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BAAK NOTK, LAKD WAllüAST, SPECIE AND EXCHAIVGË QUOTATIONS. c.u.-'.'v Reti 'i md Corrected erery week. RÁTE3 CCKRENt AT 111.' Banking Houie of 1). Preston & l o., 72 Wuodiraii AT.,:vtf"!t August 15, 1860. B3NK XOTrS. y Bank, - - - - - - '' ' ■ : : ' 'i - - - - k, (Solv-eai Banks) - - " New Jersey an'i Pelaware, ' ühio, Küntucij and Yicgipi, - ■ la ai! , b or PhuaOBlrhis, Bank of UieSïate of Indiana, - - ÜKCUKRENT FTNDS. ■ , on in, Kfl ' owj i!;' 1 f1' .. '.. !' selling 1 to IV, " na ;i'i-l [.onisiana, - 2 " Indiana Stick Hots, 1 '■ Be, ------ 3 " Ucorgia, 2 umi Í " ■ ■... Scrip, .... " Bank of England Notan L, - ... Í4 84 eh, SUcblgnn, - - - 8S ilis I . ihaoge Bank of. BaUfeCo.. - - - 6 " OUR RATES FOK BIL1.S OF EXCHANQE. Buyiiig. Stíllinír. On New York and Boston, % % On Washington, - M On Doüalo K On Cleveland - H On r:.ncinn:iti ... ,H' OnChioagOj 13c, dis. for $100 or apwardi. (OLI) AND SIIA'EK. Duyinij. SeiHng. Am. Gold, !ots of Í100 or upwarJs, % 1 Aiuericnu SllTer, 1 LAND WAKKAS1JS. ftuying. Sollinp:. 10 Acke Taekast3 ï H $ 40 80 " 08 78 120 ■ 89 100 180 " 120 188 Rerorotationarj Sorip, (per acro, 80 ctn. 90 cta. TREM1UM CO1NS. SILVER COINS. COI.D COIXS. Span rülnr Dollars, IOS Sovereigns, 4 64 and 4 67 Sleilcan Dollars 104 20 Francs ,3 83 Five franc Piecei öti 2óFranofl 4Cf Frenen Crowoa 1 OP 10 Francs 1 00 Oermas il 105 5 Francs P5 Pnusi&n Thalen 69 Ten Tbaler Fiecea 7 S0 uil.lers SS X Tbaler Piecea 7 85 En 'lin Silvcr, (shillinï 'lVn Builder l'ieccs 4 00 ÏSe.) 4B0 Spani&h Doubtooiu lii 00 Md Am. Half Polls. 103 Patriot 15 50 j%g On lots of $100 or up California Gold $10;! 5d wards, 1 ïo. additional Söl's and $20ë 14. Gol,lDu3t,$10 1o $10 50 po ai. j9" Ppanish ciiange SI 15 per oz. or 22ccntfor onarters, 11 for BbBlaigH, 5fbr sbcpences. On Iot3 of 20 oe, and upwards, SI IK ppr oz. DAVID PRESTON & CO., Ranker. TSWoodward Ato., Detroit. QT" Office hoora, trom 8, A, M., to 5, 1'. IC ei E CI L ÑÓÍÍC S . lii.. ■■■'-■.■ - ! "Ia Passenger traína nowleare the B6T6Tal Btaüoxug 'm tl u's Couutj", as folio we. G O I N G WEST. Jfail Ex. War ihal Ac. Nlghi KrITpüIinnti, S.50A. m. 0.35 p. m. &.10 p. II Ann .ibur, 9.10 ! " 7.00" " 9.aü " Dertor, 9.36 " " ?.3O " " 9.55 " Chelsea, 9.50" " 7.55 " i( 10.10 a. m GOING EASTErenlng Ex, MarsbaU Ac. Mi il ExI ;-., 5.15 A. M. 8.15 A. M. 4.-35 p H. 5.30 (i " 8.40 " " 4.50 " ' A n ii Arbor, 5.55 M " 0.10 " " 5 15 'l ' Tpsilantl, Ü.lö ( ( 0.40 I -l 5.35 " ' TiieLondon Stereoscopic Compaxt's business haf! in oreased to such an extont tluit they have deemed it neeeasary to eatftbliah a depot in New York fortho siipply of fitorooticopic goodü to the trade geueuill}'. They have arrangedtoforard to tliüir Managers every weok a case oí gooda that ahaJl contain all ncw aubjeots as wcll as first-cla: staadard iiicturos and ILey will U-on bu asa bleö tn offer a complete ossortment ofstockof unoquaicd character, at pricea considorably lower than thoae of anyotlier house, It must bc evident to dealers netereoecopic goqda that they will bo oonsultlng their own intcrests by doiDg business at the Ncw York Branch of tho LoNDOJiSTEitEOsconc Coni'ANy, as at HadquarthB8. ÜrddTfl can bo sent to Tnuo. Laasxr, manager, 531 Broad way, New York. Stereoácopeg of all kinds and prices, frora flfty cents upwards. Views aiid groupa from $1 ,00 por doren upwavda Iy715 MRS. "WINSLOW. An experieneed nurseand" fcmalc phyalcian, hs a SoothiugSyrup for cluldren, t-t-Hilng, whlchreatly fecilitates th proces of tepthing by soflening tho gums, reduolng all in Ham mat i on- will allay all pain, and ia gurt t) regúlate tin ; bowels. Depe mothera it will give eest to yoajtfielyes, aud relief and healthto your iufants. PerfeoUy ssfein a!l casos. SoeadvprtiBe ment in anoiher column. .ftTUe Cirat Benefactor of Iils RAee.-Bft The Great Healer of Mankind! Hcrrick's Suqar Coated Pilis. Th", whole World United! Sick Peoplethink! Ajler which ad, Vou'd acaree expeot,atthia late day, With startling cuxes a book to ftü; Th Is is tho cuse, the mi Ilion aar, With the cures of Hurrick's i'ill They como Trom Kast, and North, inl West, And vithglad tidingatha papers üll, Because they are H eheapet, aafest, best, And Bnperièrto othera is Herrick's I'ill. Frnm Kootn', and Planta, and Flowers thej're; They alwayfl cure- tlu-y neor kiil Thouaandii uow 'm their grivve.-i wom iai-1, W( re it not for Hcrrick's Pilis. Each Pili with Bugar 3 coato o'or - A raro discovery ofraatchleaaskíll, Their like ii-: aeyer aêönbeiore, Vntïl it appeared ia Herrick's l'ill. Foryeare he's worksd to fhe síck, With joy elat bis bosom filis: For tens oi'thrniij.'inds now rejoiro Al the magie Powers of Hornck'i rüïs. trW HERRICK'S HATCHLESaVEGETABI-E FAMILY PILLS have inundated the world with thoir ptipularity. Over flve million of boxea aro used ínnualy, givïng empioyment to elghty-fti e m m and women to pnt f hem ap, Their enresare ijumbered by thousands- thoú p the tongups of all, Otizenfl of Washteoaw Co-, anl elsowhore, han ■ ■ iwd them?Put op in Engliafa, Spanish, Germán, and Fronch -directiona. Lar e Eamily boxea, -5 cental Five boxes for SI. Sold everywhera. öee ad vertiseiueut on 'i page. Important to E'emaloe. - Dr, C ÏI E K S E M A N PIL.LS. Pbetabbd ny Coekeuus L. Cbmbekan, m. d., New York City. The corabinatïon of ingrediente' in these Piltó are the ros uit of a longand extensiva pvaotice. Thy are mild m their operatidUi anl cevtain in cocrecting all ïrregularities, Painf id leneuratioDSj jíjinoVing ;.u obötructiona, whether froiu coldor olherwlsp, he&pache, pain in Ihc Bide, palpataiion of the heari , wliites, all aervoua affeoUlons, bj sterics, f;it igue, pain n (lio bark a od liinbfl, &c. , ■ i sloep] vrhlch arïsea txoia luterruptioD of nature. TO MAUniEDJ.ADli, IV. Chesseman'fl Pilis are invaiuable, as thy n ill briogoo the moni'i'y pertod w ■ ■ Ladiea who have been diaappolnted in the use of othea Pilla can plaoB the utmost conjulence iii üi .■ üing all thoy represent to do. Thcrc is one conditiun of ihc ft male tfftít ni in toklch the Pilis cannoi bc taken without yrodt{ci%g a VF.í.'l HIA i? RESULT. The conditton referred tais PREG.VAXCY the resul., MISCARRIAGE. 8wh ts the irreeiêtabU tendency of the medicine to rettort the Bexual functions to a normal coiidUion, that ccen the reproductfoê power of nature canuot resitt ü. Warranted purely vegetable , ml tree Erom anything injurioas, Explieltdirections, whlch Bhould be read,aocoiapauy eiich box, Sent by mail on encloeing $1 to [)R COBNBOJVS L. CliEE-iKMAN, Bo'x 4,531, l'Ost OtÜCf, N'tW Vork City, Holil by ose Drugg&t iu ererj tovn Ln the United Btatea. R, B. HÜTCHXNGS, Gli.VEIi.VL AKNT KilK TlfH [T.NJTBH Rr ', No, 14, Broadway, A'cio yarkt l%f To whom all Whqlenali orders sbouli i Sold i'i Ann Arbor, by Maïnakd, Btubbinb Ai Wiütom, and O, GiEN'tfLUS, 786j 1. THE GREAT ENGLISH EEMEDY. SIK JAMES OLARKE'S Celcbrated Female Pilis. PKOTECTED . SSjssSi !■ E T X E E 6 EY EOYAlT JJPg PATBNT, Preparcdfrom a preseription of Sir J. Clatke, il D., Phteician J&xiraordiKary to the Qucen. TUis invalu&ble mödlcine ia unfailiag ín the cura of all tiioso lüiüiful aad dangerouB djsofieca to whidi the female ou&titution b suïject. It moderate all oxcesa and removes all obitructtonfl, acd a apeedy cura may b relied on. TO DIAORIED I, AIJ1KM It in peculiarlj suited. It will,lc a ebort timo, brlcg cd tha ttjouthly periort with nularit. Eaeli IjutUe, prioe One Dollar, iMars the GoTCnuceat Stomp of Groat liritaiu, to preveut counterfita. These Pilli ikould nat be taken by f naait dmring tlu F! HST THRKK MOXTHS of Pregancy,tu ikf m ture ís bring oa Milcarriage, int ai oxjf ollur time tkty u"i taf e. In All cases of Norvoufi and pinal AlTeetionfl, Paíd in t!.e Back luid Lünbs, Katigae on sligbt exectloo, Palpite tion of tbe Ileart, Ujatorics, and Wliitfs, theae Pilla wül ellect a curo when all otLor meang bare iaUed, aad hltbougb a powerful reiaody, do aot contain Itcd, cftlomAl auUuocDj', or aoy tbicg hurtfnl to tha ccustitnübn. -FuU trectionB accompap.y each package. Sole Agent fcr the United Statea and Canada, JOB tlOSES, (Lite I. C. Baldwin Ool Rochoitor, ST. T - $1,00 oud 6 posUge stampa uocloied to anj aa Agtas T.U1 lann bottie oí &s I'üU Ij rttura VTU.E, Ail s- f7k éT% "HT" r"& P fe_ _ËL -A.SDSliOE MAKER'S STRIKE. rpHE JOCRS V!I,L GET THSffi PRK'E FOB I Boots & Shoes vi!l l)c liighsr! Will have to payB moro for yonr gooda. I DAVE JÜST PURCHASED AN EXTENS1 VE STOCK OF iruvn} of them, on a.eount of tlie LARGE SUrPLY IN MAEKET! ! FB.OM 3 TO 3O PiJï OiSiï LESS TIIAN It Oost to Make Them a nu 3hall Sell them tiil I have to Pay more for them at tho EXTREMELY LOW PE1CES nnmod bclow. ME NS' BOOTS. Men's $3,50 Calí' Boots, for $2,50 " 4,50 Frencb Calí" Superfino, 3,50 " 3,50 American Calí' doublé soled, 2,75 " 3,25 Kip, 2,50 " 2.50 Sninmer, 2;00 " 3,25 Doublé Sole Stogas best quality for 2,75 GAITERS. Ladies' 50 et. Gaiters, for 37i " 75 " Gaiterb for 50 " 1,25 " Gaiters for 1,00 Ladies' best quality of Gaiters witb and witliout hcelsfrotnl,25 to 2,50 Ladies' Leathcr, Oalf and Kid Boots and CongrcsB Gaiters from 80 to 1,0Men's, Boys', Misses' and Cliildren's, of every desirable kind. Trunks, Valises and Fatchels ! All (6 abovc gooJsanil raany othors, 11 te snU, "t MUCH L5SS FHSOES tlian have Ever Been Sold in Ann Arbor. Wm. S. BAUNDEKS. Aii-j Arbor, Itarcli 20, 1800. t89m8 SÜiFÖËTHË'NËf Tremendous Sacnficeï 20,000 'WOBTU -O'SOTaiptoï ara Fas3@v DRY GOODS'. TO BE SOLD ! REGARDLESS OF NEW YORK COST WOVLD rcípcctrully onnominco io tho ritir.rn ('f GoodOld Washtenaw and&4j i atles; tb:ú be fv now buüdiug one of tire most el, . stores n Micbigaq, at tbo south west comer oí Mainaud laberty Street, Ann Arbor, and la determi clrso oat bis iraraentiQ Btodt of goods of all kinds, at any SaortSee for Cash. pre] aratorj to removing to his Ni and Spafcloufl Apartments. Haring ooncluded to make a grand openiu0' with ancutiro new ütock ia myneiv ttorj tlai fall. I will seU furtho NEXT 30 DATS, all kinds of C collies, Delaines, PopllHS. BLACK AND FAÏCÏ AT MOST ANY PR1CE! I can get. AUp Shpes, Tfair; of eTry Mcriptlon ut youi (M-.ii prioe, so o not hjurtf-heodetf aoy longer, but go to GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE ! And liavt'youi' 'pfttean eoyered tor a ebiüD{ and up uanl. Z3 flLK.4CJ=3X&.XL2 Ufe Tfi: OF ALL DESCÜIPTIO N SI IHKLAKGEfiT STOCK erer brougbt lo tliii vbco, aiic At Prices to Suit the poorest Faaiilv As unuAlly heaper tha can b found at anv other es laWisliméntin this cüunty, nuil IN' SiiOKT EVERY Til IX G u.sually founü In uiy largo audattwctivc atoch, l1 A OREAT RATE OF UEDUGTION ! Farmers, MecJtanics, Lawyers ana Doctors, and the rest of mankind, LOOK TO YOUR KITERESTS! Drop potttíos nd ruli in en, masse to C. MACK'8 ■ Cloelng uut Baló, wherö Six Shilling wili pass for a Volhu all iiav i) Cqhj I i wliat 1 ti d to ecll uil all uiy preauut etuck at a vcj.i sácriSd F O II CASH! ! ■ . lorrtiig to my vi-;;r and elmqañt bh WhoroIaiiUï enlÍT' i . Ja!y f'ili, 1SC0. '6'f XO TCT 3 X RUNNING at larao in the town ui BrW ïd ílj . Í Julj.a BEOWN MARE, aViout 10 ycárs - i ' ' roHHA HXi JClil v ' ■ ■ A.ycr's Cherry Pectoral, Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional discase, a corruption of tlio blood, by which this fluid becomcs vitiated, weak, and poor. Benig in the circulation, it pervadee the whole body, and may burst out i in disease on any part of it. No organ is fre from its attacks, nor is therc ono vhich it may not destroy. The serofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disoidered or unhealthy íbod, impuro air, filth and filtliy habita, the depressing vices, and, . above all, by the venercal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is lieredilary in the constitution, descendin " from paren ts to children unto the third and fourth goneration ; " indeed, it secms to be the rod of Ilim who says, "I ■vvill visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." ( lts efteets commence by deposition from the i blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, whieh, iu the lungs, livcr, and interna! organs, is termed tubercles ; in the glands, ewellings ; and on ( the surface, cruptions or sores. This foul corruption, which genders in tlie blood, depresses the energies of iife, so that serofulous constitutions not only suffer from serofulous complaints, but they have far less power to withstand the attaeks of other _ discases ; _ consequently vast numbers perish by disorders ■which, although not serofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in tho system. Most of tho consumption which decimates the human family has its origin dircctly in this serofulous containination ; and many destructivo discases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from. oï are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are serofulous ; their persons are invadcd by this lurking infection, and their health is underminod by it. To cleanse it lom the system we must renovate the blood by an alterativo medicine, and invigorate it "by hcalthy food and .exereiso. Such a medicine ivo supply in, AYER'S Compouiul Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy tvhich tho medical skill of our times can deviso for this everywhere prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most nctive remediáis that havo been discovcred for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and tho rescuo of tho system from its destructivo consequences. Heneo it should be employcd for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also thoie other afiections which nrisc from it, such as EiturTivE and Skin Diskasf.s, St. Antiiony's Fire, Hope, or Erybifslas, Pimv-i.ks, Fustules, Blotches, Blatxs andBoiLS.ToMOns, Tetter and Sai.t Riieum, Scald IIead, Ringworm, RniiUMATisM, SvriiiT.rnc and Mercurial Siseases, Ditorsv, Dispepsia, Debilitï, and, indeed, ai.i CoMPLAlNTa akising yilOM Vitiated ou Inruim Blood. The popular belief in "impurily of the blood" is foundcd in truth, for ecrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtuo of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regencrate this vital fluid, ■without which sound hcalth is impossiblo in contaminatcd constitutions. ATER'S Agne Gure, FOK. THE srEEDÏ CUF.E Off Intermittent Pevcr, or Pcver and Ague, Remittent Fever, Chili Fcvcr, lumb Agnc, Pei'iodlcnl Ileaclaeïie, or Jiilïous Hcadaclic, aiitl Uilious Fcvers, indeed for tlic avilóle class of disenses originating in liilïnry deransfement, causcd by tlie Malaria of Miusmatic Couutries. Wo are onnMed herp to offer flio commiinity a vemody wliicli, wbilo it curea the above complaints with certaiuty, ia still perfectly harinlcss iu nny quantity. Such a romecly Is invaluable iu districts wliero theso afïïicting ditjordeis prcvail. This "Cure" expela the ïnïasmatic poison of Fevek and Ague from llie systeni, aud prêvents tho deyelopment of tlio diseaae, if taken on tho first approach of its promouitovy syinptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovorcd for this class of coniplaints, but also the chenpest. The largo quanüty wo supply for n dollar brings it witliin tho reach of every body; and in bilious districts, whcro Fevee and Ague prevails, every body should havo it and uso it frecly both for euro and protection. It is hoped this prico wlll place it withiu the reach of all - the poor as wcll as the rïch. A great euperiority of this remtdy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents Ís, that it coutains no Quinino or mineral, eonsequcntly it produces no quinism or other iujurious effects wliatever pon tho ronstitution. Thoeo cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had tho discase. Fever and Aguo is not alone tlio consequence of tho miasmatic poison. A groat vaiiety of disorders nrise frora its irrïtation, among which are Neuralgia. Jiheumatlsm, Gout, Ileadachc, Blindness, Toothachey Earaclic, Catwrh, Asthma, PalpiUdion, Painui Afftctimx of the tyleen, Hysterics, Pain in the lioivels, Colic, Parahjsis, and Dcrangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in thia cause, put on the inkrmittent type, or become periodical. This "Cure" expels the poïfon from thei blood, and cousequently cures them all alike. It ís an invaluablo protection to Immlgranti and persons travelling or temporarily residiog iu tho malarious districts. 1L taken occasionally or daily whilo esposed to tho iufection, that veill be excreted iïom tho system, and cannot accmnuJate In sufficient qnantity to ripea into disease. Ilcnce it is even more valuable for protection tlian cure, and ff)v will ever suffer from Intermittents f they avail themselves of tho protectiou this ïxmedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MAYNARO. STEI3BJNS & WISON, and by all Druggista ajid Dealera eyerywhepe. J. BUIIRILL, Traveling Aj;ent. MIOHIGAN BOUTIIEIviH & NORTIIERN ÏXI'IAN'A l'..ILf;OAI. 1800. SUMJfEIt AKltANGEJIL.';T. 1860 lïAinn novr run on tbia road, Sul.ivs execj Lcavo Tolori.i rrr Cliicn ■.;.. ! 10 25 A M. , nu.l 1') " Detroit " " " 1 20 " " 7.40 " Arrtrlng iu Chicagi and Detroit at 8,00 P. I S:00 A. M. ,,, at Detroit trom Toledo, at 7.05 A.M. , G:50 P ■ n t C.53 P. M. , auJ 1 .05 A M. .iniw in !'..'■ !o a ;,"0 P.M.n44.60A M. and S.40 P. M. ) cae Adi ' ■ n at !■ Jacküu fur Adrián at 5,00 A.M , adl,0P. U CONNECTIONS, At Toledo- With Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road, írltli Wvha.-i: jfaUey Rail Ro&a. At Dsr&oir- Wlth Grand Truuk lUihvay, with Gn i Western Railway, also, with the .[ otroit andMílwaukeí ;,t Nr. Albast & SAtEa E. R Cnossi.vo - WIU for I a fa vet te, N ' cd Louis ville. At Chicago - Wilh Chicago íin.l Rock Iland,'Galena Mil (vaukec , Chicago, . - Wi II West Railway - ( hicago, Alton nu St. Louis, Illinoj Central. ■ ■ i #0 Traína ai ■ 20 min atea b! ■ ■ i. i ■ teeping CaïS ác&nnpany tb Nighi '''■■ .■ oUauí of cara bet weeff Detroit, Adrián auJ Chicago. at$Dt Ventilators and Duatera areusedop aJ Suj ■ ■ i rain. ,-.r:y other RaJ onte. JNO. ■ L. Ccnc-al Supcrintenaent. J . L L S Q JS - Ri irtba ■ - ■ ■ ■ wfll in struct si Thorough Baa: , . , [ also in tl tierman i... i guage, at ibe sauiQ tei i ■ I axgö. Hl' wi Les ons ín hia uvi .: lu use, or in tLeliuuscs ui Li Roviilenee ín ■'. ■ be ronr of tb I eupii d l)y rao and i : ■ i 7 tü 8 A. M.; ■ ■ ü tu : i'. M. " ,',m3 Bonnotö ! Eonnots ! Bonncta rjiIiE BUB3CRIKEH H : kol V E L V E T B O N N E T S of 1;i!t gtyk-3, that tic . ill et 11 at oost u l lesi L-e-s-s T-li-a-ïi C-O-S-'l'-, rando treta tari U TEN DOLLARS. ..; the N,-iv Detroil BI in iok, Howaid Assoclation, Pliilaelpliia. A Bííii ' 'li i l"i t ccial f i far ti i ' ■ - VUpensary fr '.! ■ I erDj.ea,ient to l In ! . . . , WT I : ' ; ' to the V.iyf uf thecityot Ann ArbocthiU tho ■:.!in; uf th .i the public square of said . ulo tho ïnnd )i7„r,„ , n 'Üagraco to :. i.f lbo :. . - , -,.:l I Ol' tWPIltj I commi'Hou ui Uw ftaoa I . : 60