Real Estate Sales
The following transfers of real estáte have been recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for WaBhteuaw County during the past week : Geo. W. Sraith to Mc C. O. Le Beau, lot on Pontiac street, Aun Arbor. $400. Lois D. Wheeler to Joe T. Jacobs, house and lot corner Fourlh and William street, Anu Arbor. $1,785. Almay Kellogg to Geo. B.Thompson, house aud lot on División street, Ann Arbor. $3,500. Geo. Kiug to John Hagan, the w. hf. of se. qu. and the w. hi. of e. hf. of the se. qu. ot sec. 19, Salem. $4,250. Meivin Newton to Wm. Gates, 160 acres on sec. 2, Superior. $8,000. Francis A. Proctor to Susan M. Dolbee, lots 20, 21, and 22, and part of lot 19, village of Lima. $600. F. K. bhackleton to David Harris, 80 acres on section 24, Augusta. $l,ti00. Gilbert Allen to George Denner, a piece of land 3 1-2 bv 23 rods, on section, 24, Lodi, $150. Joseph Eisele to Jacob Jesienoski, 10 acres on sectiou 24, Freedom. $1,000. John W. Cowan to Wm. Hulbert, 54 acres on sec. 35, Sharon. $3,375 John W. Cowan to Lyman S. Hulbert, 120 acres on section 35, Sharon. $7,400. Joseph McMahon to Goodrich Conklin, half interest in Goodyear house, village of Manchester. $5,750. Daniel D. Embler to Martha A. Quirk, lot 19 feet by 4 rods on city road, village of Manchester. $2,000. Wm. Hoenes to Charles Hoenes, six acres on section 25, Manchester. $1,150. Joseph Kitchen to Eldridge Lafllin, 40 acres sec. 32, Ypsilanti. $2,400. Chas. Holmes, Jr., to Theodore H. Holmes, undivided half interest in parcel of land on section 3, of Ypsilauti. $250. Chas Holmes, Jr., to Chas Holmes, Sen., lot 22, Normal addition to Ypsilanti. $3,000. Mary Boughtou to Joseph Miller lot 8 and and part of lot 9, Larzalere'a additiou to Ypsilanti. $1,075. Jas. Smith to Walter O'Bríen a parcel of land ou section 4, Ypsilanti. $300. Alfred C. Smith to Wm. Meier 40 acres on sec. 24, Augusta, $ 1,000. E. W. Morgan to Thomas Wilson, land on section 25, Augusta. $260. David Gardner to Gabriel Muir, 80 acres on sec. 8, Augusta. Y4,500. C. J. Barlow to David Jackson, lot on Huron street, village of Kawsouville. $400. Nancy J. Gibbs to Jas. W. Allen 23 1-3 acres, on sec. 24, Lodi. $1,200. Keuben Avery, et al., to Edward N. and Mary A. Avery, 00 acres on section 17, Saline. $3,430. Benj. W. Waite, Jr., to John Helber, 85 asres section ü, Scio. $5,000. Willis D. Warner to Abram Spufelt, 80 acres on section 22, Sylvan. $800. John E. Whitmarsh, to Hannah E. Whitmarsh (quit claim), 32 acres on sectioni 14 and 16, Augusta. $800.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Michigan Argus
George W. Smith
C. C. Le Beau
Lois D. Wheeler
Joe T. Jacobs
Almay Kellogg
George B. Thompson
George King
John Hagan
Melvin Newton
William Gates
Francis A. Proctor
Susan M. Dolbee
F. K. Shackleton
David Harris
Gilbert Allen
George Denner
Joseph Eisele
Jacob Jesienoski
John W. Cowan
William Hulbert
Lyman S. Hulbert
Joseph McMahon
Goodrich Conklin
Daniel D. Embler
Martha A. Quirk
William Hoenes
Charles Hoenes
Joseph Kitchen
Elridge Lafflin
Charles Holmes Jr.
Theodore H. Holmes
Mary Boughton
Joseph Miller
James Smith
Walter O'Brien
Alfred C. Smith
William Meier
E. W. Morgan
Thomas Wilson
David Gardner
Gabriel Muir
C. J. Barlow
David Jackson
Nancy J. Gibbs
James W. Allen
Reuben Avery
Edward N. Avery
Mary A. Avery
Benjmain W. Waite Jr.
John Helber
Willis D. Warner
Abram Spufelt
John E. Whitmarsh
Hannah E. Whitmarsh