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Feeding Out Corn Stalks

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It i a subjoot to which we have given considerable uttention, our part of ''the olioreB1' at the barn beiug uuioug the cowe a! sbeep, no with tlie Lorses aiJ iioas, and the Bupply of corn foddci - enerally an ampie one. Indcfid, lika m:iny other farmers nnw ai.lavs, the stalks of onr cuni would, if propcrly èured and savcd, and tlieu fed out. without waste, nenrly winter our c;ittle. 3ut tho feeding without waste - liotv tball it b; done? Not in raoki and mangcr, at tor frora any of the haifdozou kinds we have tried, the slalks BÓöa fi;:J tlieir way out under theanimaJs feet. Not in stanchions or stalls, unless you wish to apead as mueii time in cleauing awav the refuse slalks as in supplying tliein Xot around the yard, if once troddou where the juicos of the manuro wet thera, cattle reluses thuui uttor1}-. Wliere then, do you aek - where, with the least trouble, the least waste, aud to tlie of the consumera themselres? We will try to answer. Whcn do cattle soem i consume eoarse fodder witb the greatest relish? Usually in freczing, cold weather. Then is the time to i'fied out corn-stalks. Tho yard ie Uien the place - frozou hard therejs no muisture to soil the fodder - no rising odors to give stook a distaste to it. - Soatter it around tho yard and they itill it ander nuy circunistances, - in SUcb weather we give thcm tlirce timos o day ín tliawy weather give hay in rack, ra any clean placo whera they will eat, and with littlc waste. If there is much manure in tlie yard, it ■will not freeze as carly as ou dryerground or more exposed situations. So we fiud it this }"ear - a smali lot batk of the ban: being iroze hard whiie the sbeltered yard is jet is too soft for a f eed rog ground. - v,e can use this lot vithout loss or trouble, save that of raking up the refuse stalks oecasioually and returbíog tbem to the yard -to neglect tbis would be i ren wasteful practiee; they are needed for manure, and will help litter the yard - thcy aro not needed where they now lie - reasou suöïcient for their rciuoval. - c uo c feed our corn-stalks and pumpkina there, a:id alluw tlie oíd shecp to run with th eows a p-.rt of the tmie - ,the lauíbs being now in their yard ; aud fed on good clover hay and beaD ! straw. A neighbor of oir's who raiscs four or iive acres ol' corn, to our one, (mind we liardly bcgin to do t,) soine yeurs since t-ried cuttiug corn staiks before feeding. He tliought that it was some saving - ratbaí more eateu than if left whole - Gut he found it a great deal of labor and the practico was tliscontiuued We do uot belioro it will pay. as a general rule to to cut the usual winter fodder for animáis; they as well use their teeth as ve speud elbow-grease or horse. power, tbat they maj fill themselves mora r.ipirlly. It ssems reasonable that wcll chewed food will be more perfeetly digested than that half masticated, though for fattenírtg animáis it miglit be ecouoiny to give them all the aid and appotiteizors consistent with hcalth and eeonouiy. Coro-stalks, we should sny in conclu sion, are ahvays worth saviog. Bccauae one has a poor corn crop it s no reason they they should allow half the valué to be wasted; but wc have been time aud again, so pained by the sight of such waste, we cannot forbcar to ut ter our protest against it; and the balf-atarvcd animáis of such farm era would protest, too, if they could against the shiftlessucss oi' their owaers. !■ I - I i. i nuil 1HM. II f M m IIIIB IIMMIIMII I I