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Golden Wedding In Sharon

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It is with pleasure tbat we record the celeration of the various wedding anniversaries lat take place - especially those like the one escribed below. Oa Tuesday of last week, Hon. Andrew Robison and wife celebrated their olrton wedding at their home in Sharon. A orespondeut of the Detroit Tribune gives the ollowing description of the affair, which will e of interest to our readers, nearly all of hom know " Uncle Andrew:" The history of this venerable pair is as folows : Mr. Robison was boni in Ontario ounty, N. Y., on the 18th day of November, !00, and is therefore in his seventy-fifth year. .iss Grertrude Hoag was born m Wayne ounty, N. Y., January 21st, 1798, and is therebre uearly two years her husband's senior. hey were married Fobruary 2d, 1823, and ence have been married fifty-two years. even children were born of this union, two f which died in infancy. With the remainïg flve they removed to Michigan in 1843 and ettled on the farm which they have since ocupied. The childreu are all married and ttled within a few miles of the old house, the 'oungest son, Mr. Chas. J. Robison, living ith -them on the old place. Preparatious were made for a golden weding on the h'ftieth anniversary, but the suden death of a daughter, Mrs. David O. Rose, ut an uutimely end to them. A most pleasing feature of the present athering was the complete surprise which it ave to the old people, they not having the ïghtest intimation of it until the guests bean to arrive one after another from all parts ! the country. There were present upwards sixty guests, all except two of which were elatives, Mr. and Mrs. Holliday being old hoolmates of Mr. Robisou. Of this number our were own children, thirteen were grandïildron and two great grandchildren. After all were assembied the oldest son, on. J. J. Robison, with a few suitable words. )resented the old people with a few appropiate resents, among which were a pair of gold owed spectacles to each, a gold-headed cane o the father and a gold thimble to the mother. . few touching lines, composed by oue of the ïildren, were then read, which brought tears ;o the eyes of nearly every one present. The old gentleman, although deeply affectd, arose, and after thanking the friends for heir presents and for the agreeable surprise, aid that he had tried to do his duty by his ïildren, and though he might have somemes punished his boys and trirls when they id not deserve it - the boya especially - yet he ïought it would averags about right. He lad endeavored to teach them, by precept nd exaniple, never to take the cup to their ips, aud he believed that so long as they renaiued under his roof they could not teil one tiud oí liquor from another. He had sought o give them somethiug of au education, hough he thought a blissful ignorance was to te preferred to an education with the vices hich so otten accompany ita attainment. He lowed them his old Bible, on the fly leaf E whioh was written his " Family Temperance ■"ledge," and signed by himself and wife and ach of their children. The guests then gathered around the large ables covered with all the delicacies whioh one so well as Sharon folks know how to preare. Aud when all were filled they began to oparate, wishing the happy old couple many more years of health and happiness. Mr. Robison's general health is as good as ver and his mind as vigorous, aud he says he s " good for ten years yet." Excepting that grandma's" hearing is failing rapidly, she is as well as her husband, and is likely to last as ong.