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The Advance Of Our Army

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Washington, Sopt. 29. Dof nchments from Generala Richardson'r, Keys', and Wadswnrth's, bi ;ga4tS and tláo from General Frunklin'.s división, now oceupy Munson's Hill, boing iii command fif Col. Terry, of tho 5th Michigan. Eariy this A. M. the piukets Ji-om Gen. Süíuh'.-s división advaneed to and miw ocutípy F.U'i Clinici). Ne'itlier Ihi.s nor the preceÚpg moveirents n:et with anv opposition whatover, as the rebel anny had, on Friduy night, relired from tiio whole line of their postüons on the line oi Washington. Uptoü's Hill, thií sido of Fall's Cliuroh, is necessnrily incliidd aüiong the p(i:i:s now held by ihe Federal foi'ces, Tho positions at Mur po's and Mui-rny Hills, ifïbrded iha rebi'ls unobstnicti'il vieus of uil our foi ;iiic;itio!i.i and other defencea. 'l'here wcie no sigus to show tlmt they uver i'.ioiiütfd anv gur.H. Our troops are ntr.v ro eiupliiVed as !o sbovv tha! they do nut inen,'ly iiHend to temiiorarily oucupy theii' present pottiüoq, The dv;;:icu pi Cíen. Srnith upon Full's Church trom Ouain Bridge was ueeorrpanied by ovonts of thy most doplcra'ile cha!:'-:o: ]y spft'.O nnaucoun'ablu blunder Colone! Oiven's Irih ])hi!ade:[;hia licimeiit, in the dal knuH.s of the night, ruisiakiug rebels Gapt. Mott's baUery, which v;ih iu the advai'.ci-jSiinlu'.ned by Gea Baker'a Caliioni'a i-egiirier; nnd BiLSteP Piiiladelphia Zouavos and Culipfi] Fiii'dinanV eavaiiy, fired i full volley into tho troops lust tnenüoned, kiln:j nnd ouuding largo nunibers. The Caüi'i üia regiment not knoiving ffhenee tho üi'iiio' ca:r:p, returnc-d il vi;h marked etlect. The horses nttaehe'l to Jlo'.t's batl.ery beeuiii3 unirianageiible and the to;;i;es ot the uaissana were broken, nwing to tHe barrowne s of the rqad LieutSnant ISiiKunt having oorninana ol tho firs'. seetion ordered the to be loaded vvith grupo snd cunnister, and soon had thom in ranafii of tho fcjpi ose 1 enemy, when word was f.ent to h;m that lie was n coinpanj of Irremis; All was exeitoment, and ;i long time eltipsed beforo tho actual eondition of afi'air.s was ascertained and eonfidenee re estabüshed. Several wero killed and u lurge number W;ufKÍed Our troops whilo oceupying the grounds vacated by tho enemy hac burned hcuses and destroyed property tn a considerable extent. This will be investigated, as Gen. MeClellan .stroi:gly conciemns. t. The whereabouts of tho er.omv bad not been discovered. Their piekets are diseernibl ! at distnnt points. The most probable theory i.s that tho rebels are niaking feints ol a rctreat as they dkl previous to the battleof Kuil Run, vviih the idea of dmwing our troops into aihbiisi'.ades. Their e:.eampnie;iU bkow they had at no timo over 10,030 üjon iu front of Washington.


Old News
Michigan Argus