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Rules For The Government Of The Union School

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At a regular meeting of the School Board of District Ho. 11 of tho City and Township of Aun Arbor, held Tuesday evening, Aug 14 . the follo-wing additional rults were adopted for the goTernment of theünion High SchoolI. Ali pupilsurerequirad to enter tho plny grounds directly, and not loiter on tha sida walks around ihe building; and no pupil after ntering ie allowed togo oatside the grounda until the close of School, ezcept by permis ion 5. No conversación, loud or othcrwise, 13 allowed insida tho building during Sehoohours, except by permis3ion of tho Teach1 rs. 3. No pupil is allowed to stand in th0 lialls, but must pass directly into and out of 'the School rooms. 4. All pupils are required to koop their ■ieats neat and clean, and eaeh ons is held 'reaponsible for big or her seat. 5. Nop'.ipil is allowed in or arounil the play-ground during the sessions of the School except by pertnission. 6. No pupil is allovred to v bit other rooms except by permission8. Noeports or boisterous conversation are ■allowtd in the basc-mont. 9. Pupils aro not allowed to enter tho playgrounds beforo 8 o'clock, A. M., or to remain in them after the close of School, nor enter iho buildiDg out of school, h :urs except by permistión of some teacher, aid teacher to acoompany them. 10. Allpr.piU are requirei to bo present luring the morning txcerciies uuless exMed. II. The doo-8 will be elosed at 9 o'clock, A. M.,and I 1 oelock, P. M., after Which 110 pupil shall be admitted for the session. Teachers wilt bo expected to enforoe these rules. ByorJcof iheBuanl, E. B rONP, Scey. S" We havo recoived tho Sopteraher number of the EcUctie Magazine. It is embellished wilh an excellent portrait of Thackerny, and with portraits of "The Eng. lishReformers ond Martyrs," Ridley. Cranmer, and Latimer. Besides original sketches cf the 6ubjccts of the embellisbni;nt6 and the table cf "Literary JIisce)lnnies,"it has twelvo papers from ten of tho foreign monthlies aul quarterlies. Among thein, are "The Testiinouy of Geolügy," "Atmspherie Currents," ■'Etrors in.Kemale Training," '.Secret History of the RU3sian Campaign of 1812," "Sicily, Past and Present." $5 a year, with a beau. lito] premium pUta. Addre66 w H.B t Iew York. LS 'J'Iie Annual Fair of the Kalamnzoo Cnunty Agricultural Society 3 to faheld on the 35tb. 2Gth, and 27th d-vys of September. We are icdebted to the'Socretcry f'r a cotnplimeutfu y carj of admissiou te tbe xhibition.