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How To Choose A Horse

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To become a L.xd judge of hors fiesh requires yrnrs of obsers':tlin and practical icquaintnnce with the iiñírriál: 'So mere ds, riptioris Un suificient to qnalify a man to gil into the mnrket to pórélïaBo i liorse uith fiifet_y, for in no o'hrr nriicle is there so tifc;l deceptiott practieed. Tl e following dircctions i'rom the Ohio Cultivator are viduabla as suggestions indioating thu principal point. to b s'irdii'di First, r.otiee thu eyès, which should bc lH examined. Cle;trness of th eya is a sino indicution df goodness; bal this is not ill - the eyeli 's, evebrows, and all other dppendagüs munt be ii-o eoiwrdered, ior many luufun jisi; tfm ippenr c'ear and biiriihfii {il)]in(l at iin e:ir]y iigc; theretorö bo raroiu! to obferve hether the part betwpo:) tho eyelidí nnd eyubrows aru swollun, ior tliis indica'es ïbnt the eyo H-{ nut Iftrt. Wlion the eyes ufa ríinsrkstly Hat, sunk within tl.eir orbils, t in ü bad sign. The iris or ei cle thnt snrr.M'.iKl.-i tlie fight of the eye, shouïd b ..' Ji-'.inct, and of a pide, V. ñ -gated, crinniiiiion o lrr, for this is a' uro iijjn if utc'"l ye. The eyc.-i oí a hurga are m.jv. r Ion it'Lie. '1 lio lieaii slxnild lx; nf gooH 'ize, broüd !)"lvt' m thf in es, lurru ros'ril-, red il. in, lor 1 rgo in strils betukeu gfMJ() M'lrf, Tlw ii-i;t and i'g uliould bê rcgnrded, ior a i i b b.:d feet U like u hiHAm with a ivcak lonniiatiuii, and will dn li ie service. Thu feet shouïd be of a midiÜe isiat: and Mnoo h; :lio l;otli.-liould be ü !!, n:d [i t sil n ry und 'o t m, 'l'hu liti b ■ sh u!d be fr ;o frOin Witj'hIku i f all kin 'w, tho knue (Mniijflr, th. back HMieM'ti troiifi ut;d .1 l'iaeud; tle [jusieni joinus hhould be clean and deur ui uwelriflffl of all kiiid--. and co:tiy near Ü' g'rourid, fnr ■licll nevi-r have '.lie ril g l)i lü', F! hy lcui;i d bomiM ara geuei'id'y sul.ject to thu "" and Kiher intirnii.ies of that ki id a;id thvreforu shouU not bo tbo-en. 'I'!,ü bodyshould b of f,ood siz, tho b.u:k Riaitrht or nealy so, and hnv uniy h !llal! sinking below the wilhtirs; tin.' burrel lound. und the ribs colno cl') e to tho I i,i j n!s. Shoulderi hfii'ud iii ri back luit not t o hsavv, fcr Q ItHi'sc v i h he;.vy sholdders soldoill no brt '. i ■ I ? ; c'iest uno arnis lariie. A I orse weiffhlna; fiÉoni 1 :00 t" 1,-iüQ lare in -u .'h fora cart horno; friini 1,]OL o l;8C0 i-i large enougli tr a l.-.rmer's horse; ÍVo:n Í flOQfto l,!0 is heavy enon-jfh lor ciirriage' horso. -


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