enough to establish a claim, was cjected, and Cra:ie was deölared the nomioee. Tho excjitemont was now abating, and the delega tes dispersing, and the ballot for Circuit Court Coininissioner stood : Whulc nnmberof votes, 103 For. D S. Twitchall, of Ann Arbor, "louiig America," 66 ,, C. H.Tai'clove, of Ann Arbui', a tlircc terra man, 23 " D. B. Green, of Ypsilanti, 14 Twitoholl was declared nominated, and theJudge gracefully falls back on the Indían Agency, to which he is entitlod as tho only "original Lincoln" man in tho State. Josseph P. Jewett, of Lima; and Stnitli Botsford, of Ann Arbor Town" ahip, wero nominated by acclarnation for CoronérS, and the hard labor of the Convention boiag over, we, the reportr.arlj uimj l. .yy Preparations are being made for a grand forch light procession in tbis city on Saturday even ing tha 25th inst. - Ypsilanti will bo on hand with one-hundred and fifty torcheu, anrl tho democrats to bear them. Saline will furnifh its quota. This city will turn out twohundred and fifty. Tho proecssion will form nfter tho speaking in the evening, and with the bands in attendance will march through the principal Strects of our City. Tho torches are to be b?rno on liickory staffs, as emblamatioal of the trua and stearling principies adrocated by the bearers. Let every ouo como in from tho country und bring thoir wives, children and noighbors, It will undoubtcdly be tho fines1: display our City hi ever geen in tbe line of torch light processions. f. J5S" The democratie moeting called at Whitmorc Lakc on last Saturdaj', the 18th iust , was well attended and enthusiastio. Tho spoaking commenood abont half past 7 o'cloek, at which timo thoro viere over two-hundred, inany coming from Livingston Oounty. The speakers did thomselvos much credit, and the affair altogclher, was very successful.