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GREAT. GREATER ORE AT HUiGUNS EVER OFiïKKKI; 1859, q:ÍSd. J In tliisCky, :in ii'iw be!tiaoffered ut tlifl ("HEAP.CLOCK, WATCII. & Jcwtilry Storo r MP" Siibr ril"1 f BmlfrïVliy to ttucitizfn9il Ai-n ArI h.r. i pnrli'Milnr, mui il-.' rel n Wnthft-nnu Pnon'i nmui-rnl. Ihal hehaajugt IMPOHl'ED [I Trcmeiuious Stocfe of Watfhos! Al. ol which h hinris biniflclf io Bfll CBK r ! ;iL thHii hVmehl w.-sf nl NVw otk ('tv. Open F ryllmler VVntofieidforti 8'i lo fl dn ■!■ Lever ii. 1)0 - to ;'i llviitiiiy o Ho Ho il lo :i:. .1. ' .'j, OyHnttor do do to ï( OiiM W itHica iro'n 20 to I5U I 1 ave aUu tne íMoLKBÜATEI) AMI1UCAN WAT CUES, wfaichi wlll bóil Itr i?:n. Kvnry WatCh warranted to pertorm well, or tbe murh-y ;rhiu(cU. Cloc&e, j-wrlry. Piíito-i fVftr, '!(]' Prn9. Musicallnstfiimi ;ts ];.i ."tringe Cutlery, A-e. :ui'ï i t. ftürt n v-'iri.-ty ofevpfy'hlnji iifi)]lv fcrpt jy Jtw ei ra can !) '-ii:i:l't 'Vr Ie in'xi nm :y al vit O W N i' lt I C E S ! IVrsoii liuyinir nr.v'liin nt tliis wil kno-AN i [Ui-me ol ran rel; unn tfnUijig poda psum ■ i rr.acnt' fï, öTf.hmonpy ffHicd. i'aüt-ariy n se cure hst b;ir2iji rvcr (tïnfi in i'ity. 0ne wor.l in rrtl tó Krpairing : V prrp'ar,fid to ninttc ay rc.inirs oufin or cm mcu VV,.-.-1! ", i vi ti tn -■) kit.M i. ,t th eflrtrn ' nl' !. i '■■■■■-■■',". Üppitirinu i ' li.i-ns mui Je,weHry ■ - iií-Bíí!. fiu tbfi in;.!! !;n:)utir a o RINGS, BÍiOOCII, or uy'lii.-ie (íeSirea, rromClíf -ruift Oold oashurtnoti. l'.'-.i'in-rii-,! i . . iLcd wLi:, :)í-tt ; i;e ifir! i.;J!í:;ilch. J C. WATTS Anu Vfboi-, Jn, -íh Póí. í-Iw ÏIOIIACE WATERS, AGEN T 3 3 .3 H r o ;i il w a j , ' w Y o r li I'itblisJKi ofíru le .-iml Musl üoolis AM) DKA1 BR IX Piónos, Melodcons, Aloxanclre Orearía Organ Accordeon, Máttiu's celebrated undother Guitars, VíqIíij, Tenor VioJs, Ymlincullus, 1 Arconli ons, T'lufintis, I-'luU', Files. Triinüle, ('!;ü'i indis, Tupipg Foiks.Pipe?íliiffHhrnniers, VTofin I3ow, best Itnlan Stringf, Buss Instruments for liuiuls, Piano Stool, and covers, and all kinds of Musical [nütrumenta. S 3a. o o t OVE tl 'S-Í? Oi : s i-i the V. S-", ! ■ air' M'l'-i :i Soii"il, ;nnl :ill kin1.- of EimI ! for the abore iu&tfrainosrb Cfawcb M ■- ■ . ,.M; ilusic p;ipi:r, and all kiLiis of Music ■:.'.ise. Att lieLowes t P rice s New Planos,, At Stïft, S200, J22&,, $250, nnJ up to S'iOO. Sccomi 5uito$16Q; Ne-,v MfltKleons. $45, i . .. SIQO, and up to $ÏQü -■■■■■ 1 f 1 M . n ttl : ■. ■ .-i.-. $100, ■ ■ ■■ :i .-'wi ■. í '-Ju i;1, l 987d; A liberal (lieouj t vini'ii, hurrlu's. Subbatfa Set)oóls, Seminar s and Teacliera. The 'I r.Lie tuppiicd attbeasual trat dinCíHiriís Testimoniáis of Mm Hornee Waters Píanos titel Mftlodoonsa John Hewétt, ot Oirtbagi . !íe ITork, wbo has hd : ■■■ Hip H rae Water i Pinnog, writctraH follows: - " A friend ol ■ ■ purchast a piano öij Tkt. ïfhe likc tbe one yoti mid ixm in DetcmScr, 1853. My piano is bï&oining popolar in Ibis plicf, and i thíut! I vi n intro luce one v two ih'mc; thcy wil! bt' more popu Umi aoy oliier mnk9.kl 'We have two of WaWra' Piimoa in nsp in orPcminary, one f whicb has.been üverèly tesiecl for thrt' rears. and we can testifj to their (noI qualitv and dum' ïjiliiv.1"- Wn. ,] ,m Grcgory, Moun Carrol!, Ut. ■H, Tatcr8, Fm. - Deah PÏR: Raving n-.i one forten rr twoyearn n.".t. I liavo fonnü i :i i i ■, superiox Instru t, Atoxzó 0B.w, Principal Tlmoktyn Kelt tes Srmmory. "Tïic Piano I v i0'l l'riMTi jron cnnitnufifi tu gire s-it Isfaotion. 1 regar litas one of the fc ota in the [i:;)!-.'."1 ïamks L. (':..' ■: . fra. '""Tlie Mclodenn has safclj i I 1 obld I - v. n fr-, mir ! ■ diKCOunt." Rev. J. M. JftCoHic];, ■i ao was culy .rcci-ivo'l. lirnmo In exceileni : . .:, and is vítv Imucll 8 'r:iii' f numcrouf t'aïnily Accept mv tl mlid fnr youc prompt nea j." - ... ,, -. nu, Bradjoed f?o. Pa. 'Your pi:: r.o jt'i ifics us wi'il. Il ís llio b(v;rf one En out co'nnty.' - 'l'.i 'M;i .. t.ATHAM, fturijtlUot}, Ga. Ve vcry much nWigeA to ym fiit liayinp sen' ? ;cíi .i finé in-i niman t fr ij50." - BrakkJIeid & Co,. la Vhn er al. V V "The lloni co Waters Pianfip ar known psanTon lh" vi'i'v i'st We aro t'unbleil to pe.'ik cif tlief1 nwlrumenta with confldpnce t'rom personal knowlcijre of their exci 11 i.i tdiinm!' V Y. EvnntrtlitA. "Wt.' ca:i -;penk .f ! ... tli' Hor:irt Wicrv pi!,ttojApAjfc,hing the very !l:n-i "■- Christin ■ l e Waters pranos arè oniltof the W-t un knosi Phorough!; fMvon Wc hoi e no doubt Umi bayfrscan - aa wclljperhaps better, ;(t tbitlian at any otherbouso in tbi; Dnïön.1 - Advocate and JourwU, Water.-i' pinnos anil nblofloonii chaUeBe oompiirlAdi witd tb nnesl made anywhore la tho country." - Fiamt Journnl ■Horace Waters' Piano Forten nrc nf nri'i eveti tÁneahaprftvérfUl1- -JÍ. f. Mntieal Revctb. "Owf friendswlll ftnd at Mr. Waters' gtqre i hc cry ortmeni l' Muic and of Piano to bc foyji ! in hc Cniiéd Sintes(rtnd we nr(te oor mutberñ and wentera fripmlïi if eíve him a cnll whenever they go tu Xp-.v Vork1 - Graham'f Magazine Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bel). 1OO OOO lsüt:c:l In ten Months. Tho iinprpcmicntcd sa! of tliiabook hfts inducod th . i 30 new'ttínesánlByriiDstbitó present bí. itbout Axtra charge, ex.oept un tlie.-ünn- Ainong tbetaamy beautifal tuws .imllivmv nriv be foiind: - "I biigbt to iove myflnother;" (0. Til loifchild. Indeed T will." These und eight otYier l'rnm !!■ Bell, wpm itunff&t tlieSmu'.iiv 8oJ twl Anntver,..!■■, ol the .!. !' I '■-■■■■■■ -ii l the Ad sic, with . e The Bell cottain neririy 200 tajaes and ; 13 one of the b ■'- collectiohn ove ■ : $10 por hitndréd; posiafte 4c Bligwntly bcuini. i ar lúa i; baí bees iiuroJuoc.i intii manyof tbe PiUlic ScUoote. The n iiublwhcd in ml! ónmbfcf entitlod Annl. chóol Manie Boeiii, No. 1,4, 8, ft ■ 'ai.' núiUon; price t'2 & i; ] fl" buudred No. 5 wilt si-mbc Usued - copmenecni n1 ■■ Al-o, Revival Sfusic Brto:iS,No.l :'. 1 x 2 per 100. prtMags lc. Morè tlMii 800,000 of the Rbffvo bi)"kn hum been iasued the pafli etgliteeo mooths, and the (Jemaad is rapidljr Increaaing 1'uljlisliL'i'. bv HORACE WATERS, Acrent, 33 Bfbodttay, N. Y. Publised by Horaco Waters Kil, 33 3 Broadway; Tiexv York. Vpcïll. 'ltin(i Word can neverme:' nTF.e Angels told ■ "Wllds or fho'1 "IKouirhts of'flod;'1 1 GV9 rae back my Mountnin Btnine;1 -ny Pseams;" 'lliiUdï Coct l!i)l'ii;" 'Tu ivitn t!i' stiili-Tet nam.-:" Ti:.-i i"'-. il. ' iarilnu like mine;" "&uaB Jine 1 ci-;"''-i-:ver of theffi'" ll I 'm lcnvintt tïiee in Sóitótp;" "Blrfi of Beauty ;""IIome of om WrtH;" "Gtave U BóMbel,"' and 'Wake, Imly, walet,,' price 38c eaoh. ' ISiTKlMKXTAl..- ' 'I'a'.n" li.M'k'n, ar ininpr Rirri Pnlka, 40c; liSwinging ScHotflsclie;" "illrabel Schot; ti.-t-l;" ThomM Èmker' Schottlscho;" "Picoelominl Polka Ö5 each. The abbvepiecciihavebeautiful ... Wclmcr Polka f "Artcbidn Tvcry Maroh,'! i,.:i "VaNsoviaitrin Honiolls Mazurka; "Rai: ■i Pojka'.' "Ctinolind Walt." anS "Ènnéers' Qua drille,''2ScMeh. "The ESnpireof Retdi1 (Juadi ti.'w ïaüi-e, aniï (IThe iliberninn Qua'drille," 36eeaon. Jlanv oi ■ '- ' Rlyed h BakeVs oelebratvd oreh-' ra with greai applruse.iar Maüed free. A largalot i f Foreign Vloslc nt half pricc. Pianos, Melode8 and Organs. Tho Horace Watera "Pía noR and Moloileon?, for depth, .: tone uní tlarabjLliJyfcare unsurnasml. Trices vr'rv luw ■'ocónd Hanl Piimofl und Wolcdèonsfroni $-5 to $150. Miui; and 1 ínstructipn "of All kinds, at Lhe lowost pricos. UORAI K WATKIIS, A ■ ot, N',.. 38S [:■" . '-s:,;.-. N'. V. Tbktiíi-'.viat?:; - "The üorscti Tatrn Piaue .:re known asamong theyory best.' - Fmnrrihr. "We cao BpcaK of thrir mcrita from personal knov.l. - Clrrislian Fntettifcvcer. "Nrthingat Ue l'airdisijbycdgrcattrcscel'cnce-"- Chnrrhman. "atiri' and Hilweons cbilllengccnmyarison with tlie anost BiadoanjwheTcinthêbonirtry:"- Kom Jnuraal. 'l91t' I hving's Works - Natiomd Edition ''III ?"ine Kdilion of Works of WhixOTO.n In I vim; (incliiding tiui liiv oi Wa4bingUv wiin.cpub itihed i'or SUBSCRTBERS ONLY In Monthfy Volumos Price $1.50 Pagable on Dclivcry. BoAutifully Primèd po heavy suihtRuo pnpor, af th( vi v !i --t qn:iHty, arid BUbAtantiáUj t)iund In heTJ {tJ"Eiicli Vi'Itiine illastrated with Vignet teí i on Stool and Wood. J Kii:c-;''i''('kci 's NY-w Vork. Skotcli Book, (.!müi. ColuraimA, :; voïn, iSnuv bridge II;iU, Astorin, Taiesóf Trayolw, Cnvyon MiBcellany, , Capt. Bonneviïft, Oiivcr (riMsmifh, Mhoiiict rplSf #Mfert Roost, Life of Wfthingion, 5 vole. Saimaundl. Hón will be nnA RxctrsivTtT.T o RuNtrriborf itn.l ffiH bO RlTatl 5itniT:iT to ADV CV'T lpforf issufifl,A vnv bau t i Dftiot of tlioe nnlwmfci popular work, ti6 ntaced vttbln tho m nns íifall. . e p. PUTVAM, Art., Puhlifiher. J 115 Vn a Ötref t, x Vort [:■"-■:: :rii AYER'S CATHABTIO Ujfty?f BB Aro 011 sick, fee-Me, ntul Li. P tyBHifcl rtiiiiíiiiiiiii" í i' uu nut o! L' ■ 'V orjr, v.uli you Byntein ioi J-RlCE 'flBH .comiürtJibivï ïlieao syinp:;M1lwaiiu iBJ ftmis juv oftcn Uit' prehnji to RL '-'- ' "W RBÉh per'olIS i" "'" fcwno fit f r'.MÉtaáfe-lifjpHKi sickiicss tacrccpíiigiipuM vu, ' O?w 3 aul 'ould '' "itiil flry a k if. %1[HH ■ timelv ïwe ol' lii riylit r-m?7 E W- "l-v' 'J':lVo A"i-'s 1-iKsMiuI " V'HH f clciuise out tht ilisünletetl Intb " ■RH ''ImFJ 'vt iï(' 1'"'l'ri imjVü un """- KflljR Tlii'v stiinultifi; Hio fn nt:ti' ■!■ I If,".!' S ff tíie bodv uto vioi(ni- ac:gsBP-._JX- tivii y. puri'iy tlio syittcin lïm Hm' obsti'uctiiuis uliiili uiake fifsoïise. A col'l fri[t!"s (rnuWWhere in 1 lic imtljr, aml oljtrint-i Is iHUurtÜ iiuicli'iin. 'i'lu-n-, it" ir-t rcliovcd, renet Ukhi Uh-ulsí-Ivcs autl tlïo syrroiiiiüing drgani, prolilBcjrift; cmcimI JiLii'aviT'ioTi, NMfurirlgi intl aisoue. Wltilt; in Uii4 coihlüioiif opniyweil l,y Ihe doimtgemonts, t:i!;o Ayïr Vfít. ntfil lee Itnw díiccfly ttmy restore tito ni 1 1 l i :i 1 nrtioil 't tliD syiili-i. :unl witli it tlio Imoyant ft.i-liii of fi.-a'ili tiji'iii. IVÏiaf I Iríío ninl ■ niiparönt in tlii í Iriviiil mul cumtinni fmpt:4iiit. is nik) tumin ni:tiiy of deeisi'iitttd tynl tlinger(íi8 clisttMitpors. Tho bohiu piil-giitlvo oflodt cx]WÍ8 tliom; CumeU Ity niniil:tr oiistïucti"iis Jt ml íU'ivnii'iiit'iits (1' lln' iiaiiiial runcüuns ol' tltO boily, thoji ui' iMpitlly, anü nt-niy of Inem surely, curoil h,v UltittaMM mctalfft Nou-' wlio Itnow llio vlrttm Bi UteM Pilla, will noglect lo cuiiloy Uiun dIisji Buflerlog froui tho li lordptii tli y ■. ui-Mits fi'ini Nmiüii pliysiï:ii)H in onino ot tho p;i:: ijful citittf ud fi"Oui ollior well kuown public perons, í-flnt a TtfwarStñg Ntrcftanl f W. Louis, Bh. 4, 1S5C. Dn. Avi:n: Voñr 1'üN re ílto prihlgbn 6t' T tJmt i.n gifiat In luoilk-IiiPj TJi' v luite r I my Ii:tk üUUKbter of iilccnuis Rnrc i iijioii her ritimlri hik] to! tliat lirl'l pruveil incnnilii'i : r , . Hor raiitbor tmfl Itwn lOüft gi'ierously anilotetl h Ui iiJiit'rhfi Liil [litnplH i ii Iit nkln aml in livr lialp. ouv ciiïM wui cuied, alio alao trictl jmir 1'íl!, ui:il llu-_y livocurcd h-r. asx siouaiapaÉ. As a Family" Physlc. fVnl . A'. II'. Cortn-yiyfd, Véw OVtetinft Vonr Tills aro the ftrlhnï of pinjes. Tliolr t'xcu-ïlcnt QiialiCWfl BiiriwuB ntiy cath.iu'.tic we iHiftsun. v nre mild. btit vri'v certitln oiifl efll'íitilál in Ihefr net Ion oli tho bevel, Wliirh ihjikeH theni invuluablu tu ua in thu iluily f i eal m ut wf i]i-i.';iiL. IIcatlnclie,Si MÏnilncïir,Fouï Stomncli Mnoxii Dr. faltourd AV'í, Ualtmnr If!n liito. Avi;: l ciinnnh tunnror ron to7ia complnlntfl I linve euvel with ynjir Pilis Kittor Mum tn wiy all thal tve rxrr ty. it K-ü'i a pttrfaUèt ïnaticiiie. I placo grent 6p4iidon.-e on au ciïi-ctiiiil caCliartio in my diilly contett wUÑ die i i, mul -lifïnT w I il:, th ir vu. ir pin uITtfrü us tho best uo birre, l oTctürsö tAliid rfiwm higmy. PlTTnn-n. Pu.. Mnv 1, 1S55. T)r. ,T. ( Atrr. SIi-: T hilvy been mpëutedlv curel of the worst tmuUu:hfi miy hmly rau lnvo ly ;i 'Iip or Uvo j of yiiiii' L'itlSi lt Kcenii to ;ime fium u Umi utunmdi, ■ whlcli fhiy clcjinno ut 'mee, Y'jur.i withüitMt n-spoct, fcT. W. MlfeWíf!, C7cr.: 'SUumcr Clurin. Hillons Disorders - Tlver C'omplaints. IVoat Vr. Themiorr. Iktt, ofjTrja Yatk Not only are ydtir Pilla Hdnifi nlily iujipted to iTiefr juirposu un iin fcpariont. Int I fin ! f licïr bcildQcItil tflectfi upon the f.ivcr vt'ry niaikeil imli-iil. 'Muy Imvo Ín in v pi actico provud iiiofq efRctUn fot Iho euro of b.Hans cipfuiuta lliiiu uiy ait)j retnotly I i-an niüntiim. I rincerely ïvjuii1"! that wu bave at Kn-üi a piitwitlve wlilcii i worV. tliu COU&iloucO ui tttu [iruIflUSloá nntl Uiu puuple. Dkpai;t.mknt of tjik Inti:iiior, 1 WuöUijigt'n, I). üj Tlli l'tlv, 1850. ƒ Bdt: I lmvo itSspd yölir l'üls in my gétttm) aml limplttil procUce ovor Hiuoé yn niaüu LUonifMiÚ cailinot livsituto to Hay tliuy aro iliu Ut (uliaitic w ejupfuy. Tht'ir rcgillaiiiig acHoii n tin; Hvftr Is quIcfE aml ilcciM], coutw Qlieiltly tlit-y art) ftli aiiniii jiIIo iiMiinly lui' 'U'ianL'iiients i or organ. (iiiL'ed, 1 ímvo eltluiíi fómul n. case of i bittóuk distuit ff u olujl nute tliat it 1M not rcnütly ytofd to Uitaii, liraU-rually youre, ii.u. . I l;.i,L, M. D., l'litsician fj' lite MJariria Hospital Dyscntory, Dinviluicn, Relax, Wonm. l-'i'ir.t Ijï. .,'. O'. O'.i::i, of Chicug'i. Yonr PüIh lmvo luul ii long fiial in my pmetlce, nnd I lioM thoiu in i-st' :iii as uñe of tlie Itcst npri icnls 1 liavo ccr Stand 'l'licir aüurntivo etVccL UjVjii tho livor niakes iliein au exceUeut remciiy, wlu-u given In nuall for bitïout dtfstfibary bid d-tin-íia-a. 'J h, ir Biigar-oóatiAg liialu-s llu :i y i.v ac.'cpClijlo mul COWttiUÏDÊt fut' tilO USd of Wüinou niiu cliiklrcii. ï?j sprtïsi;;, ImnrUy of tlio Bloocl. JVfii ïfiü.J. I'. Uitheb, VdsUnr tj 'Advent Churc't, ituSltm, Dr. Atrr: T hftvo :is(ïfl tour lins wflii oxtrnordinnnr Bucceuaih iy family aml ñuiong I nut ctOleri Io vislt Ín dïrtrejö. To ivgiilittu lïïo urgiins of digestión ainl jmiify the Mun.i, tlwy nro Ilie very beul reineify 1 Imvo wror l.iinvn, ntd 1 eau cuuttdmlly nconinipinl tlicin to my lnuiidrf. Vouia, J. V. llfAlKg. WAn.SAW, VTyomhig Co., N. Y., Oct. 2l 1855. Sin: I mn nsin ytmr Qtllmi li" l'illa in my pracUoe, ftud find Lhoui mi excpllutit ptirmilive tuclaaiiw tho Bystcin aml purify tie fïtmthtim "f thr. blond, ' JulIN U". MBACUAU, M.D. Coïistipni Ion, Cont ivtïiofls, SiipprcMsloit, Itliciiitut IJKjti, Gout, i inuliiit, Ui-upsy, PurnJysis, Fits, etc. Front IhJ. '. 'uit{ft)it, Cituatïa. Too nmuli cjinnot lo said of your Pilla for tlio nire of CMtivettsgs. ifoÜiersoF our HaiiMiiUy Uure fotiml ilu-m , na efflciicioufl na I have, ihny chotilc] jtin me In proclnimIñjS it fur ílio benefit of tho niiiititudefl who 8iÍTor from Í tliat ronijilaiiit. uluCli, AttllOlIglí lail eilOllgfi in ilst-ll', is I tlic prfw;euiior of uliera llutt n irorse. 1 ln-Mcve cosUvcjiesi ti orfghtflte in the livor, Lut yuur i'illu añ'ect tliat Oi'gati íind curo tho diaease. From Mfn. R Haart, Pnjsidan and Mitlwlfe, 2hslm. I find ono or two ojrg0 dopqp of ynnr I'ills, taken ftt l!io proer liino.m-o oxce1Kt immolC8 of the imhuiti tecrelau Ihii wlioilyor pnHbilly 8uppreasoiít and nlso vory eflbctiial io drttuie tlio tiainatA mul tegtrl warvtt. ï'hey aro so mncli tho titst iitiyttlc vvo liavo tliat I locomuicud uo other to my patfebts. From tht Jicv. Dr. rinw'.-estqftht Mcthndis', Fpis. Clntrclt. PllI.ASict [ToOiR. S-avaiii:ali,Ca.. Jan, fi, lSjfi. TT'voTirn SiR: 1 slnmld bei nngmtefiil fr tío relief ypur Bfeill Imi IwougjUt me íf i iiiii nol raort my cmo to JOU, A.C0I1I st;ttli_'il n my litub.Haiiil brpitRlit ojl xCITUr cfatlng nrnrntnié finiut, tffilcli ended itt chrñmerfieutna ltsm. Xntwitlistaiiiliiii; I lutd tho ln--t. nf pIiTflldfUMi tho clïseaso Rrow vrorae mul worse, initil by Hit1 adrice of y our excellent rigen ( In BnlUmoro, T)r. Rïackenzle, I trled yonr Pilis, 'i beJr effocta vrere slow, luit mire. lty persüvcVing in II10 use of tïuT.i, 1 11111 ikjw eotlrely well. 8SNAtB CitAMOFR, Tïn(fn Iïoiikc, Ln., 5 Tec. 1P55, Pu. Ayeü: 1 h:vc !-ccn cnürely ciirad, byyour Pilis, of JiheuiH'itic Gout - apainful disewe that uiTiicti i me for yeore. V I XCKNT SM DKLL. && "S oKt of the VU in murK-ot contntri Mercuirr, ! wliul, alllitnih a vu 1 nal le iciin-dy ín Bkllfni hHdB.w danpevon.i n a publló pilt, froni thu droadfaJ conseqiionces that fkwjiieiitly toHw ï ts Inoniitlonn nso. Thoso contnin no moren ry or mineral substAnco whatcver. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB &. C0.f Lowell, Maai, Mayuard, Stebbms & W.ison. ■■AlíiiANJtf rHKi.KY fc I . . I4P -iï. J II BÜRR1LL, TravelÜnfcpcnt. RÏflënFacTöTy! A. J. SUTÍfERLAiVD r XAS 1 ihiShj)tntbNew BlpcknBnI I tnntreel outhofthpi:ourlHue.'oj t.oiecond rtoor, vrhvrt be - prepuri -i! to I ■ r Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Fïasks, Pc..:hes Game Bag.t, and Evorv otlior article in DÍH Line. vin ll)e m %i ifia9on&bl( èo tA) V.inds u thC I'1 ! l-:'M ■■' JUlil i I t llO Iji't ITl.'.l-.DO W9L.:tEiTÊÈnBB4 f 11 ■:■: :i ■ .'. 1 viy iï ;)t on liniKi.ord nmcir teord -r. City Cheap ILunher Sash, Doors Blhxls, Ptqsfy'v Paris Grand Iiiver I'laxUr Water Lime, Nails of all stzes, Glastt, Paint and Putty, c&c, i&c. , 3X DeForest, HAVlNfi .iicreas!1!! hit facilitie lor 'lo'.Tg busitu- ■ (in l unNrgcd his Yard and Huuk.n propied tfii'psrwnt st'aoon, wMh 1 1 hes. lnrgest anH ctii-fti ct ieaaot.i'ü uc1ï cverin tV.e mirïtc to antisily the ruHLnnjti)l. apectftlioi !' aH. Üui motto Is not t" na uöflerioldl'oi' fcásn on delivery I wi I nut ■: :nlri"t:tkr-' n frii;!,loiit'i!f puïil'r h y inying thui l) vül trol -'. ■■ ■ tfie, ('r we pfesttme that wüisrIIheIow astlmy can { All felnds of Timbcr, .ïoists, Miil ácantling, Pina, Wlutcwijutí, Basewood , Ilt-m orkJ. Planecl and Matched Pine, "Whitewood 1 it;;'. Planednd röuh Plhènnd VVhitewooá ■idlná, Fe ie Poets. Öekand Cedai rcatt and IMckcts ol 'all kiiidt. gtnt íatl), anï) ÜHjUcwoob L. .fl IHno, Aeh uni VVhitewooH Nhingflrti Barn Boards and Bani FIooi Plank, BlaeltVV .,n!,ti]il 'h rrj mi thin s t n tl", Wnun ano BUG(iY AXLB8 and TOXGUES, UdnuiJ Body Lumb"er,MV)c l.og Timlmr, Qlckory, ' Oak7 ilsh, Liïm, Eeecb, O f ' l-hiclinosao6, widttid nnd Ion y the , íto. . Sec , , Plaslt-r Taris, and Piaster olnllKInds. 3XTa.i3.iS of 11 alznt, &c, Sec. ÜASlf, DOORS. & ÈLliïpS, mat]-' bj ;minï ü- onlc t ne lov.' a fnctory ) riere, on ' Llm abortos taotice by the brst o!" worfcmen, and iïêst Seasoned Luntiber, . Blílf oi'H1 latcription in thn above building lint TurniRl eo''Hithf! ■h ir'rstcn notloe l r We have Mille Cutí ing Regutarty. 1 A ful' indo ;crtcci ' aecorïaiest pf'the obovc ;in other kind o Building Mnieils ÜonslHiitiv onliiinchil .h towesi possiblcratcs Cali and be Convinocd. A fev rad ouih jèrom &■ Depot or, Detroit Strei-t.Avn Arbor, Mich. R O O F I N Gr, H.B.- I a:l1 iiov operating Bxtensivelj ln tUe Patent Cement Rdoüngr. Mortgöge Sak. TI F.rr.Tli:nMiit liemi mmlc ir, tli e-.nlltion of ' ' ' " ■ ' ' h .Uipintiw It. Huil nnd wift! . nu I. ïuinlian (■ t i, rli-'ulf Klctcher, 1 !'"!nniry. A. I). ll5!, an. recordeil 111 '■■ "ffic f "'" 1--''-:'t "I I' - 'f Wtuthtnuiw n I Ibei N'n. l'i nf Morlftngi.s, nn fogtk 69 an.l ' " " ' l'. ■ : :it tWO l'clCk "■ SI. ,nn otv aixtll dny of August, A. T). 1. l Kinvley, Aitministratoi, with the ivrlUnyjoxeil, of lli.' o I 'i of Inu v:(iii Gerlru1e Kletcli■ 'í.t. .- ■- i iiü-iil . rc nrilerl acrons : nittrtgnge Afrnst27thf A I). 8B1, -i i.-ni.-, .,,cl A. i..!.v uhich ((-ault the power ui I In tulld Miirii-.i:- bifcálw operatlve ; tin;; liavinir bifi iMslitiilcl M Imr' I., recover Ilicil, LI securpij l,v wyiJ MortWgÈ or nnv part ■ i'B ! tll il i iiffnurlcpn liurrlr.-.l nnrl M-i r-tit.v ■ 1 - ;'-:' nrin, , o „„.,1 i„ i„. ,]„,■ iharepn. anri liiM'íin tálhiifi:ts lo become dup ili.icou. Notice m lUcrfon hen-b Kiron llwt sni.l Vnitüaj-o nillbe loroolote.1 B? a Ie ol prrmiwHj'tá-wlt: All ■hal certain trad or parcie of ta tU krto-n tlfil .Itiscribt-.i .is I. l'nw-i. to-jiviï - ctnmt'iicing m 1ho west lino of M:in Sir...'. t jr'tw.i fret anotfa of tile DOrth-Mnl lnror ■'. lol numbor m. Hl. kW Ni,, two north ,( U"r"n - cl i: :■:.-'■ i ! r. . : n theflty of Aon Arbor, woki , rallol witfiffio nurlli f nci.f s:nd lot, nlv-two Wei i li. m : i-i. ui. fci Wit et (rr,1 of snid ic Il] t.vcn'ty-two fpet; ihèhce f-at parallel n:l'i Pr' l ■! ■. ■■ ■■■! t v.-.-ni v f., lliiTvfrom.t" Main str 't tltcnce nortli twenutvo feet to place of bop'n'i-'off. ir Bfn if at public réntfue at tú '',K,rt H i:m', in Ann Arl)'rm s.nd Cuunt.v on tlitaev.iith Oavot Iti ii ■:■ netí atimon. WffES KfN'GSfjCf, Ailmioislralür w : t b U'iU anaexoiliuf GcitrudoKlotelict' i'cOr.T e I . E. IV. Uöko.iM, tMamkï D.iícl, Ano 'rbi r, Aog 28tb, A. D. S0l. ftg&lfe Forcdcsure. Dl !"■' n Muit n IHi pjTmtnt offtlio ; i r ■ i v .■ ihoi i'..;iRi.' exeeul Botitbrrf , ditoil the lii ■-: i!.iy ■ 1 Julj', A. II l.'iT, nti.l rc-oríK-il iii the 1 ijiiw, n Uber " ii'O, oi the Boctmd üuy of J ily, .'. I minnící .Ht8o'clock, A. M,. tfie power of 6:tle coatained in fuifl Itivcr, umi no suït or procct'iür.7 : i i i-litu'cl at law t recover r ; by .sa;l mortgiige Or my part I !;■ i I i r,i of i'iur liunilp il :u.t, ..1i'y nis beinft now clniin'ed to b ■■■■■ lien by eivtn, tliat the sa4 innrlKnpc uill 1. ■■ :i :i!,. of the mort■ ■ t' M: All : rxn 'ir rcel ■ ' M ■ 1. :"-v.:. .ts followrt, to-M'it : lïin ft partofthoti ■:'!; ea t 'jii;ir ter of sretion N'o. twenty-nfiha in Umrnsbip No. two south ol' No. sis east, beinning :it :i stal ■ ■ . : norfli of apoillt of rrrsection of a lint' Ihron l ■ of llurfin streef iii i' Ann Arbfir'afórèsAM. thenceniiiDtiif eaJt QDt". it.-trii'' the cast li.ic of ai.l section, tlience wet :m! parallel w lh twiii line and streef until t strikes lan [i4 l Jlr. lilrllm in A . r 1 1 145, thence nortli tv' siiiil fu!(.r land abnut llnf;en m.e. unti] it iitiike ■ ■, Ihi-llL'i' nnrtli by s:tiil l'ape Klr.let twenty four riide fyi.the nn-th-vest corner of bU-vi? Xo. '2: n Caire ít rm-hy'f ndtliti-n to the villaje oí Ann Arbbr : ■ t by the iHTth 1 ii'1 'f t;d section t) ttM aorth ea.vt corner of paiii fiGCtiOD. llience sti:th on tb t-: line of s:, ii section aboui foriy roil. to tlie place oí loar BCBBBa &T pome part tliereof, . i tlic i?"itrt Houms in the city of Anti .Vil.'T i:i ti.c n:ntii i'av of Nnvrntbr Df-xt,at noon. ' 1.1 IZA LOT.-KOliD.Motgagcn. E. ?. SÍQRCÍN At:'y. Jtogtnt H'.li. A. 1) ,1S81. 813trt Moijtgago Fofeclofturë. DEFAULT having been made in the conOítínn of ji iíórtgágepyecutea lv Wiffiafc Walker, andTylïanin h is wife, t Wit liana . Mayoaxd, dn Led the twt-Ifth day of May, A D. 8t;0.anu recorded ín the Remist er in W.ifiliteiiaw 'founty, i Liber2o óf Mnrtgage 1 a page 736, on the day of iN datC at twrnty-five min ■ i eighto'ciock.p. ra by whfch aefttult tbopawei it' siile c Hita inert in -itt tn'Airtnge öecnine operativa, and ■■ rdiug li:i n ten instituted ut luw t recovor tin' ■ i t - r ■ - ,'.ii morfgptge or ny p.tit thereof, and the rudi of une huudrcdaod eieren dollars bejfg ncif claimed to duo thoreon a interest n ml costs ! lus iira ii cc, ftnï fu refter Suma t f bccome due Xotïce isthen-fiue lu-rcM gtven tlint siI MoHgtg wil] bo forecloged oy a síiUmi" the mortgaged prenfi$e, towit: All that ■ rlriïu trrict or pnrci 1 óf land known nï Qeacrilbed a rollofcá, tc-wit' 1 ; Inj; an i béiag in the city of Ann A rbor, boiug Üvp i-ml wcle on the nortli fitelo of bl'ick N'm . f.v-, !!■■:■: ii i f Uurna smet; range oiip oast, ta ■ E pai) Wlock cast an '. rest, .1-1 1 1:'' i lfl plat of the rlllagc ol Ann Ar■ ■ . ■ r -1 t'H' m t 'In i 'f. :it public veiif uo. at the Cóurt House in thi ci"y of ano Arbor on the fifth day of Octo Ijlt, next at noon. WUXÍAM S. MAYXAPD, Mortag. E. W. Mohcav, .H'v. DateQ, July Erth. A.B. 18C1. SCStó Clia!ici;ry Sale. BV YiriTUE ff a doere tfll f.r!fr m.i'le .idÍ eníercl in the Circuit CourtoT 1 be Úniterl sítatea fbr the Din. hi an on tho thii-I flitj of Jiint-, lSfilinthe a hrrvin Nefcon }J . Winj; is eomplainant, and (üetirge W. Hayn :u;il Jane I!. Il.iv-, Are ftefendants, I ■ 1 at public nuction, at tlit Cnnrt IIoukc m Ihe citv íf Auo Acbor, Couplj "f.Waahtenaw and Stnte of Michigan, on the 10thdaj ofOctobor, 1SCÍ. at 10 o'dock .ii the i'oi(-u'."n, nll the llpifingdescribcd laad situated m the vüluge of IVxtcr, M'chigan, viz : Lot nuinber kleren (tl) of bloch nüinberone (l); also a strip twen:v f'ui.r {'■'-+) 'Vel in vidth on tho wterljr sídf! oí lot number ten, along thê Ifne on said lot, twelvo roi:, meanin.; to cunvry a tf 'V of land tweuty-four fcet Ty ■.-.■ tve iods "ii Ihe wc-t'rij1 side oí lot teu in block ono in sai'A viilage. fiKO G. Bl'I.L, - n Chancera of s;iid C urt. T?. P Toms, Cfraplniiiant's Solicitor. Dötea,iLepU .0, lbÜl. Slïtd Cliancery Sale. PTATE or mh'Hk; w, TKK CibctjtCocrt for thk OUTTT OF xf .'.smtknaw, KIÍ7.a A I'crkinsvs. Sebrah IVrkiiv- In Chai c rj ; In pur " noial of the Circuit Cmirt of the ( "liiiiit ''i' Vi";i ihlenav . in ("l:anc-ry ■ made in the above ..m;:m' on tl::1 second 'l.iy ol I-fci mNrr. A. 0. qtghteen . Liadre land Rfly niño, and a fprtfeer order of this Court made o.n the sixth d.ay.of Klin:ary , A. J) eigbteeo liunrtred and s ly-oni . will bfl 8qH, under the direct inn of Dftmïasiohet1 for thé Cotinty of Vshteua 'v. ;tt public auction. at lbo wuth 'T front dnor of the Court House, In the city "f Ann Arbor, on Paturï,T the sith day of .U;tv,.-iKlitccn hundntd and sixty-one. at t .vt Ivo o'clock . n-Min. pf ttaid day, :iil those eert h ia tmcti -ir parcrTS of lañd lymg and betng in the tovhshlp of Salem, in tlic Oounjy of W.ishtenaw afon-paiil, and described in said decreo : follows,viz: Thf i-st half f the south-pnt o,u(rter of sectfon fifieen, anrl the w-st half of the north-easl q nar ter of sectioc ;wenty-two, ia tiiwnshïp one nou tb, öf rinpe se" en éasf, or so much tlirrcMf h iriny bo nccassary t aatlj the amount duo npon BpLvi ' ■ r.'c, togeüiir 'ilh interest and co&ts. Il s IWITCHELt, ("ir Court pom. f-r the County of Washtensw 0. HAWKIXS.Sol ei tor U r Complainant and Assigneo Ann Arbor May .o. f891'. Thenbove Mlle is vdjottfned until the 15th day of November next. ;U the same hoor ,anI place. üated, J'ily 6th, lfifil D. S. TWïTCHEtX, Circ.iit Court Com. Washtooaw Co., Mich Ann Arbor Marble Works. ietxol3.olcaLor Ij AS on hand a Une assoriinent of American and ITALIA N MARBLE whichheis prepared to manufacture iuto HE A D fcjgiSyfivO STOXES, TO3IB Ï5 ílo TABLES inalltheir varietieft, rind In a WokkMAN'MKE manner. ïlavin bad rovisidcrable experieiu-p in the business li e flattera hioiSüK th;it hs aUl be abte to pleast al] w'no may favor me with tUeir or'ery. Ilis prices l'ovv as the l o west. thn"c wihinc: iinr t]iin? D my Une nxi rpèctfulljr ., cali D. C. liATCHtl.lir.H. Ann ArW. M;y CO. 1SÍH. . 801tr D. L. WOOD & CO.. HATE JÜT OFESKD A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING i SÜMMEB Tride f 1861 Having purchased tbeir stoet at much les than the usual prices.they are prepared Í0 offer GREAT INDUCEMENT3 To Cash & lïeady Py Buyers. Thonkful for past favors they ■nrill bc ever reody to show their Goods and by fair and ibcral dwaling liope to yeoeive their fullshar )f the public patronngc. West sido of publis square. Ann ArboJ April 1861. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus