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The City Churches

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The Presbyteriau Church observed yesterday as a day of prayer. - Eev. Mr. Hall, of St. Andrew's Church preached at Flint last Sunday, exchanging with tho Rev, Marcua Lane: Rev. F. T. Brown, of the Presbyterian Church, preached in Westminster Church, Detroit, on Sunday last, morniiig and eveniug His pulpit was tiUed by Rev. Goorge Dufneld Mrs. Latlirop, of Jackson, a very popular lady preacher, is to occupy the pulpit of the M. E. Church on Sunday next, moruing and evening, and is expectöd to assist in ing the evening meeting during the week. Services have been held in the M. K. Church during the week as tollows : Monday and Tuesday evcnings, prayer meeting in the par. lors; Wednesday and Thursday evemugs, preaching in the Sunday school room ; and there ia to be preaching iu the same room this evening. Subjects of discourse of Eov. C. H. Brigham, at the Uuitarian Church next Sunday : Moruing- Skepticism and Doubt ; erening - Islam and the Koran. Studeuts class at 9.30 A. M. - Tlie Character of David. The Rev. Mr. George, a newly arrived Enghshman, preachod in the Fifth ward Church last Sunday afternoon and in the M. E. Church in the 9vening. The Kev. Mr. Hubbell, of the Congregational Church, writes from Cliiton Springa, N. Y., that he should leave for Amherst, Maas., last Monday. He has cousiderably improved in health. The Centennial Tea Party held Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in the Unitariau Church, under the auspices of the Ladies of the Congregational Church, was a pleasant and succsssfui affair, notting about $300 to the organ fuud. Mr Israel Hall gave the ladies $100 (which is in addition to the abovo amount)' and the expenses for the church were paid - either by Mr. H., or other geueroua friends. We chronicle tiie geneiosity of Mr. H. and the good luck of the ladies with pleasure.