University of Michigan: Faculty Women's Club Fall reception, October 1967

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Invitation To The Dance: Members had an opportunity to sign for the series of four faculty-alumni dances planned for the year at Wednesday's reception of the Faculty Women's Club. Here committee members Mrs. William J. Pierce (left) and Mrs. Henry J. Montoye help Mrs. Harvey L. Garner with registration for the series, as a member of another of the club's 50 interest groups looks on. Members also had a chance to visit with friends.
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Invitation To The Dance: Members had an opportunity to sign for the series of four faculty-alumni dances planned for the year at Wednesday's reception of the Faculty Women's Club. Here committee members Mrs. William J. Pierce (left) and Mrs. Henry J. Montoye help Mrs. Harvey L. Garner with registration for the series, as a member of another of the club's 50 interest groups looks on. Members also had a chance to visit with friends.
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