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Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN', the Cibcl'it Cocbt fok ths C60HTÏ OF Washtknaw, Kliza A ParklM vs. Sobrah Prkiní--In Chancery; Ia pursuance 01 a decretal of tho Circuit Court of the Count. tif Wiishtenaw, n Cb.incMry: made in the above Oauu od the fiocnnd day of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty nine, and a furthcr order of this Court marie on the nixth day of Kebruary, A. D ighteenhwDdred and slxty-ane, niu besoM.under the direetion of the Circuit Court (Jommissioner for the County of Washtunw, u public auctinn, at the tiouth er front door of the Court, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday the sixth day of July, elgbteen hundred anti sixtyone, at tw. lve O'clock, n ii-n. of snid d;iy, ail those certain tracts Br paréela of land lymg and beiug in the towhahip of f?, in the CtnOkty f Washtenaw afoivsaid, and de scr.ued in snïd det-ree as follows, viz : The west half of tiie south-east quarter of MCtfoa fiftecn, and the Mt half of the north-east quarter of sectiou iwenty-two, in bwnsbip one Roath] f rnoge sevea east, or so niuch ciioreui as may ba necessary f satwy ibe amount duo uua satd óecree, t"gcther with interest and costs. D. S XWITCHELL, Cir. Court CotD.ÍOl the Ccunty of WashfïnkW. O. HA WKINS, öoUcttot ior Coniplainaut and Assignee. Aan Arbor May 20, 18öl. Dweliing to Rent. AtiOP tenant is wantod for the Dweiling Houflö of ]). IIknnjvg, on the North side of Washington t , east of División, ono of the mostU'flirable locatiois la the Ciiv Poasesslon givea imiuediate'y. ï'pr irni ápplTto C U. MiLLKN. Ann Arbor, May 22, 1861. ÊftUf Oommissioaers' Notice. OTATF, OL-' MICHIOAN, County of Wachten a ir- si 0 Tle'undet?i2;hed haviug been appo'ntedbyth Probate Cr.urt. iir smd County, Commissioncrs to receiTe, examintaiiH adjoftall cl:üms and demands of all puráoai ágmiui the Kstatc of Mahlon BeakP, late of the towninip ei Sjlran, deceased, h-reby give noti-e that eU monthü from dito are, by oröer if naid Probate Ccurt, ailowed for nddlturs to present their claims ajainst anuí úeceíifHi and that they wiil meet at the dwellinf house of Thomas T Koyce, in the township of Pylvan, in said ccunly, on Saurday tho 24th day of August, anl Satarla tho 334 daj f Novein'tr next. at, ona o'clock in the afternoon of each day, to recoive, examine, and adjust said claims. Date.), 5Uy Ï21 1861. 8001 w5 ISissolxitioni L the iiml'.Tsicnc) , uii'ler tlie ñrm name anA fityle of Btchelder Ot KiseU'.i this iiay dtftsoWd by mittu&l coasent. All lemani. n favor of anil against sai'l firm wiU bc sctlled by D. C. Bat:bolder at the o!d tand JOHN' EISELE, I). C. KATC HELDER. Dntcd, Ann Arbor, Miy 2, 1851. SOlwS ICE i ICE i ICE 1 "piIK SUBSCRIBE! I5 prepared to furnish ICE L to all pordoon wshin, in any qua :tty dwiMi om titoQtt Families supplied with the ordinarr amoitnt at $1,UO por rnonth. Oriers respectfully solicited. 8OOn-3 C. K. THOMPSÜN. Ann Arbor Marble Workg. IOito!LxolcaLox 1 ! AS on hind a fine asor'.ment of Amonan and I TA LIA N MK R B L E whichhob prepared to manufacture into HEAD ■"T?B5wk STOXK8, in aUtheir T&riêUtt, fcnd La a Wí'HKMAX'UKE raanner, Havfng had crmidcr.iblo exporience in the businew lie flatters himself that hw witl be able to pleans a!l who raay favor ao T-th thair orerF. His pricea ÏÏOVV AS THE LO WEST. thoso wihlns; any thiDc in tay l'.uO are tripcctfuUy nvited to cali D. C. BATCHELDEK. Ann Arhnr. May Ï0, 1861. 801tf United Bxhibitions Ï E. F. & J. ISlabio's MENAGERIE AND American Circus. Proeentfog togvthr the pratcst amount of nitores'.inj ZOOUXjIOAL M.'IUIXTS ral tha most adrad, brillan' , novel aml talcntcd l'questviaii Troupe pver corab;itt' 1 in aiv singlo establishment. Onhj ont Ticket for ík E'itiri Show! WILL EXHIBIT A.T Grass Lakc, Wclnesday, May 29th. D-xter, Thursdiiy, May 30tb. ANN ARBOR, FRIDAY, MAY 31t. Ypsilanti, Saturday, June lst. KW Ponropen atl :n 7 P. M. AdmiMion, Bix 50 nts, Plt ;." cent. Cuildron balf jirieeto Box. No halfprice'' Pit. i j Forcnioítin attractlon ín the Cirol _A . Kr t_. UlhcGREAïCOMICACT, I'ETE JENM'SÍS IVS! reprcícntwl by Mr. W. Kini nip in which 'no imttatH a dninkon ■ roonhoin añil suddvn raetam rphoí?j i.o tli o ro:it fcituí es of tbe entr I imnvrt D-H1N'I ACTOF HORSE "'S I I XSHII'. by Theodore Tournaire - BSiH AI.ANCI.N'; FKATS, with BARKEL AMD THA . Slowiran I.i TllAPEZE, or Aerial Gyrauasti.v,, by Usutk, Shappa anl Whitnuy. Xovol U::it ni' Ivqi'iMJHUl'M thö liLUBE U.V HORSEBACK, by Goor o Slo.vmfin. A Nauotioal Soouo of Horscmansliip by Mr Lop. Antc, mtiHTlti Drollp:los, ar,il1rck bv EDL'CATEU Ë Brs slUl.llierformed by W Smith .t T. il:'1' Lfe-2a arrastrong. OI.YMPIAN COXTESi J=fJ BJW-TA.NT. on two Uor es, by th k JrfiïSri&K Brothers Ti uní airo Scène of the Wrnia'11'1'."11113' Athwio snotts, -- XygjOjiS l'cinliüM, -i muifrfulin(t. by tho ■=a-Bi GREAT TROUPE.' led by W. Kinia.lo. Too Moticy Bwthcrí. tgqn eriesof Po-turing foat. Mew. Si.appa t Vh.tnoy- Pommenault of Biálnft br "tor athan Wh.seecuti.n of lea) f.rous'' Blloon., and oror Ba:re-..tlannilratcn.f ni! Mcr.. Lofty and and Ilowan. Cltn" agOd ), W. bmith. Irlct Clown nndJoter.T. Armtrong. Zoological The two Aíuahc suporb PEBFORMING ELEPHANTS, PAM0N aud PYTBIAí'.ivülgo tbroogh y- Aá iheir numerotis and hiebly interoptiDff Cü.yLfr-ÜBM tbeir docilitv andwondorful training, ,l tfflfo&8r under the direction of their kypr, Jfll &rr Mr' C&AVEN. During the entertain"aí&Cl'v- ment il. 0. Woodruff wiU give an inSQitVf terp!"ting ditplay of hiH courage and VÍJí'mi) liill, entering the Den of wild Animal. tKV The Kxliibitionwill enter lown in grand Procession of Me-.afferioand Circuí aecompanied by N. Colston i celebratcd iili-ar feronet Band In tho tplcndiil band escruge, rawnbv tho elf pV.antt , lmon nd Pytbus, followtd bv i Céai of living vi'.d beatts o? nry varltrt.y lul frru o-rr clia. Ajrer's Sarsftparilla.