University Notes And Gossip

- Prof. H. B. Hutching closea his labora with the present year, aud we loaru mtends to enter upon the practica of law at Komeo. - Dr. Augell visited the Fluit Schools laat week, - in auswer to the application to be con. tinued on the hst oí diploma admission schools. Continued. - Prof. Adttms will address the Normal Lyceum, Ypsilauti, this evening. Subject : The Relations of Higher Education to National Prospurity. - A special meeting of the Board of Regents has been called for 7 o'clock this evening : to hear the report of the laboratory investigating coramittoo. - Prot. Morgan, of the College of Homeopathy, was reported at the Cuutennial on the 8th, " rendering services by his practical suggestions," to the managers of the " Woman's Pavilion." - The Ypsilanti Union Senvnary (not school) has been placed on the list of schools the stuients of which will be admitted to the Unirersity the coming year on diplomas and without examination. A New Oechabd Pest.- A few days ago Mr. A. W. Britton, of this city, showed us bottled specimens of s small black Worm, taken from the orchurd of Jacob Bullinger, in Lima. These worms made their appearance ou a tree or two last year, and this year had already stripped the foliage Irom thirty iarge apple trees, with no appearance of being satiated. Mr. Butten had shown the " varmiuts " to Prof. Harrington and others, by whose advice he proposed to forward them to Prof. Cook, of the Agncultural College, for name, deacnpttion of habita, etc. Prof. Cook pronouuces it the " Cauker Worm." It is fully described in his work ou the "InjuriOU3 insects of Michigan," and the metbods and meaus of guarding ngainst its ravages given. Papers smeared with tar or printers irifc tacked around the tree to prevent the ascent of the mot her moth, or neater and better a band of iach rope drawn close around and tacked to the tree, auj around the rope a strip of tiu four or five inches wide. If closely tacked the moth oanuot get above the trap but will lay its eggs along the rope under the tiu aud the larvas can be dwtroyod by a liberal appli:atiou of kerosene oil. The worms once getting upou the tree stravr may be placed baueath it, thu tree jarred, the l'alliug worms detached from their long silken thread by a pole, and then the straw burued. Prof. Cook thiuks that taken in time the spread to neighboring orchards may be prevented. Constant watchfuliiess is necessary, and work in the marnier given, to save the orcharda. The Supervisors. - A special gession of tha Board of Supervisors was held, pursuant to statute, at the Court House in this city, on Monday last, for the purpose of equaHzing the tax rolls of the several townships and cities. A quorum was present at the ürst calling of the roll by the Clerk, and Supervisor Shurtleff, of Ann Arbor Township, was matle teniporary chairman. In the attaruoDU the inembers of the Board were all present, and a permanent organizatiou was eftected by eleeting Nathan Pierce, of Lima, Chairman. A resolution was adopted fixing $9,000,000 as fhe basis of equalïzation, and another adopting the equalization of the last aunual seasion. Supervisor Wheeler, of Salem, was appointed to represent the interests of the county at the coming meeting of the State Board of Equalization, after which the Board adjourned sine die. -The short work made by the Board we are inclined to think resu'ted from the impression that the equal'xation was only temporary, and that more thorongh work would be made at the October session. We suggest to the Supervisors that the law only provideB for once equalizing the assessnient rolls in eacli year, and they will find no warrant for overhauling the work of Mondaj. The time and cost of the annual two weekB' wrestling match will be saved to the county. i - One William Edward Choats, of Chelsea, writes to the Ecening New, of Detroit, to correct " a false idea with reference to the action of the State Medical Society" which " the public presa seems to be laboriug under." The correction takes the form of an assertion : "There was no effort made by the State Society to throw out the graduates of the regular medical department." And this in fac of tha fact that graduates of the class of '76, reeommended for membership, were objected to and made to wait the report of the "Committes of Nine," and in the haste of the Society to run away from Bome imaginary ghest, wre not even adinitted after that report. And also in face of the attempted amendment of th constitution fur the purpose of shutting out graduates of future classes. Equally unfortunate is William Edward Choate in citing the act of 1875 establishing a homeopathie medical college. " Bills " or " acts " or " laws " sonietimea have two readings, and Dr. Klein, of Detroit, whose orthodoxy will not bs questioned, told the Society that the Regenta had correctly iuterpreted the act,- that the Legislatura did not mean a duphcation of chairs. William Edward Choate's logic ani facts are " crooked " enough eveu though he may take his medicine " 8traight." Visitors to the Centenuial will do themselves a favor by looking into the claims of the Detroit and Cleveland line ot steamers- the Northwest and E. N. Bice. These boats have always been favorites of the traveling public between Detroit and Cleveland, leaving each city at 9 o'clock p. M. daily, Suudaya excepted, and arriving at either end in time for earliest moruing trams. The proprietora having in view the centennial year travel have arranged a series of excursión routes from Cleveland or Detroit even, offering 300 cenibinations- including the Clevelaud, Pittsburg and Pennsylvania ; the Baltimore and Ohio ; the Lake Shore, Erie, and Lehigh Valley; the Lake Shore, N. Y. Central, and Northern Central ; the Atlantic and Great Western, Erie, Lehigh Valley, N. Peun., etc. By selectiug routes and conuections, which are close, the round trip may be made to take in the tiuest scenery and the greatest amount of comfort and enjoyment secured. See card in appropriate column.